The heart of arrogance belongs to the same kind of treasure as the bones of laziness obtained before.

Leon originally wanted to wait until he initially took control of the bones of laziness before he could start looking for the remaining six sets of original objects. It didn't take long for him to have one delivered to him.

But although he has gained arrogance now, there is another trouble.

Because according to the rules, if the corresponding seven sins are obtained first, then the corresponding virtues will never be found.

In other words, although he has gained a heart of arrogance now, he will never find a heart of humility.

In this way, arrogance is still useless to him.

But Leon knows that there are solutions to seemingly unsolvable things in this world, so he is not in a hurry.

After thinking about it, suddenly, divine light flashed, a solution has been thought of.

He called Weisit over directly.

"Father, what's the matter? What's the matter if you called me over?"

"I have something to give to you now, let you keep it for me."

"What is it?"

Leon instantly showed his arrogance.

"What is this?"

Leon didn’t hide it, he just told the truth: "...This is the thing, so now I want to give my arrogance first Here you are, so that I can find a way to get the humble heart first, and then get the arrogant heart back."

"No problem, father, just give it to me."


Weisit has no objections. Anyway, it just keeps an item, which is very simple for him.

This is what Leon came up with.

According to the rules, if you get the corresponding original thing first, but not the corresponding virtue thing, then you can no longer get the corresponding virtue thing, but he only needs to take the original thing Sending it out means that he has not yet obtained the original thing, so he still has a chance to obtain the virtue.

Anyway, the rule is not a living thing. It will only operate according to a certain process. Leon's current practice does not violate the rule, so it is completely useful.


One year later.

Leon is checking in daily.

"Congratulations, master, successfully signed in to protect the Source Law heart core."

This Source Law heart core is more powerful at first glance. Leon did not neglect, and directly realized it. come out.

He took a closer look and found that the Source Law heart core seems to be just an illusory light ball, in which the brilliance is shining, there are countless colors, and it is very difficult to see any color on it. Described, but there is an incomparable shocking power contained in it, and it is inevitable that people will be worshipped.

"Silverlight, identify Source Law heart core."

[Name: Source Law heart core]

[Grade: Divine Grade]

[Introduction: Source Law heart core is the top treasure bred out of the sea of ​​Source Law. If anyone can integrate it, he will be favored by the law. From then on, even if it is to achieve Spiritual God, it can be one step ahead of others, which is the treasure of the world's sentient beings yearn for something even in dreams. However, it takes many years for the Source Law heart core to be bred. It is impossible for most people to get it. After being bred, they will not stay in one place, but will directly drift out of the sea of ​​origin, in endless void and Wandering among the planes, looking for the destined master]

Leon has also seen now that the treasures that Silverlight can sign in are often masterless objects.

Either this treasure has no owner, or this treasure has been lost, and it will never sign in if there is a master treasure.

This Source Law heart core belongs to the treasure in a state of loss.

But no matter what treasure it is, Leon only saw the word "Divine Grade".

The law is the most important component of the entire universe. It is equivalent to the law of operation of the universe. The reason why Spiritual God is Spiritual God is because of their Comprehended Law. They have mastered the law, and the power of the law is the power of the law. .

So, they are Spiritual God, completely different from the existence underneath.

And this treasure is able to get the favor of the law, which is enough to prove the power of this treasure.

Because once you get the favor of the law, it will become very easy to understand the law or master the law.

No matter which realm is cultivated to, it belongs to one more complex road than others.

Leon will naturally not let go of such a treasure. He directly protrudes the spirit strength, captures the Source Law heart core, and moves it towards himself.

But without waiting for him to move, after the Source Law heart core felt his spirit strength, it hit his forehead directly, and then he felt that he was in a colorful world.

After a trance, the world in his eyes becomes clear, but as long as he concentrates his attention, he can find that there are one after another in the main material plane where he is now.

No matter what object or creature it is, the above is the same.

This is the Rule Power on these objects and creatures.

Now he has just initially merged with Source Law heart core, but the effect is already so obvious.

Even if other people are in Divine Grade and want to understand the rules, it is not so easy. World impossible directly analyzes the rules and puts them in front of them.

Leon is only Legendary now, and he has achieved a level that many Spiritual Gods cannot.

He took a closer look and found that a little illusory crown suddenly appeared in his mind.

This crown is made up of countless colored light spots, which is extremely illusory, but it carries a breath of Supreme Supreme.

A piece of information came, and it turned out that this is the legendary god crown.

It is a treasure that can only be owned by obtaining Source Law's Approval.

Essentially equivalent to is the Imperial Jade Seal of the ancient emperor.

With the rule of the gods, you can understand the rules infinitely and master the rules, just like the ancient emperor with the Imperial Jade Seal is the real emperor, who can issue imperial edicts and give orders.

Since ancient times in the multiverse, there are very few existences capable of possessing divine crowns, only a few of them, but without exception, the final achievements of these figures are at least the main gods.

Although Leon’s divine diadem is just an illusory shadow, it already has a rudimentary shape. As time goes by, as long as the degree of integration with the Source Law heart core becomes higher and higher, the divine diadem will gradually condense. Reality.

Didn't expect to sign in at random today, and to sign in for such a great treasure, Leon was very happy, and his excitement was hard to conceal.

After a long time, the emotions calmed down.

Thinking about it, this is what it should be.

After all, it has been a long time since I signed in to Divine Item Smarter Thousand Years. I have not signed in any good treasures, and even a Legendary equipment has not been signed in.

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