Endless journey through the dimension

An Endless Journey Through Dimensions Chapter 385

The afterglow of the sunset shines into the window and shines on the blood stains snaking on the floor.


As if being scorched by the sunlight, he had just jumped into the air, ready to attack Ling Fei's thick monster. At the same time, gray smoke appeared and disappeared into the air almost instantly.But when the last touch of Yu Xia disappeared, the blood still flooded the room.

Ling Fei didn't have the slightest surprise for such a change, and naturally watched the monster in front of him disappear from beginning to end.

Looking back at the dead body on the ground,

"Looks like it's late..."


"Huh? What happened!"

"It's scary!"

"So it will!"

"So cruel!"


At the periphery of the cordon, among the crowd of melon-eating people, the processing staff who watched as they were busy talked about it, and some people who knew some things all showed fear on their faces.

"Please explain to the surrounding residents in the name of the robbery and murder..."


Looking away from his departed subordinates, Kikuchihara turned his head and narrated to the lightly dressed Meteora: "The last one who came out of the bookstore seemed to be a girl student. It was not a navy blue but a black sailor suit, wearing black leather. Gloves, ornaments like straw rope.

According to witnesses, it feels like being dressed in disguise."

Meteora's eyes were solemn, and his face was serious, "The enemy character, or that kind of character, but it must be the creation that is not wrong."

From the surviving fluctuations on the scene, Meteora also knew that he had found the first-time creation, but this does not seem to be good news...

The creatures that appeared this time are very indifferent to life and extremely dangerous. Maybe they will join the army of princesses in military uniforms. Then you must be careful.

Silently thinking about the countermeasures and methods after encountering the other party, Meteora walked out of the bookstore that was being handled properly to avoid causing a more serious sensation.

"Long wait!"

I just left the bookstore that made me feel uncomfortable, and I heard Sai Leijia's enthusiastic greeting not far away.

"Ling Fei and the others?"

Seeing that there seemed to be no trace of Ling Fei and Kanoya behind Sai Leijia, Meteora asked curiously.

"Although I told them and asked them to come over, he couldn't listen to what Kayaya said now..."

Speaking of this, Sai Leijia sighed in distress, very helpless.

"He has been forced to participate in wars that he didn't want to participate in. I think he has accumulated too much pressure..."

Meteora understood the various performances and thoughts of Kanoya before, and did not have too much entanglement.

"The good and evil values ​​seem to be average now!"

Ling Fei looked at the virtual screen in front of him and nodded, and said with satisfaction.

[Then you are great~]

The system suddenly made a noise.

...Ling Fei

[Repeal again: Good and evil values ​​are divided into good and evil.

Host, it represents your merit and karma. Merit refers to the cause and effect of good, and karma is the cause and effect of evil. Doing anything will cause a certain cause and effect, but some are small and some are big.

Because the good and evil system has been activated, both merit and karma can be used to draw prizes.

For every one hundred causal values, you can draw a lottery on the corresponding causal roulette. Now the host can draw fifteen times on the merit turntable and ten times on the karma turntable.

Ways to obtain good and evil values: doing good deeds increase merit, doing evil deeds increase karma.

"Then what about this stuff? Which one should I choose..."

Pointing to the choice that suddenly appeared in front of him, Ling Fei asked the system at will.

[Lineup selection, the lineup is divided into Dehou Streamer and Lord of Destruction.

Warning, when the selection is completed, the lucky draw and lottery will officially start.

"Uh, how do you choose this?"

[Dehou Streamer, will join the good camp, and the evil value must not exceed ten times the good value, otherwise he will be severely punished.

The Lord of the Destroyer will join the evil camp. After that, the goodness value must not exceed the maximum amount of evil value, or he will be severely punished.

"The Lord of Destruction..."

Looking at the two white and scarlet buttons on the screen, Ling Fei tapped it without hesitation, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help laughing.

"It's pretty good, now there is one more place to draw a lottery."

[Ding, the lineup has been selected.Confirm that the selected identity is Dehou Streamer, and the mechanism will be activated immediately.

The twilight of the evening is beautiful and soft, the sunset passing through the fingers, the sunset of the evening, the retention of the scattered places, covering the old time, this evening of spring;

The train on the flyover passed by, humming happily on the path.

The girl suddenly looked forward and stopped in doubt, "This is really an exaggeration! Prince Charming and Magical Girl?"

Ignoring Zhenjian's meaning at all, Alice Tria's eyes were cold.

"That's the first time I met. My name is Huangshu Mo Meixiang!"

Mo Meixiang, who had been transformed, expressed kindness to Zhenjian in a friendly manner.

"Ah! Hello, hello~"

"Um, it happened suddenly, can your power be used by us?"

"Power? Oh, I don't know what you are talking about~ I'm the kind of ordinary female high school student depicted in the painting!"

Zhenjian looked at Mo Meixiang innocently, with an unclear appearance.

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