On the ninth day of the lunar new year, most of them officially went to work, which relieved those who had not bought tickets so far.

When they go to work, it proves that at least half of the movie theater seats during the day are less than half of them snapped up!

But what they didn't expect was that even in this case, the movie tickets for the day were still sold out!

The people who still didn't get the tickets were messed up in the air.

They were very "angry" and "indignant" to write and speak out, and some of them were particularly wonderful, and went directly to the hot search, "Sorry for the beginning of the new year - did you get the tickets? "It's hard to buy a ticket for a thousand dollars! ""There are still too few theaters! "

These humorous hot searches made everyone laugh.

And many magazines that are published every week also surprised everyone in the first issue of 2013. "Wow! The cover of this magazine is actually Nezha, which is too kawaii." "I want to collect this magazine, and it's a pity that I haven't seen the movie yet!"

"Not only the red dress, but also the lone one! What? Youth Wenlu also uses Nezha as the cover?"

"Not only that, but there is also a chapter in it which is an exclusive interview with the character of Nezha!"

You must know that these are magazines with their own reputation. Even if they are many stars, they don't have a certain strength, and they don't have the qualification to be in a certain magazine!


Not to mention taking up an entire chapter by yourself!

An entire chapter is devoted to an exclusive interview with Ne Zha. What is the concept?

Every magazine is clenching its teeth and secretly competing, and no one wants to let the limelight that attracted everyone's attention out.

However, the practice of the magazines is widely loved by the people!

Because of the purchase of Jia Chen's copyright, the magazine shows very restore the image of Nezha.

And the major magazines, all of which were shown on Nezha, were all sold out one after another!

Make those magazines who were hesitant before cry without tears, they just want to wait and see.

But this hesitation made them lose money directly in this issue!

The magazines that did not appear in Nezha, in contrast, the sales were very bleak.

And those magazines that bought the copyright of Nezha in advance were also printing new magazines overnight, and the harvest was full of pots.

Western Film Society.

After a few days of fermentation, the vice president had to convene everyone to hold a video conference again.

The CEOs of film groups in various places are frowning slightly at this moment.

Because not only the vice presidents, but even their relatives and friends are starting to Amway's movie tickets that have not yet been released in the West!

Jingle - everyone looked at the vice president, and the meeting was interrupted.

After hanging up the phone, the vice president's expression changed unpredictably.

"Who was it just now? Chen. Jia?"

At this juncture, everyone has guessed it.

Because foreign netizens not only put pressure on the Western Film Association, but also on the major software Art Jiachen Studio, and strongly hope that it can also be released in their countries!

The vice-chairman nodded, he originally wanted to reject Jia Chen, and he had to negotiate conditions if he couldn't. He definitely couldn't let Jia Chen easily put the movie into the Western market!

But he is not qualified now!

"Nezha's Devil Child Comes into the World" was successfully released in major Western theaters.

On the day of the release, foreign netizens were all boiling!

Even though they have been waiting for a few days, their curiosity about this drama has not diminished because of the passage of time, but has only grown stronger!

Ten minutes after the release, the box office was sold out!

Those who grabbed the box office were overjoyed and entered the arena excitedly with their movie tickets.

Hualong Pictures!

It was the familiar golden-yellow dragon that appeared, no matter how many times they watched it, they would still be shocked by the appearance of this dragon!

Is this the poor culture?

The screen continued to play, different from the restraint at the beginning of the western cartoon, the humorous beginning also amused the foreign fans.

"".How did this come up?This Taiyi real person is so ugly, but he is so ugly and cute! "" Is Jia Chen so humorous? "

The picture continued to play, and everyone was staring at the big screen in front of them.

The plot has entered a white-hot stage, and Ao Bing's second appearance is actually a scene of hostility to Xiao Nezha!

(good king good)

This made the fans who had been very fond of Nezha breath stagnant, and felt very distressed about what happened to Nezha.

"I didn't expect that at this time, a four-year-old Nezha actually took on the heavy responsibility!"

"God, Nezha is so distressing."

"I really like the setting of Nezha!"

"I didn't expect that a bad animation could be made so well!"

Everyone was talking in a low voice, and they who were eating french fries and popcorn had stopped their movements unknowingly.

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