It says "Sister Hui"!

Helplessly pressed the answer button, and the volume in Jia Chen's ear exploded instantly: "Boy! You're not coming back yet!" "Go back so early?" Jia Chen sneered, a little embarrassed.

After all, when he was out on vacation this time, he threw Hualong directly to Sister Hui, and he was completely a hands-off shopkeeper.

"It's still so early? Do you know what time I went to bed last night? Do you know how much hair I've lost recently? You said it's still early?" Sister Hui kept complaining.

Jia Chen had to keep the phone away from his ear.

After five or six minutes, when there was no sound on the other end of the phone, Jia Chen got it to his ear.

"Sister Hui, the world is so beautiful, don't be so violent." Jia Chen persuaded. "you……"

From Sister Hui's short words, Jia Chen learned a lot. He knew that if the other party was in front of him now, he would most likely be hacked to death.

It's a pity that the distance between the two of them is not a little bit, and it still takes some time to cut him. …for flowers 0…

"Hurry back to my mother, or wait until you come back and see that Hualong is gone! It's none of my business!" Sister Hui said in a low voice.

"No? Let's build another one." Jia Chen said calmly, not taking Sister Hui's threat seriously at all.

"You..." Sister Hui didn't know what to say for a while, she could only sigh how could there be such a brazen person in the world!

"You can come back if you don't want to, but you have to promise me a condition!" Sister Hui suddenly changed her words.Jia Chen was taken aback: "What conditions?" "Endorsement!"

"Endorsement?" Jia Chen looked bewildered, "Don't do it! I'm a director, what can I do on behalf of?!" "If you don't do it, you will come back!" Sister Hui replied.

Jia Chen was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "What kind of endorsement actually allows our sister Hui to lobby in person?"

"A magazine." Sister Hui explained.

"A magazine needs an endorsement?" Jia Chen was quite surprised, he hadn't heard of any magazine that had an endorsement.

"New concept! An old classmate, I have to help! Besides, it is also good for you." Sister Hui said, with a hint of helplessness in her tone.

"Old lover?" Jia Chen teased.

"Woman!" Sister Hui said angrily, "After three days, I'll let them go to the beach to find you!" "Don't..."

beep beep...

A busy sound rang, and Jia Chen was speechless.

Unexpectedly, Sister Hui was so decisive and hung up the phone directly.

"Sister Hui?" Emma asked with a smile.

Jia Chen nodded slightly: "Alas, there will be a magazine endorsement in three days..."

"Three days, Sister Hui is so kind to you." Emma sighed with envy in her tone.

Jia Chen turned his head to look at her, doubting his ears a little. He was on vacation here, and Sister Hui asked for an endorsement. Is this really good for him?The logic inside is completely incomprehensible.

"Which other artist doesn't make an endorsement by himself, you can let the other party come to the door!" Emma sighed at Jia Chen's behavior of being in a blessing without knowing the blessing.

When Jia Chen heard this, it seemed to be true.

But soon Jia Chen didn't think about it again, and his eyes fell on the tablet in front of him.

"How come you have an idea?" Emma asked from the side, with some expectation on her face.

"It's still early! Where is it now!" Jia Chen sighed and put the tablet on one side of the table.

A four-frame screen is displayed on the tablet, and a line of words is written on the top, Detective. ……five.

Chapter 590 Great Contrast

Three days later, on the beach.

The phone rang suddenly, and Jia Chen looked up.

The words "Sister Hui" were displayed there.

"Sister Hui?" Jia Chen asked, with a lazy tone.

These days on the private beach, he has been nesting here and hasn't moved much.

"Are you ready?" Sister Hui's voice came.

"What are you going to prepare?" Jia Chen asked.

"Magazine endorsement!" Sister Hui said angrily.

"Then what do I need to prepare? I'm a perfect model at that station!" Jia Chen smiled, not caring at all. "Haha." Sister Hui laughed mercilessly, but then said again, "I hope you can still have this confidence later." "Confidence is something I never lack!" Somewhat strange.

Sister Hui rarely speaks like this. Could it be difficult for someone who will come over later to deal with it?

At this moment, there was a sound of brakes in the distance, "San Qi Qi".

Jia Chen turned his head and looked back, but saw nothing.

However, Sister Hui's voice came from her ear: "She should be here! I'm hanging up!" The phone showed that she had hung up.

Jia Chen was speechless for a while. With the sound of the brakes, Sister Hui judged the other party right?

Looking back carefully, Jia Chen finally saw it.

A super large off-road vehicle is parked on the beach not far away, looking extra wild.

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