The media who published the news were dumbfounded.

This works!

If I had known, they would not have bothered to write so many press releases before, and just took two more photos of Jia Chen and published them. Anyway, the amount of reading is the same!

Jia Chen ignored the international voices and began to prepare the content of the speech of the International Film Association. Every year, the International Film Association will send a representative to give a speech. The content of the speech is about how to promote the development of films and the outlook for films and film festivals.

What he wants to prepare is very simple, all about how the Chaina Film Festival should be based in the 21st world in the future.

This is why Jia Chen agreed to participate in this speech.

Jia Chen didn't spend much time writing these speeches. After he finished writing, he called Xu Huizhen and told her that he would go home in two days.

Soon, January 1th is here.

The lawn in Chang'an Cathedral was crowded with people. In addition to the members of the Film Association, the most authoritative film organizations and film and television media set up machines to record the content of today's speeches and conferences.

As a special guest of the International Film Producers Association, Jia Chen was the first to host the opening ceremony and give a speech.

Most of the members of the association standing below had the faces of Westerners. They looked at Jia Chen with admiration or admiration in their eyes, but these emotions were superficial, and only a few stood in the middle of the crowd. The oriental people in the middle looked at Jia Chen with deep expectation!

Jia Chen is their hope, and the most anticipated hope in the history of creating Chaina films!

After Jia Chen's speech, they will find an opportunity to directly ask the association to ask Jia Chen to join the association. I believe that on this occasion, no one should reject this proposal.

After all, Jia Chen's achievements are here, and no one can surpass it!

Just when everyone looked at Jia Chen with different eyes, Jia Chen had already walked to the front with the microphone, cleared his throat and started his speech.

"I am very happy to be invited by the International Film Producers Association to give a speech here. My goal with the association has always been the same, that is, to hope that the film industry can develop in an all-round way, but what I want to propose here today is Not a whole, but a matter of regions..."

Hearing Jia Chen say this, many people held their breath and looked at Jia Chen silently.

They had a hunch that Jia Chen was about to say something surprising.

Sure enough, Jia Chen said solemnly.

"I think the Western world monopolizes too many film resources internationally, which makes it impossible for films in the Eastern world to develop well. Therefore, I call on the association to face up to the contribution made by the Eastern World in the film industry, and face up to it. Some reasonable requests!"


Jia Chen dares to say it!

People outside the association all looked at Jia Chen with a surprised look. I never thought that he would dare to say these words directly to the association in the content of his speech!

It is undeniable that Jia Chen is telling the truth. In fact, there have been no good film works in the eastern world in the past ten years, but everything, including review and exposure, is more or less developed by the most developed film industry. countries are in control.

Capitalists have already penetrated everywhere, while domestic capitalists are very few.

Therefore, only a few of the poorly received films have entered the international perspective.

Now, Jia Chen's appeal is to reverse this phenomenon, and he wants to fight for everything that the eastern world deserves!

"The films of the eastern world are not lost to the western world! What we need is more information and resources, and the world should face us!"

After Jia Chen's remarks, the expressions of many people in the Film Association changed. What he meant by these words was that he wanted the Film Association to hand over all the resources currently owned by the Western world to the Eastern world.

They are not stupid, how could they agree!

This is a fact recognized by the film industry all over the world, but it has always been dominated by film and television people in the Western world, so no one has come forward to raise this issue, and even if it is raised, no one will pay attention, because it will never happen. be valued.

But Jia Chen's voice was different.

Each of his words is very heavy, enough to attract everyone's attention!

The poor members of the association had been holding back for a long time. After hearing Jia Chen's words, they immediately stood up from the team and proposed to everyone.

"I think Jia Chen can play a positive role in the world's films. He can lead the films of the eastern world to develop better and better, thereby promoting the progress of the whole world film industry, so we propose... let Mr. Jia Chen join. International Film Producers Association!"


The members of other countries all turned their heads to look at the members of Chaina, who did not expect them to come out like this on a whim!

Many people started to talk about it, as if they didn't know how to deal with the current situation. "The proposal is too sudden. Would it be too young for Jia Chen to join the association?"

"Too young is the point! If Jia Chen joins, won't the Eastern World really start to have resources?"

"But how could Jia Chen not be allowed to join? Even the achievements of the president can only be compared with Jia Chen's. Others have no right to object!" "God, how to choose, it's too difficult."

"What is there to choose? With Jia Chen's qualifications, even if he joins the association and becomes the vice president, he is eligible!"

The scene fell into chaos for a while, only Jia Chen looked very calm, and did not show any other expressions because of the suggestions of these poor members, but just looked at everything in front of him plainly.

Just when everyone was discussing urgently, Jia Chen clapped his hands.

In an instant, everyone quieted down and turned their heads to look at Jia Chen. When they saw the calm expression on Jia Chen's face, for some unknown reason, everyone started to calm down slowly, waiting for Jia Chen to speak.

Standing on the stage, Jia Chen seemed to have an air of a leader in his body. Just standing still, everyone would not dare to make any noise.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Jia Chen cleared his throat and said.

"Everyone, listen to me...".

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Chapter 552 New Film Association?

"Thank you for the invitation of the members of your association, but I do not plan to join the International Film Producers Association. I will start a new film association myself, please wait and see."

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