Endless journey through the dimension

Endless Journey Through Dimensions Chapter 402

[After the zombies were infected with the gods and demons virus that greatly increased the cell viability, because the flesh could not withstand such evolution, it collapsed and mutated into creatures.Similar to a corpse, it will walk around and attack.

Ordinary zombies: slow speed, stiff limbs, severe decay (due to the difference in regional humidity, they are divided into dry corpses and carrion corpses) driven by the most primitive instincts and desires of humans.Without most of the instincts that wisdom and creatures should have.Furiously yearning for blood and meat, attacking any living creature.Wrist strength and bite force are higher than normal.

As the zombies swallow the flesh of other zombies, they obtain gene fragments and accumulate to a certain extent. The zombies will mutate, or evolve.

The common phenomenon of zombies after evolution is that spars will grow in their brains.The spar has a lot of energy, just like a zombie's energy storage.The more spars of a zombie, the higher the evolution of the zombie.

First-order zombies (first-level spar): The body has been strengthened, and the degree of decay is reduced, but the limbs are still stiff and lacking intelligence. In addition to the physical strengthening, a few zombies will grow various alienated limbs as weapons: bone blades, sharp claws, Basic bone weapons such as bone hammers.

Second-order zombies (second-level spar): The second evolution after the first-order zombies swallowed a lot of flesh and spar, the stiffness and mobility of the limbs have increased.The degree of decay is significantly weakened, with initial biological instincts and emotions, generally having 2-3 types of alienated limbs (bone cones, bony armors, bony forks, tentacles, etc.) that cannot be recovered.

Tier 3 zombies (level 3 spar): The evolution of Tier 2 zombies requires more spar intake and flesh and blood than before, and the stiffness of the limbs is almost intact.The degree of decay is also greatly reduced.The physical strength is increased, with some simple wisdom and emotions.Initially awakened his mental power, he could control some ordinary zombies, and the alienated limbs began to evolve.

The powerful zombie lord of Tier 4 zombies (Tier 1 crystal beads) generally has great territoriality, and the degree of decay of the flesh is no longer, like the skin of normal creatures, even more tenacious.The ability to control zombies has also been greatly improved, and almost human intelligence has appeared, but still can't speak, but can use brain waves to communicate with zombies simply.In addition to various alienated limbs, there will also be more powerful biochemical weapons, such as acid spit, flame breathing and other powerful moves.(The sense of taste has appeared.)

Tier 5 zombies (Tier 2 crystal beads) have stronger physical and mental powers than Tier 4 zombies. At this stage, they generally produce highly mobile alienated limbs: such as the lower half of the centaur, bone wings, wings, accelerated jets, etc. .The strength of mental power can already be materialized.Alienated limbs can also be partially retracted into the body and possess the same thinking ability as humans, but they are still inferior to the wisdom of normal humans, and they can speak short words to express their emotions.At this time, the zombies have consciously established their own tribe.

Tier 6 Zombies (Tier 3 Crystal Beads): They have the same wisdom as humans and can speak out, but they still have the habits of zombies-brutal, bloodthirsty, greedy, and brainless.But their physical strength has reached the point where they can resist missiles without incident. Some zombies have their own set of combat routines. The combination of various skills is undoubtedly the strong enemy of mankind.Most of the alienated limbs can be retracted, but the crystal diamond remains on the head.

The number of zombies at this level of Tier 7 zombies (God Drill 1) is extremely small, and zombies that reach this category are generally called corpse kings.Their combat power and destructive power have reached an unimaginable level, and they can even use the power of nature, such as the use of skin that has evolved to conduct electricity to induce falling thunder, and the use of unstable compounds in the body to emit flames, bone spurs, and so on.As the corpse emperor, Tier 7 zombies are a very civilized race. They have a sense of taste and live a life close to human nobles, and each corpse emperor has its own characteristics and personality. As the zombies Wang, they are happy to build their territory into a huge city of zombies.Most of their goals are the same-to turn the earth into a kingdom of zombies!Of course, they all have ghosts in their hearts, so it is still difficult to achieve this goal.

Rank 8 zombies (Diamond 2), the strongest of Rank 7 zombies, once again made a breakthrough. In the future, there will only be a few on the entire earth, and they become the corpse king!The fighting power of the corpse kings standing at the peak is powerful, and any corpse king can carry 10 or even 20 seventh-order corpse kings!After becoming the corpse king, they all have different specialties, and even have laws that cannot be explained by science, just like their own fallen gods.The number of corpse emperors is small but they are not gregarious, and most of them split into many forces.

