Endless journey through the dimension

An Endless Journey Through Dimensions Chapter 406

Ling Fei disagreed, and slept lazily on the soft bed, turning over indifferently amid the increasingly violent explosion.



Where did the sad little hotel endure the "close contact" of the shells, sawdust flying everywhere, and the originally well-preserved hotel collapsed instantly.

The brilliant fire light reflected the horizon, and the thunderous explosion sounded through the world.An armor-piercing bomb turned the entire hotel into a hell on earth, leaving everything in smoke.

Finally, when the turmoil subsides, when the gunpowder is gone, the scene is black.Extinct everything and razed to the ground, the words originally used as exaggerations in the book are now truly presented to the world.There is no life, a life of death, this is true despair, it is true destruction.


Suddenly a top boulder rolled down the slope

A dark hand stretched out barely.


"Ah~~~" Ling Fei woke up in surprise.

He had a dream just now, a terrible nightmare that he was suddenly bombed by a cannonball.

But when the dream woke up, he felt even more terrifying, because he was not lying or standing, but being passively buried?

Think of here...

The strong golden light centered on him, and immediately enveloped the entire ruined hotel around him.

"Crack, click..."

On the huge rock above Ling Fei, there appeared a series of cracks like a spider web, and a large amount of dust and rubble were constantly falling down on the top.

With a loud noise, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and then the temperature in the air suddenly burned to the ground, and everything in the ruins was reduced to ashes.

Ling Fei, who was suspended in the air, glanced at his black body, his teeth clenched and his breathing became heavier. At this time, his emotions seemed very unstable.

Turning his head abruptly, looking at the battlefield suddenly filled with smoke not far away, Ling Fei closed his eyes and took a deep breath, galloping away with a smile on his face.

The thick black clouds are billowing and billowing, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, and it is difficult for the sun to pass through. Even though it is just early in the morning, the brightness between the sky and the earth is very low. Although it is not too low to see the five fingers, it is only brighter than the night. Slightly better.

"Ah, don't come...Don't come!" a middle-aged man screamed heartily, trembling all over, his legs shaking like a sieve machine, his face pale as paper!

He is a "conscientious" worker who has been taking care of flowers and plants all his life "with no complaints", except that he has nothing to do, likes to fool people, hold cheap or dying flowers, and deceive those who do not understand flowers and still grow flowers. Besides, there are not too many waves in life, and he is already fifty-one!


The end of the world has come, countless human beings bite each other, and the scene at first glance looks like hell.

Reality like a nightmare almost collapsed,

With the only food left in the family, he successfully survived for three months.

During the period, it was not that no one knocked on the door carefully to ask for some food, but he refused without hesitation, and even deliberately made a loud noise, causing zombies.

Hearing the heart-piercing voice from outside, he felt no guilt inside, and he even wanted to laugh a little bit.

What the fuck, I used to say that I was immoral all day long. When someone came to my place to buy things, they even pretended to be up there to remind me, causing me good deeds and blocking my money. Now you still want me to share your food?

I'm afraid I think too much!!!

With a cold snort, he continued to hide in the door, hoping that the government would send troops to rescue him.

He who lives here naturally saw what happened last night.

His food was almost consumed, the feeling of hunger in his stomach made him a little crazy.

I have been hungry for several days. If I don't look for something, I guess I will starve to death!

Anyway, so many zombies were solved last night, if you go out now, there shouldn't be much danger!

Thinking of this, he finally opened the iron door of his own house, peeking out his head and looking around, after confirming his safety, he hurried down.

He has already confirmed his goal, and there is a small shop at the gate of this community. Once there, he won't have to worry about eating and drinking for a long time!!!

Just think about it and get excited.

But... But he never expected that at this moment, a bright light suddenly burst from the entrance of the small shop not far away, like the aurora of the North Pole.

Is there any baby that appears? I will get an adventure and then reach the peak of life?

With a heart move, he immediately flashed over, but everything in front of him stunned him.

A huge crack appeared at the door of the small shop, which was more than ten meters long and ten meters wide.

And out of it without warning, it was a fiery red beetle!

Beetle, he has seen a lot, and he doesn't know how many beetles have been trampled to death...

However, this one in front of me is at least as big as a Spanish bull!Through the lens, I can clearly see that the fiery red carapace of this huge beetle is covered with strange patterns. The six long and thin legs are comparable to large water pipes. Each one is two meters long. The sharp cone-shaped horns are chilling in the light.

The most creepy thing is the compound eyes of the red beetle!

That is a kind of human eyes!

It is full of hatred, disgust, and deep tyranny and bloodthirsty!

At the same time, the compound eyes are still flowing with a strange luster-the compound eyes actually glow, and the brightness is no worse than that of a low-power light bulb!

"Hissing" the red beetle moved its mouth and let out a low, piercing cry. It followed its thick fangs, leaving a disgusting green liquid, dripping on the grass, hissing white smoke, and the green grass quickly Withered yellow, it is obvious that the liquid is strongly corrosive and toxic!

"Quick...run away..." tremblingly muttered to himself, he wanted to run away madly in his heart, but his legs were so soft that they couldn't even stand still, and escaped. Come on?He only looked at the red beetle for five seconds before he broke out in a cold sweat and his clothes were soaked!

Watching the fiery red bug approaching, he could already smell the unique smell of the bug, and soon he felt a sharp pain in his ankle!

"Ah! My legs!" I fell on the ground, almost fainted without pain, his legs were murmured with blood, he could clearly see his ankles were all broken, and his feet were completely bitten off by giant insects. !The "Kalakala" giant worm is attached to his leather shoes and chews on the soles of the feet. Even if the soles of the feet are old and smelly, the giant worms still eat as fast as they chew delicious. It takes less than two seconds. Just swallow it in the belly!

Then... his body was bitten by the giant insect bit by bit, first his legs, then his abdomen, and finally even his head was chewed by the giant insect...

Finally, on the grass, only a pool of black and red blood, broken rotten meat innards, and scattered rags...

Such a big living person disappeared completely in less than half a minute and filled the belly of the giant insect!

And those giant insects don't know what's going on, more and more, within a few breaths, there are as many as nearly a hundred!

A beetle is as big as a Spanish bullfight, and its destructive power is more than that of a Spanish bullfight. I don’t know how many times it’s terrifying... If you have one hundred beetles, you can imagine the threat to humans. Armed forces...

All the people who saw this scene in the community were shivering, and their mood was terrible, just like the citizens who were about to be "slaughtered by the city"!

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