Qian Qian looked at Jia Chen with the itinerary.

"Xiao Chenchen, the charity party will start the night after tomorrow. What is the estimated fund for participating in the charity fundraising this time? I will prepare it in advance." Is the estimated fund?

Jia Chen hadn't thought about it carefully.

In the past, he did charity spontaneously, or he was the organizer to organize charity auctions. Participating in this kind of charity party was the first time for Jia Chen to participate. It is true that he needs to prepare the estimated funds in advance...

Seeing that Jia Chen didn't speak, Qian Qian continued.

"Xiao Chenchen, this international charity gala is a relatively large-scale charity gala in Italy, and there will be many international media participating, including news agencies in the United States, news agencies in the country, and Reuters in Britain. Party interview."

"The people who come to this party are all international celebrities. In order to improve their reputation, they should donate a lot of money at this charity party. I suggest that our donation this time should not be less than 3000 million US dollars."

This is a very fair statement.

The people who come to the party to interview and shoot are the mainstream media of various countries. Unlike the general entertainment media, their reports are more authoritative. The more money they can donate in such a party, the prestige in the hearts of the people of various countries can also be improved. .

223 Just thinking about it, you can guess that everyone who came to the charity party this time will donate a large amount of donations.

However, Jia Chen has always been serious about doing charity. He didn't want to use charity to gain a higher prestige. For him, this runs counter to the purpose of charity...

He decided to participate in this charity party because he was really going to come and do charity.

He disdains the prestige gained by hypocrisy.

Jia Chen thought about it.

"Sister Qian, do you have a list of projects for this charity gala? I want to look at the projects before making a decision."

Hearing this, Qian Qian immediately took out a list from her bag and handed it to Jia Chen.

"Xiao Chenchen, these are the list of this charity party. It's just that the ones I have here are relatively large-scale charity projects. If you need to subdivide it, you need to ask the staff of the party for it. Do you need it?"

Generally, such large-scale charity evenings will only give specific project names, such as protecting natural resources and reducing world carbon dioxide emissions. book.

Jia Chen nodded.

"Nothing else, just help me get the children to fund the projects in this column."

He looked at the major categories in the brochure. Almost all of them were projects such as new energy research and development and environmental protection and carbon saving. Only the projects funded by children attracted Jia Chen's attention.

Hearing Jia Chen's order, Qian Qian directly called the party organizer to ask for the project. Ten minutes later, the project list was sent to Qian Qian's mailbox.

Qian Qian opened the item list and handed it to Jia Chen.

There are not many items on the project list. There are only a dozen items in total, and many of them are to support children's wishes to complete various festivals.When Jia Chen saw one of the projects, he was stunned, then fell silent.

After a while, he looked at Qian Qian.

"Sister Qian, I want to fund this project alone."

Qian Qian followed Jia Chen's finger to see that this was a funding project for orphans around the world, but the project level was very small, ranking at the bottom of all children's projects.

After reacting for a while, Qian Qian hesitated. "What does it mean to be funded alone?"

Jia Chen shrugged: "The charity gala will not start until the day after tomorrow, and every day more orphans will suffer, so I want to contact the foundation to fund this project now."

Qian Qian held her breath and looked at Jia Chen.

Having been with Jia Chen for so long, of course she knows that Jia Chen is a very kind person, but every time Jia Chen's kindness is beyond her expectations, everyone is thinking about whether this party can enhance their own prestige, only Jia Chen really cares about those children.

Jia Chen's (cbaf) personality charm is too strong.

The more you know him, the more attracted you will be to him!This is also the reason why Qian Qian is willing to spend all her youth by Jia Chen's side for so many years and take care of him wholeheartedly.

She not only loves Jia Chen, but also admires her!

After a long time, Qian Qian was shocked and continued to ask.

"Then Xiao Chenchen, how much do you plan to donate to this project?" Jia Chen wrote lightly. "5 million dollars."

Qian Qian fell into shock again and looked at Jia Chen in surprise. "what?"

"Xiao Chenchen, are you sure you want to fund so much money in advance? If you fund it now, this money will not be included in the funding for the charity gala. And is $5 million a bit too much?"

5 million US dollars... It is estimated that other people have donated it, and they can't wait to be able to tell the world the news, Jia Chen actually wants to donate so much money silently?

This is estimated to be more than the amount of money donated to a single large project!

Jia Chen nodded seriously.

This amount had been carefully considered by him. When he saw the project of sponsoring orphans, the first reaction in Jia Chen's mind was the cute and tender faces of Jia Yun and Jia Xiao.After becoming a father, Jia Chen's heart was much softer than before. He couldn't imagine what would happen if his daughter became an orphan.

So he decided to donate $5 million.

"But there are requirements for my donation. I demand that the project will be used to build orphanages in various countries. It's called Morningstar Orphanage. I also require people from our company to participate in the entire project of Morningstar Orphanage."

After Jia Chen said some thoughts on the construction of the orphanage, Qian Qian recorded them all one by one.

To think all the requirements in such detail in a short period of time, Jia Chen's brain is too powerful, it's hard to imagine that this is an idea he came up with on the fly.

After Jia Chen finished speaking, Qian Qian communicated with the charity party according to Jia Chen's wishes.

When he heard that Jia Chen was going to spend 5 million yuan to help orphans around the world, the other party was shocked and asked repeatedly.

"Are you sure Mr. Jia won't raise funds in two days?" Qian Qian answered proudly.

"No, he is sincerely doing charity and will not use the party to consume his love."

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