"Un, that's right, he's strong!" The beehive nodded with a smile. Its affirmation made Shocker even more excited. It couldn't help but want to go out and test out its skills. It couldn't possibly have already reached the point where it could easily defeat Master Ying, right?

Hehe, you damned girl. When the time comes, let's see how she will deal with her. Humph, humph, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of Bu Jinghua's mouth. When Bu Jinghua thought of how he could beat Young Master Ying to the ground and roll him around without using his small silver spear, he felt relieved. The hatred he had towards Young Master Ying when he whipped her was deeply engraved in her mind.

"Little girl, what are you thinking about? "I came back to reality!" The beehive continuously circled in front of Bu Jinghua and hooted loudly. It looked as if it was extremely dissatisfied with Bu Jinghua's absent-mindedness.

Ah!" "Oh!" Bu Jinghua composed himself and put away his train of thoughts. He then calmly waited for the hummingdragon's next order.

"Little girl, what are you so proud of? "You might be strong, but that's only a small amount. Right now, you're still just a portion of your inner force. What are you so proud of!" The hummingdragon snappily glanced at Bu Jinghua. With just a few words, Bu Jinghua's complacent expression immediately stiffened in disappointment.

"A paragraph? Teacher, didn't I become stronger? Why is it still … "A period!" It can't be that ironic, right? Wasn't the pain just now a waste? The pain was really hard to bear. If she didn't have a lot of experience, she definitely wouldn't have been able to bear it.

This medicine was way too terrible! Bu Jinghua thought disdainfully.

"Little girl, don't slander my proud medicine, this Rebirth Pill has spent a lot of time and effort to refine. If it wasn't for the fact that you're my disciple, I wouldn't have brought it out for you to use!" Bu Jinghua moved his pinky, and the beehive knew what she was thinking. This little girl actually looked down on its smug little work. She was simply superficial and ignorant.

"Rebirth Pill …" This name was really resounding, and Bu Jinghua repeated in confusion.

"Hmm, it can help your internal organs, bones, and muscles regenerate and become stronger. Let me try and see if your limbs are much more powerful than before." Feel it, do you feel lighter and smoother to breathe compared to before? " The hummingdragon raised its head high, looking extremely impressive.

Clenching his fists, he kicked his legs and took a deep breath … Sure enough, all of this was as the Bee Dragon had said. Bu Jinghua really felt like he was reincarnated.

"It does feel good, but why is there no increase in my internal force!" Bu Jinghua softly mumbled. He was very concerned about the fact that his internal energy was not increasing. No matter how tough his body was, if his inner strength wasn't increased, how could he win against Young Master Ying? Was the teacher trying to trick her again?

"Girl, what's the hurry? Everything needs to be done step by step. With your impatience, you will suffer sooner or later! " The hummingdragon scolded in a low voice. It was speechless that Bu Jinghua was so calm on the outside but was actually so impatient on the inside.

"Teacher, as you know, we don't have much time. Are there any other ways to hasten the pace?" I can endure any kind of pain! " Looking at the hummingdragon, Bu Jinghua's face darkened. His pupils slightly contracted as he exuded an incomparable determination and perseverance.

"You … Can you really bear it? " It was not that it did not want Bu Jinghua to become stronger as soon as possible. On the contrary, it was even more eager for Bu Jinghua to become stronger than Bu Jinghua, but it also knew that once everything went beyond a certain point, it would be extremely difficult to achieve. As a top Spirit Master, it was very clear about this point … He didn't want his only outstanding disciple to be made dead by him because of his own selfish desire.

"En!" Bu Jinghua heavily nodded his head to show his determination.

"Alright then!" With a wave of the hummingdragon's hand, a black pill that was twice the size as before appeared in front of Bu Jinghua. This pill didn't look any different from the previous pill, it was just a little bigger.

"This is …" "The Rebirth Pill!" Looking at that pill, Bu Jinghua slightly frowned. She thought that every pill was the same, but she didn't expect there to be differences in size.

"En!" The beehive nodded its head, "This pill has two times the strength of the previous one, so the pain must also be two times more. If you think you can't endure it, then let's end tonight's training here! "Rest for a day, we'll continue tomorrow night!" The first half of the night had already quietly passed, and the second half of the night had already passed. The little girl should take a good rest, as her internal organs had just recently been reborn, so she would need to rest and strengthen herself a little.

"I can!" Bu Jinghua took the pill and swallowed it without even looking at it. The pill melted in his mouth and slid down his throat into Bu Jinghua's stomach.

The pain from earlier still lingered in his mind, bloody and unstoppable. Was it twice as excruciating as before? Could she really bear it? He couldn't retreat. No matter what, he had to endure it … This was because he could no longer turn back.

Bu Jinghua, you will definitely be able to do it!

