The chief producer of "Monster Company" looked ugly looking at the data that had been standing still and not growing.

The rest of the staff who were resting were also called to gather at this moment.

The chief producer took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. "What's going on? Who can give me an explanation?!"

"Chen. Jia's movie is out....So...after they found out, they all..."Bang! "enough!"

"Chen. Jia, Chen. Jia, it's Chen again. Jia! Why is it because of him again! Damn it!" The chief producer slammed the table hard and interrupted his subordinates.

Everyone in the audience bowed their heads at this moment, for fear that they would touch the bad head of the chief producer.

They also didn't expect that the new cartoon that they promoted half a month before 0.5 was not as good as Jia Chen's cartoon that was released a few hours before its release!

Cartoons used to be the pride of their Disney!

Since when did it gradually become that Jia Chen holds the initiative? ! "Boss, calm down, maybe tomorrow will be fine, they are just trying to be fresh." A man with a low psychological quality was directly scared and comforted. "You're teaching me how to do things with a messenger? Who is going to quell his anger?!" "You, got fired!"

Everyone was in an uproar, looking at these people who were used as punching bags by the chief producer, their hearts were very complicated.

Their efforts day and night, just because they are inferior to others, are worthless at this moment!

What the chief producer didn't know was that because of his actions, he was pushing the hearts and minds under him further and further.

And the named employee was heartbroken at the moment. .

Chapter 566

At the same time, other statistics have also come out!

Disney's chief producer looked at the data in front of him with an ugly expression. Since Jia Chen's voice, the refund rate of "Monster Company" has skyrocketed, especially after 6 pm, all tickets have been refunded!

This is simply making room for "The Legend of Nezha: The Devil Child Comes into the World"!

"You guys, get me Jia Chen's new movie, but I want to see what's written in it!" A team leader raised his head slightly and whispered.

"Boss... This ticket is estimated to be unavailable... Now the theaters that are missing, the theaters that can be reserved... are all full!" "What?! Was that movie not shown at Disney?" The chief producer was obviously taken aback. .

Why don't you take this opportunity to release a movie with such an intense reflection in Chaina around the world?

What is Jia Chen selling?

The chief producer clenched his brows, his fist on the table was clenched hard, and things had far exceeded his expectations.

He took a few deep breaths on the spot, Shen Sheng told his subordinates to reserve movie tickets as much as possible, and then left directly.

On the forum, the audience is also having a heated discussion!

"When Nezha was reincarnated by Tiandao, 21 was saved his soul, does that mean that there is a second part?"

"There must be! Little Nezha is so cute!"

"Why are you all discussing Nezha, am I the only one who likes Ao Bing?" "Lingzhu and magic pill are inseparable!"

"Although it's only an hour and a half, the content is really burning!" "I look forward to the second Nezha directed by Jia Chen!"

Some people have even started searching the Internet to use Nezha as their avatar!

"My life is up to me" and "No one can be as handsome as me" has also become the preferred signature of major software people.

At the same time, every audience who came out of the screening hall looked excited and were talking excitedly!

The classic lines in "The Legend of Nezha: The Devil Child Comes into the World" were sent out in their mouths, and their comments reached the ears of audiences who had not seen the movie, making those audiences even more curious!

This is not only the case in first-tier cities like Chang'an!Movie theaters across the country are like this!

As the audience discussed, Transformers became more and more popular all over the country!

And in this kind of popularity, the box office on the first day of the birth of the legendary demon boy of Nezha was counted!

The box office broke 1.56 million on the first day!It reached [-] Chinese dollars!

Then the box office of the second day and the third day was also counted!The box office exceeded [-] million Chinese dollars in three days!

And the Monster Company, which was released on the first day of the new year with Nezha, has hardly moved since the box office fluctuated during the day on the first day of the new year!Not even a million at the box office!

The Monster Company threw it all out!The legendary devil boy of Nezha came into the world and once again broke through the history of animation!

The upsurge of Nezha in Chaina will naturally be noticed by other foreign media, not to mention the director of this cartoon is Jia Chen! "A very bad animation? ""The Devil Child of the Legend of Nezha came into the world, and the content exploded! ""Jia Chen's new work!The successive reports of "Causing Upsurge" have also spread in major foreign software. After seeing the words "Chen. Jia", foreign netizens clicked in curiously.

They haven't forgotten that the Transformers created by Jia Chen before are even more exciting than Hollywood blockbusters!

After reading the report, foreign friends were all deeply attracted by Nezha's rebellious, quirky, kind and alert character!

Because it looks so much like themselves!

Under the ideological education of their prosperous human rights, Nezha's image of being independent and having his own ideas is deeply liked by them!

They continued to search the Internet for as little video about the movie as possible. "God! Nezha is so handsome!" "Why haven't we released it here yet??" "Can even a badly-made animation be so hot?"

"Why do we have the right to choose to watch the movies that are released in the first place, but we don't have the right to watch the movies that are released?!" "We strongly demand that the movie theaters be released! I want to watch too!"

The commotion abroad also made the Western Film Association feel helpless.

The vice president narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at everyone present.

The rest of the people turned their attention to the Nezha trailer that had ended on the big screen.

Everyone was silent after reading it.

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