Tier 9 Zombie...

Tier 10 Zombie...

Tier 11 zombies (or life forms)——

Tier 12 life forms: This is already the most powerful level of biological evolution, not only zombies, but the top of various creatures, with the most perfect flesh...but this is also fatal, they can't stand it. Because of the consumption of powerful physical bodies, they have not moved, stored energy, and generally use their hands to do things.According to survey data, they are almost approaching an island and planet, which is an ecosystem in itself!

Chapter 265: Food!

The expression on his face was very strange, Ling Fei thoughtfully stroked his smooth chin, "I didn't expect that the highest level of this so-called zombie could actually reach the Divine King stage. It's incredible..."

With the abnormal body of an ordinary person, he can perfect his own genes by nourishing flesh and blood.

It didn’t take as long as expected,

But that's it, no need to worry.

Anyway, in this world, zombies of this level would never have the opportunity to grow to that level without interference for special reasons.

after all……

As a race favored by the world, human beings want to be destroyed...

It's still a bit difficult.

"Then what should I do in the next few days?"

Looking out the window distressedly, Ling Fei, who was forced to come into this world, felt a little boring.

Before, I worked hard as a melon-eating crowd in the world of the creators, but inexplicably, the system was given the task of crossing.

Without even saying a word, he was taken away by a portal that rushed towards his face. After that...

It's Jiangzi~

"Next time you are like this, I will definitely take down your broken door!"

Sitting on the sofa, Ling Fei opened a bag of potato chips and threatened the system uncomfortably while eating, to vent his inner depression.

[The Yin Family is so scared~]

The system ridiculed very arrogantly, causing Ling Fei to have a stop.

"System~Do you have any entity? Please come out for a while, I promise I won't kill you!!!"


In a conference room, a large screen occupies an entire wall. On the screen is a world map. Some areas on it are marked with different colors and data. Light spots of different sizes move occasionally on the map. The left side of the screen keeps flashing and changing some information of the notes.

At the head of the conference round table sits a middle-aged man with dignity. As one of the most powerful people in the world, his appearance here after leaving Yanjing Zhongnanhai also indicates the collapse of the situation.

Rong Yun frowned and stared at the changing numbers and pictures on the big screen.

"Report!" A voice came from outside the meeting room.

"Come in," said Rongyun, who had fallen into contemplation over the unfavorable situation where the Tsinghua Concord Research Department was located.

Everyone in the conference room focused their gazes on the door, and saw a staff member walk in, saluting everyone in a trance, and then began to report.

"You repeat what you just said?"

After hearing the latest information reported, Rong Yun stood up fiercely and asked the staff excitedly with his eyes wide open.

"Yes!" The response to the commander was clearly expected by the staff, and he quickly continued to report again. "General Shao Yifu, the seat of the Tsinghua Concord Research Department, came to report. The attacking zombies were wiped out and the crisis was lifted. , The safety of technical personnel, the damage to the troops is 13%."

The sudden good news caught everyone off guard. The excitement on Rong Yun's face suddenly weakened, turning into doubts, "This... have you confirmed the truth of the news?"

Although this is obviously not polite, some question the meaning of the other party's work attitude.

However, after the accurate and highly accurate calculations of various ministries, the success rate of Shao Yifu's troops successfully persisted is only 12.8%!!!

Moreover, this result is based on the reduction of more than 90% of the 61889 troops stationed.

Otherwise... it just fails 100%.

"Report to the commander. After confirming it several times, even the other correspondent was almost collapsed by my confirmation. I came to report!"

Reported loudly, Xiao Cui, who was not dissatisfied, understood Rong Yun's current mood very well.

For example, I had been tirelessly confirming with the correspondent of Shao Yifu's army just now, and I couldn't believe it.

The 61889 troop, which has not yet been supported by heavy weapons, will be defeated by the 1,200 people and the 4,000 zombies tide. It is an indisputable fact.

But now...

The other party returned to the headquarters inexplicably and bizarrely, and the battle was actually won!

And the loss is very small, and the troops can basically continue to maintain it.

This kind of news, no one will be confused!


The chicken bones were at Xiao Yunfei's hand, and there were still a few pieces of chicken thighs that were not cleaned. The meat had begun to rot and gave off a disgusting taste.

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