"Girl, you … "Hey, go lie down!" The beehive wanted to stop him, but it didn't expect Bu Jinghua's actions to be so quick. It was just a test, but it didn't expect the little girl to take it seriously.

The hummingdragon solemnly commanded as it looked at Bu Jinghua.

"Teacher, can I also cultivate the 'Qi Manipulation Technique' at this moment?" Would the circulation of the heat from within his body be more effective with the help of the Qi Rejuvenation Technique? " While the medicinal effect had yet to take effect, Bu Jinghua boldly suggested. Since it was useless to lie down, if they could cultivate together, then it would be twice the result with half the work.

"This …" Hearing Bu Jinghua's words, the beehive opened its eyes wide in surprise with a look of shock on its face. It had never thought about this before, nor had it tried, because concentrating its willpower to endure the pain caused by the medicine was already too much for it to split its body. Now, this little girl was actually so bold.

However, he continued, "It seems that this kind of bold attempt would not be bad, if you can still bear with it." The Bee Dragon muttered to itself for a moment and then said slowly. It stared at Bu Jinghua with its bright eyes and was actually excited by his bold suggestion. It was even looking forward to seeing the results, but it was more doubtful.

"Mm, I can do it!" Bu Jinghua gritted his teeth and quickly turned over the bed. He immediately sat down cross-legged and started to practice the Qi Restraining Technique. The medicinal strength in her body gradually began to take effect. This time, it was really twice as strong as the last time, causing Bu Jinghua to uncontrollably hiss. However, she did not plan on giving up on cultivating the Breath Forging Technique, and instead focused even more on circulating the hot air that was rising from the medicinal strength as she walked through her entire body.

Gradually, it was as if countless even larger rats were brewing and tearing and biting inside Bu Jinghua's body. The powerful brute force had also lost control of his breathing control, and the strength of the rat's bite had become even more vicious. Bu Jinghua could clearly feel the miserable state of his bones and flesh being bitten by the rat, and the pain was multiplied, "Un!" Many times, Bu Jinghua couldn't help but grunt in pain, but after every time, an even more intense pain assaulted him.

So painful, so painful … Bu Jinghua's moaning became louder and louder, and she was in so much pain that her consciousness was a little scattered. She even forgot to adjust her breathing, and forgot that she had to fight to the death to endure it. She only knew that the pain had long surpassed her imagination.

"Bu Jinghua, hold on, just hold on!" The beehive dragon suddenly stood up. Seeing that Bu Jinghua's situation wasn't too good, it immediately used its venom to warn him.

As the hummingdragon roared, Bu Jinghua finally had a memory of it. He endured the immense pain rolling in his body, sat down sloppily, and started to practice the Breath Control Technique again.

No, she definitely couldn't give up. She definitely couldn't. She had to become stronger, she had to become stronger …

Bu Jinghua kept reminding himself and cheering for himself in his heart. He used his last bit of stubbornness to fight against the pain that was almost beyond his endurance time and time again. Each time, he would win in the periphery, which once again increased his self-confidence in defeating the pain.

Even though he still could not control the mice scurrying around in his body, Bu Jinghua patiently circulated the Qi Manipulation Technique again and again without relaxing for even a moment.

Gradually, the Breath Control Technique began to take effect in his body. First, there were a few rats moving and biting around the path of the Breath Control Technique, and then there were more and more rats … At the beginning, she really wanted to give up and concentrate on resisting the pain, but she was greedy, she didn't want to waste time, even if the Breath Altering Technique didn't have any effect on the Rebirth Pills, if she practiced it again and again, it would always improve her internal energy, such as strengthening her muscles and bones, or strengthening her internal force with the Qi Altering Technique, wouldn't that be perfect? How could she, Bu Jinghua, miss something like this?

It was just that she did not expect that in the end, she would still be able to control the effects of the Rebirth Pills. Although her body was still in great pain, Bu Jinghua seemed to have already gotten used to it. What would the result be? Would his inner force also increase exponentially because of this? Bu Jinghua's heart became heavier and heavier, and he started to cultivate the Qi Manipulation Technique even more frantically. He felt that all the 'rats' in his body were circulating with the Qi Manipulation Technique, time and time again … The intense pain was almost completely replaced by surprise, and Bu Jinghua was even more adept at operating the Qi Transformation Technique.

Looking at the bloodthirsty and arrogant joy that slowly emerged on Bu Jinghua's pained face, the Bee Dragon was stunned for a moment. This girl, how could she have such an expression? Could she have been in pain to the point of being stupid? However, looking at how calm and collected Bu Jinghua was in his cultivation, the probability of him becoming a fool was not high. Could it be …? Ha! Suddenly, the beehive was shocked by its own idea. Then, its heart couldn't help but beat wildly. Could it be that this girl had discovered something new? It must be.

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