Netizens are very high on "Thunderstorm". For domestic audiences, they have not seen much drama before, but Jia Chen's drama has opened the door to a new world for them!

All are willing to try to support the drama in the future.

In addition to them, various drama experts also stood up to analyze "Thunderstorm".

"Drama is conflict, and the conflict setting of "Thunderstorm" takes its own characteristics and reaches the extreme!"

"Every character in Thunderstorm is memorable, and the character building is more memorable than its plot conflict."

"Thunderstorm has a poetic beauty. If you read the lines carefully, you will find that many of them can be recited over and over again." "This is a moving play, a long play of great character!"

For several days in a row, "Thunderstorm" has become a hot topic of discussion for everyone around the world. In addition to the complexity of its plot, it is also discussed by people, and more importantly, the person who wrote the script is also constantly discussed by the world.

So genius.

Jia Chen is so talented.

When he was only 20 years old, he wrote such a thoughtful drama, which directly surpassed almost all drama writers in the world. Everyone's admiration for Jia Chen is even deeper!

Everyone is looking forward to Jia Chen's next move.

Jia Chen did not pay too much attention to the international evaluation. After leaving the theater, he rushed to the company and began to supervise the production of "Despicable Me".

During the performance of "Thunderstorm", the basic framework of Despicable Me had been constructed, and the rest only needed to fill in the content. Because it was an animation production, a voice actor was needed to dub it in real time.

Jia Chen did the dubbing for Gru, while other characters Jia Chen invited some big-name star teams to do the dubbing.

In the process of filming film and television dramas, there are often mistakes in radio recording due to equipment reasons, and it needs to be dubbed again later. Jia Chen is very familiar with this process, so dubbing is only a small problem for him.

The only thing that is different from dubbing in film and television dramas is that animation dubbing needs to exaggerate their speech and pitch as much as possible when dubbing, which is somewhat similar to performing a drama.During the dubbing scene, Jia Chen's vivid dubbing voice directly made many of the staff at the scene laugh along with him.

Just when recording the dubbing of Minions, Miyazaki Jun asked Jia Chen a little puzzled.

"Mr. Jia Chen, these little yellow people really don't need to talk, won't the audience feel annoyed by the sound of Balabala?" Jia Chen laughed.

"Don't worry, it is their characteristic that they can't speak. If they can speak, this characteristic will disappear." Is it characteristic...

Miyazaki Jun fell into deep thought, and in a moment he understood what Jia Chen meant.

Sometimes doing the opposite can create unexpected effects!

Under Jia Chen's guidance, the filming of "Despicable Me" went very smoothly, and even the animation production team was surprised.


It was obviously the first time for Jia Chen to make an animation, but the effect and speed were top-notch. Sure enough, talented people are different!

For several days, Jia Chen stayed at the company to record "Despicable Me". After a few days, the overall performance of the international drama was completely over, Zhang Hong contacted Jia Chen.

"Mr. Jia Chen, the final evaluation results of the Global Drama Competition will be held at [-]:[-] pm on Tuesday. I will send someone to pick you up at that time." Jia Chen said. "Row."

After hanging up the phone, Jia Chen also had some expectations in his heart. As the first attempt in the field, Jia Chen naturally wanted to achieve a good result, and he also had this confidence. As long as he arrived at the assessment site, he would It will stand in front of everyone with a tough attitude with a domestic drama! .

Chapter 507 Witness the Miracle Happening

on Tuesday.

Chang'an National Grand Theater.

At about [-]:[-] in the evening, one after another of luxury cars drove to the entrance of the Grand Theater. It was different from the dress in the performance. Now everyone is dressed more formally, and there is a bit of seriousness in their expressions.

International reporters filmed with members of various drama troupes on both sides of the road.

Today's assessment results will be watched by everyone around the world!

Whether the troupe of Chainai can create a miracle and win the first place depends on the evaluation results tonight!

A few minutes later, Jia Chen's car also arrived at the entrance of the theater. Today, Jia Chen simply wore a white sweater. He looked casual but not casual, and his sunny and handsome appearance appeared in the public eye. caused many women to scream.

Seeing Jia Chen's appearance, the international reporters immediately flocked to Jia Chen's side and handed over the microphone.

"Mr. Jia Chen, do you still insist on your opinion, do you think Chaina's drama will win the first place?"

"Mr. Jia Chen, what do you think of other countries' drama performances? Can you predict the final result?"

"Mr. Jia Chen, "Thunderstorm" is currently very popular all over the world. Can you tell me how you got the inspiration for the creation?"

"Mr. Jia Chen, how many points do you think Thunderstorm will get in the end?"

A series of questions were thrown at Jia Chen. Faced with these questions, he just smiled gently and said.

"I still stand by my point of view, this time the number one will only belong to the poor."

After speaking, Jia Chen entered the theater directly.

The reporter behind him slapped Jia Chen's figure.

so arrogant...

As soon as Jia Chen's speech came out, I don't know how many girls would scream because of it!

The largest performance hall in the theater was already filled with members of repertoire troupes from all over the world. After Jia Chen entered the studio, he quickly took his seat. However, others found Jia Chen the moment he entered the performance hall. His eyes were fixed on him.

Although the ranking and scores have not been announced, there is no doubt that Jia Chen is the real protagonist of the performance hall!

The representative of the judges of the drama competition came to the stage soon. He had a thick envelope in his hand, which recorded the performance results of more than [-] drama troupes.

This drama evaluation is not only about the performances of the actors, but will also be judged from a number of professional levels such as scripts and costumes. The representatives of the judges cleared their throats.

"The final results of this competition have all been counted. There are 25 teams with the same score, and 75 teams are ranked this time. After the teams with the same score are ranked, they will be tied for results. The results of this competition will be announced from low to high. , first I will announce the 75th place result"."

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