

Someone punches Caine in the back of the head, still mourning Yurius' answer.

“How rude of him to the Crown Prince! ”


Yurius glances back with a vague look on his face.

“Father! I'm wounded! Isn't that what you see there? His name is his heir, but he needs to be saved.... ”

“You fool! ”


His frowning back head strikes again. Then you press down on Caines' head and force him to bend at the waist.

“Your Majesty! I apologize for the rudeness of that wretched son of a bitch. ”


Yurius looks interesting and watches the rich man's quarrel. The man Kane and his teammate were a fair-haired, aged nobleman.

"So this is the Birthday of Caine?" ’

“I thought you changed your temper a little, but I can tell by the looks of this, your knights are alive! Phew... ”

The old noble sighed and hurriedly turned his head toward Yurius, and he lay flat on the ground and worshipped.

“I present the Crown Prince. My name is Bird of Caine. He's become the father of this wretch. ”

“ ……!? ”

Yurius looks a little clumsy. Even though his stature is high right now, it's not enough to greet a nobleman with a title as high as his own.

He quickly raises his eyes at Caines.

"What is wrong with your father? ’

“Haha…. ”

Kanes gives a sneaky look and tries to wake up quickly, but his head bows and trembles, shaking in shock.

“Thank you so much for rescuing that wretched man! ”


* * *

It started a few weeks ago.

“Brother! This is really suspicious. Something's about to happen. I'm the only one on vacation. ”

“Well? Is there any way the Emperor could send you back to your hometown and send you on a mission? Then he would have said something. ”

“Yes, but.... ”

In the wagon heading south, the two men who were talking were Caine and Devan.

They were about the same age and had a vague memory, so they were close enough to make a fag.

Devan's tone was relaxed.

“Rather, I envy you. I think His Majesty was very interested in the story from the beginning, but if someone else hears about it, I might be jealous. ”

“Is that what you're saying? ”

“Anyway, I hear the plan is going to be underwater. He may have spared your life and put you out of harm's way. ”

“I guess that's what I heard from my brother. ”

Kanes thought there was a point to what Devan said.

‘By the way, my hometown is like a tin can compared to the capital. What will happen there? ’

He squeezes his elongated head with a slight flush of color on his face.

However, he did not see Devan's face, looking out of the wagon. He was smiling at her.

“So it's a long way from here? I'm going back to the army. Enjoy your vacation, too. ”

“You too can go in at ease. ”

Having parted ways with Devan, Caines suddenly arrived at his hometown.

Even though the landscape of his hometown was nothing but a vast open wheat field, he felt at peace in a long time.

‘There is still nothing in the countryside. But it's been a long time! ’

In that dream, Caine heads for the castle in the middle of the territory. But something seemed off about the territory.

‘At this time of year, we are busy farming. Why do we see very few territories? ’

In the field around the road to the castle, there was no one around.

"Where's everyone gathering for a festival? I don't think that's a good time. ’

With his head tilted, he approaches the gate and informs you that he is here. He quickly arrived because his name was the firstborn and heir of the writer.

The gate opens and the old knight tightly ties his gray hair greets Caine.

“Young master! You're back. ”

“Sir Max, it's been a long time. ”

Ser Loyal Elder Max has been taking good care of him since he was a child. He opens his mouth with a single smile.

“Ever since I joined the Knights, I've been listening to your every move. You were rebellious at first, but you seemed pleased with me. ”

“My father? I have to say hello first. Where is he? ”

He said so, but Caine's expression was not good. His father's son-in-law was a very strict man, and the relationship between the rich was not very straightforward.

And as he started to get lazy, the relationship got worse, so he didn't even send and receive letters. It's been years since Caine joined the Knights, but now he's come home for a reason.

Lord Max looks a little anxious.

“You were out for a while, actually. The situation in the territory is not good these days. ”

“By the way, there's no one out there. What's going on? ”

Kanes looks even more curious. Because he didn't think that would happen in this territory.

What would happen to a small land that doesn't have a big source of income like mines and only has a little fertility on it?

“ ……. ”

But Sir Max was unable to answer that question for a moment.

“Actually……. ”


Soon after, as he tries to open his mouth, he hears the sound of the gate coming down. Lord Max turns away when he hears it.

“Looks like you're back in time. Let's go say hello. You'll be very pleased.

In response, Caine looks back at the gate. Prince Caine of his father's time was an unusual case of being recognized as a former Central Knight and receiving a small piece of land in the last year.

As a knight, he walked into the castle with a deceptive gait, and met his son, Caine.

Kanes nods in haste.

“I'm here to see my father. ”

“ ……. ”

The snifter seems surprised for a moment, but he looks at Caines for a moment.

“What brings you to this rural part of the capital? ”

It was so cold that Caine said he had flinched for a moment, but he had come on vacation. In response, the writer snores.

“Hmph! Guess you haven't fixed your lazy habits yet. I hear you've made quite a splash lately. Are you here to brag to your father? ”

Even though he was a son, Caine had no choice but to bluster.


