Holding MaggieQ's hand, I felt a sense of security I'd never felt before, as if she could solve everything, as if I didn't have to worry about anything at all, and I simply closed my stinging, tearful eyes and let her lead me forward, even as the fierce gunshots, the whistling bullets, the terrible howls, all seemed to move away from me, as if they were coming from the television.

"Everyone come closer, surround Chen Yuan!" I could hear MaggieQ talking loudly, and then I could feel a group of people surrounding me. We were trudging through the snow, feeling our way through the hole in the wall created by the man in black. Gradually, the sounds of gunfire quieted down.

I don't know how long I walked, but I felt the light darken in front of my eyes, and my companions around me began to disperse, and MaggieQ let go of my hand.

"Alright, you two should rest here for a bit." I heard MaggieQ say.

I tried to open my eyes, but there was so much pain, and the place was so dark that I couldn't even see a shadow. MaggieQ pulled me backwards until my knee touched something, and MaggieQ pressed my shoulder.

"Wash your eyes with this!" I felt a plastic bottle in my hand.

I opened the cap and fumbled my way to my eyes and fell down. My eyes felt cool, and the maddening burning went away, and at first I thought it was water, but then I smelled milk. It was milk.

As my eyes slowly recovered, the scenery in front of me gradually became clear. I saw myself in a dim room surrounded by broken blue plastic tables and chairs. It seemed like a small restaurant before.

San Mao, Monkey, Energetic Strength and Yang Yufan all sat by themselves and rubbed their eyes. Uncle Feng, on the other hand, sat on the seat with his back facing the sky, Aunt Chen kept on blowing into his eyes, but everyone seemed to be able to open their eyes, it wasn't as serious as I was. Maybe it was because they were not hit by the smoke at a close distance like I was.

, Zhang Yiling and the others who had not been hit by the Smoke Bombs were rather frightened. They collapsed on their seats and panted heavily, while Xiao Jie hugged Little Casey and consoled him softly. However, she seemed to be more flustered than Little Casey.

"You guys can wait for a while. In half an hour, you can go back!" MaggieQ said expressionlessly, then reached out his hand to me and said, "Give me that."

I took out the Ashura Seal from my pocket and handed it to her.

Ah!" When San Tu saw the golden seal, he screamed out in shock. He stopped reacting and acted like the person who committed suicide was saved at the last moment. Other than his own life, everything else was of no importance.

MaggieQ took the things and turned to leave. But before they had taken a few steps, San Mao called out to them:

"Who the hell are you? "Why don't zombies bite people when you're here?" San Mao said something that surprised me.

"It's not because of me!" MaggieQ threw the golden seal into the air and caught it — "It's because of it!"

"Wait for the girl!" At this time, San Tu seemed to have woken up from a dream, "What is the origin of this Asura Seal?"

"This is not the Asura Seal!" MaggieQ replied without turning his head, "This is some gold and stone!"

MaggieQ stepped out of the door and disappeared into the thick white fog.

I saw that San Tu was flabbergasted with a face full of surprise, as if he had heard some kind of incredible news. It has been more than half a year and I've heard of the name Gold Stone, but now isn't the time to get to the bottom of it. My eyes were no longer burning, and I looked at the milk bottle in my hand, which had a year on it, and then at the date of production.

"Is everyone all right? Are you hurt? " I asked, standing up.

Everyone slowly shook their heads at me. When I looked at the Uncle Feng and the Aunt Chen, they couldn't help but start crying.

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Uncle Feng patted Aunt Chen's back to comfort him, and then smiled at me embarrassedly. I knew Aunt Chen was feeling sorry for my wife, and silently said that I would not let Uncle Feng participate in any dangerous activities in the future.

But Aunt Chen's cry also caused Yang Yufan to sob loudly. He sat on a low stool, with his head between his legs, and at first he sobbed softly, but in the end, he couldn't control himself and turned into crying. I knew that on one hand, he was sad for Lv's death, and on the other hand, he was also despairing of his uncertain fate.

"F * ck his mother!" San Mao cursed loudly, kicked a chair in front of him, and walked out of the door with a shake of his hand.

I stood there, listening to the house full of despairing cries, feeling my chest grow stiffer and stiffer until it felt like it was about to explode. I took a deep breath and followed.

Outside the door, San Mao had a cigarette in his mouth. When he saw me come out, he handed the cigarette pack to me.

I took out a cigarette, lit it up with the lighter San Mao gave me, and took a deep breath. I looked ahead in a daze. The world was so white that I couldn't see where I had come from nor the end of it.

Fortunately, half an hour passed quickly.

"Brother Yuan, why don't I go take a look first? I'm very fast, just in case that woman made a mistake and we don't need to take the risk!" Just as I was about to call everyone back, Monkey volunteered to come out and say.

Although I trusted MaggieQ very much, I couldn't help but accept Monkey's suggestion without having to be extra careful.

After waiting anxiously for another half an hour, Monkey came back. Before he even got here, he shouted at us, "He's really gone! The Zombie are all gone! "

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