These raindrops rose directly into the clouds after falling on the ground under Leon's control, and then fell to the ground again, forming a cycle, making many silver mussels kept wet Under the environment, it will not be too uncomfortable.

Yinqin water mussels can hardly stay out of the water for too long before Master Level, because their physiological structure is like this. Only at the Master Realm, the body undergoes a certain transformation, can they adapt to the arid environment.

At the same time, after arriving at Master Realm, their Innate Ability is also much better. It can condense a large amount of water vapor in a dry environment to simulate the water environment.

Looking at the huge Silver Dragon on the high-lying throne, many silver mussels are involuntarily in awe, most of the mussel shells are closed, only a few of the water mussels that have reached the high-level realm are trembling. Paid respect: "pay respects to the great Your Majesty! Your most loyal people send you the most lofty greetings!"

"Okay, all are free of courtesy, no need to be so restrained."


"Do you know why I want to announce your audience?"

"I don't know if I wait."

" Because I want to reward you."

"Ah! This..."

"I like the silver pearls that you donated, and they can be sold very high in the human empire. Price, so you have made a great contribution to the economy of the kingdom, and I naturally want to reward you."

"We, as the citizens of Your Majesty, offer you the fruits of our labor. It’s an honor for me, I dare not ask for your reward!"

"Any meritorious service must be rewarded. It is the rule of the Star Kingdom. No exceptions can be made to you."

"many thanks Your Majesty Ron!"

Leon lifted a dragon claw and moved towards his wrist with a fiercely stroke, a large amount of silver dragon blood spewed out, suspended in the air, condensing but not scattered.

Then he stopped suppressing, and under the action of Holy Grail of God's Compassion, in a flash, the wound on his claw and wrist had recovered as before.

With a stroke of the claw, the whole strand of dragon blood was divided into two strands, one of which was split into thirteen shares and fell on the thirteen leaders.

Suddenly, the thirteen chiefs of water mussels were surrounded by silver light, and the pattern of one after another silver appeared from their shells.

Some even jumped up and rolled back and forth in the great hall.

After a while, the thirteen leaders stopped. At this time, all of their strengths have been greatly improved.

Especially the strongest boss, he was originally a high-level Peak, and now he has the help of Leon, and he has directly moved from the high-level Peak breakthrough to the Master Realm.

The overall strength has doubled several times!

The remaining twelve bosses have also been promoted, and several of them have been promoted to high-level Peak.

They are all Leon transformed into dragon blood creatures, and their aptitude has been greatly enhanced, which will accelerate their cultivation in the unnoticeable influence. It won’t be long before they can also break through to the Master Realm.

After many leaders feel their own powerful power, the first thing they do is to bow their gratitude to Leon.

Leon was satisfied with nodded, and once again waved the dragon claw, he divided the remaining dragon blood into hundreds, each of which landed on the remaining 900 middle-level silver qin On the water mussel.

These silver sea mussels were also transformed into dragon blood creatures, and immediately there were twelve other silver sea mussels that had reached the Intermediate Peak Level breakthrough and reached the high realm.

The rest have also improved.

With such a simple operation, the Yinqin Shui Mu clan's overall strength has been greatly improved.

One more Master powerhouse and twelve high-level powerhouses.

Now the entire Yinqin water mussel family is very different than before.

After that, the remaining Yinqin water mussels thanked Leon again.

Leon responded casually.

"You are now the most powerful house of the Yinqin Shui Mu clan. I will make you the Viscount of the Xinghui Kingdom and I will make you the lord of Bibopo."

" many thanks Your Majesty Heaven's Grace!"

"What's your name?"

"This small official is called Yinzhu."

"The current silver How about the output of Qin pearls?"

"Because Your Majesty has given us a piece of paradise free and easy, now every clansman can eat a full meal, and the output of Yin Qin pearls has increased much more than before."

"Although it is indeed quite high than the previous premise, it is still a bit insufficient, so I now give you a task, that is, to find a way to increase the output of Yinqin pearls, the higher the better, the better. I have my own reward when the time comes."

"Any way is okay?"


"Then please rest assured, Your Majesty, There is no other way, but as long as the number of our Yinqin water mussels is increasing, the output of Yinqin pearls will also increase. The Bibopo you gave us is very broad, and we can develop unlimitedly. Race, I believe there will be many pearls dedicated to you in the near future."

"This is also possible. Anyway, I only look at the results and not the process. If Bibopo is not enough for your development one day, at worst We will give you another territory, so you don’t have to worry at all, you just need to eat, live, and produce."

"As you bid."

"Okay, you can go down now, Yinzhu. From now on, you are also the minister of the Star Kingdom, so you have to come to the court meeting every month."


This time you don’t need to send them vigorously, they can quickly return to their territory, because the waters in the Great Lake of Congshan Mountain are wide, and there are many waterways, and the silver beads have broken through to the Master Realm, and they can roll up all the clansman. Quickly return to Bibopo.

After Yinzhu and the others left, Leon said to Da Li: "You ask Gere to go to the human world to find a few biologists for me, and how will you increase the yield of Yinqin pearls? It is classified as confidential, and you are solely responsible for the research."

"Please follow the edict."


Three years later.

Leon’s strength has been improved again, his biological level has been raised from the twenty-fifth rank to the twenty sixth rank, and his professional rank has also been raised from the twenty fourth rank to the twenty-fifth rank.

The biggest change brought about by the increase in strength is the increase in body size.

He has now grown from sixty meters in size to seventy meters in size.

It is said that in his previous life, the original Godzilla was only more than 30 meters in size, and Guren Godzilla was only more than 80 meters in size.

Besides, Godzilla has strong melee combat ability, and he can barely see an atomic breath, but the formidable power is definitely not as good as True Dragon's breath.

If he returns to Earth now, he must be destroying heaven and extinguishing earth.

Just flying out of the ancient city of Silver Lord, he is about to breathe.

But I saw a blue silhouette rushing over quickly, with an excitement that could not be concealed.

"father father! I have a breakthrough! I finally have a breakthrough!"

Leon glanced at it and Weisit's body size has reached thirty meters in size.

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