“Your personality can't have changed... I'm glad your father was so kind to His Royal Highness. Be sure to return as soon as possible. I don't want to see your face! ”

The young man frowns and walks past Caines.

"No, what's wrong with that old man? ’

Caine is cold, so he tries to make a move right away, but he has a quick grip. It was Sir Max.

“What's wrong with him? Did I do something wrong? ”

“Phew... ”

Lord Max sighs. The writer insisted that he never speak, but he was someone who sincerely wished to reconcile himself with Caine.

“I'll show you to your room first. And I'll tell you a story there. ”

In a minute.

Kanes' eyes widen in his chambers.

“Territory war?”

“Yes. Horse warfare is more like coercion, in fact. ”

Sir Max rarely begins to explain with an indignant expression.

“The nobles have been secretly in contact with people who say they've been struggling nearby lately. ”

[Our Confederate god seeks to defend the order of the Empire against the tyranny of the First Emperor.

… (Approximately) …

So I ask Bird Caine to cooperate as well. The content is…….]

Recently, a group called the Divine Confederacy was formed among the nobles of the South. They didn't reveal themselves, but they are bringing together the nobles of the South to do something about it. However, not all nobles agreed with the idea.

“You and all the other lords nearby refused. But then they started picking on each other openly. ”

At that time, the capital was unable to call for mediation because the government was not responding properly to the nobles' protests.

The nobles belonging to the Confederate God are applying for a territorial war and subjugating or expelling the lords in some way.

“In the end, our territory was represented by a duel. Since there are so few soldiers, you might think it's better to use them than to bleed out. ”

Kanes gives you a curious look.

“No, don't you have to greet me in a duel? There won't be any changed knights in this territory. ”

He said he was a little modest, but Caine had earned quite a reputation lately. Even though it was common practice to get it from special training.

Sir Max's face became more serious.

“I've actually said that, but the bird was adamant about it. ”

“Because you hate me? ”

“That's not it. It was a surrogate problem. ”

“ ……!? ”

Kanes looks even more curious. How high can the lord's personal knights be?

“The one requesting a territorial war is Earl Lawrence, one of the most powerful men nearby. He had already dueled in two territories. The results were shocking. ”


“An Earl Lawrence knight just broke the opposing knight in half. The defeated knight was a master class. ”

“ ……. ”

Kanes just realized the seriousness of the situation. I don't know how a knight of that skill is only under the Earl's command, but this must be a meticulously prepared plan.

But if you know it's reckless, you can join them. Why did you choose a duel?

On that question, Sir Max pondered for a moment and opened his mouth again.

“Actually, there's another reason why you didn't invite the young master. ”

“Why? ”

“You're in charge of the Knights of the Crown Prince now, aren't you? You made this choice for the master's path. ”


Caine, who understood everything, shouted in small resilience. Clearly, his father was clumsy, but he wasn't the one who put up a big fight just now.

Sir Max was a horse.

“You didn't show up on the surface, but as I said, you were very pleased whenever you heard from the master. I don't want you to feel overwhelmed this time. ”

At the end of the sentence, there was a moment of silence in the room.

“ ……. ”

Soon Caine's mouth opened.

“Sir Max. ”

“Yes, Young Master. ”

“When's the damn substitute? ”

He stands up in a united expression.

* * *

Meanwhile, the humble performance of the writer Caine is quite spectacular.

The man smiles gladly, clasped in his thick, carved hands.

‘Hmm... I heard that the land of the writer Caine is quite fertile, even though there are no other sources of income. ’

Earl Lawrence claims he has the largest territory in the vicinity. Based on its solid foundation, it was also a noble with considerable ties in the middle.

As one of the most active nobles who participated in the Confederate Order of God, the noble who was known to be sorrowfully famous for his greed nearby, he was tasked with absorbing the nobles around him in return.

‘Haha... If you obey me quietly, nothing will happen, but accepting the Sovereign War was a blessing from heaven. ’

I heard a sinister voice in his ears, which was so single.

“You look very happy. ”

“Ugh! Are you here? ”

Earl Lawrence, who was frightened, stood up with his head bowed politely at an astonishing rate that his enormous body could not even imagine.

The man comes in looking into his eyes filled with a gentle fear.

“I came to hear that the next opponent has been decided. ”

“Hehe... I wonder if it's your turn to be honest. I've heard that only the lord and all the elderly are allowed to be knights. ”

“I can't be careless. The first prince knows what he's up to. ”

“You are absolutely right. Of course I did my research properly! ”

The man was wearing plain armor with no crest on his appearance in his mid-30s, but Earl Lawrence, who was over fifty years old, couldn't stop complaining to the young knight.

He would, too, because he was the most important person in the plan. In a way, I was okay with being the General Manager.

“I am truly grateful to have you here. ”

“Shh! I'm just a simple free knight now. Watch your horses.”

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