Emery by Miu

8 Not the One

My eyes automatically closed when Lance placed his arms around Jennifer's waist.

Open it!

Burn this memory until you give up.

I opened my eyes, and with a heavy feeling that was enough to crash me – watched with a broken heart as the man of my dreams danced intimately with a woman that was not me.

I watched and watched while I sang the lyrics that I so wanted to tell him inside my head.

Though I like to stand by him

can't shake this feeling that I have

and does he notice my feelings for him?

And will he see

how much he means to me?

I think it's not to be.

I made a vow within my gown

that love will come to me

And there he is and suddenly

I had been found

I adore him

What is this a painful twist

is this a better kiss?

There's so much life left in his eyes

it should not end like this

My dreams were slain

my face was stained

with memories of my pain

but peace still came I'll give him the same

I will be okay

Try as I may it doesn't last

and will we ever

end up together?


I think not

it's never to become

For I am not...

the one.


The ear-shattering screeched of a violin stopped everyone on their feet.

Curiosity and annoyance for suddenly disturbing the intimate atmosphere replaced the love and warmth in the air.

I finally cracked when Jennifer suddenly tiptoed and kissed Lance right before my eyes.

My heart shattered, my bones breaking causing my body to stagger as I suffocated for air when I felt like my lungs had suddenly collapse.

"I'm sorry."

The words somehow managed to escape on its own as I hurriedly stepped down from the stage and gave the violin to Mrs. Lee who was now looking at me worriedly.

Zoe followed behind me when I got back to our table and grabbed my purse.

"Emery, where are you going?"

I ignored her and sprinted towards the exit.

"Emery, wait! Your gift!"

"Burn it."

I did not glance back.

I did not care if I made a scene.

Right now.

I just so badly wanted to get away from this place.


Lance tried hard not to frown when the emcee announced Emery Jansen to perform on stage.

He knew why he was annoyed.

He may be still a kid, but the woman made it so obvious that she fancied him.

He was not even flattered that a stunning older woman had a crush on him.

He didn't fancy her and thought that she was too much of a Princess for his taste.

He loves someone like his sister.






And gentle.

That's right...

He glanced at the pretty girl beside him and smiled when he noticed her cute pouting face was looking at the stunning older woman at the opposite table.

He wanted to hold her hand and tell her that she's the most beautiful of all the women in here.

But he restrained himself.

Jennifer came from a wealthy and well-known family in their province.

He started to court her when he first laid his eyes on her.

It had been months now, yet he didn't have any luck with her.

Although, he was happy that she sometimes would give him hints that she also likes him back, but she never indeed acknowledge their status nor told him when she'd give him an answer.

Not that I mind though.

He was just happy to see her smile.

His eyes automatically flew towards the gorgeous woman when a soothing yet powerful sound echoed in his heart – stirring it to life.

It caught his full attention.

The whole time that he just listened to her play.

He noticed that he was holding his breath, afraid that the breathing noise would mix with the music.

He noticed her beautiful white blonde hair gently dancing with the wind in rhythm with the music. Her long fluttering lashes. Her red lips that would quiver as if remembering something.

He noticed how her body swayed with the melody like all of her was not human but a Goddess given by the Gods to stabilized the hearts of mortals.

It was the first time that he noticed her.

It was the first time that he was mesmerized by her.

It was the first time that he felt proud that she likes him.

It was the first time...

He ultimately lost himself because of her.



It wasn't until the resounding applauses woke him up and noticed that he was still staring at her with a smile on his face.

The contact of their eyes made him smile even more, until Jennifer nudged him.

He cleared his throat and guiltily lowered his eyes.

When Jennifer led him to dance, he didn't protest even though he hated slow dances. He preferred pop and hip-hop and other modern dances since his sister loves to watch those kinds of dance.

He kept himself under control when Jennifer's hands wrapped around his neck – but oddly enough…...

He was not that thrilled as he thought he'd be.

He avoided Emery's gaze.

He didn't know why he acted like a husband who had been caught cheating.

The music resounded as he placed his hands on Jennifer's waist, trying hard not to step on her foot since that would be a turn-off.

Gradually, he was lost in Emery's sorrowful music that he imagined himself rushing towards her, embracing her in a tight hug to comfort her.

He didn't like it that the prim, proper and pompous Princess was sad.

I don't like it?

He was bewildered by his thoughts when suddenly, he felt his lips were being pressed by something soft and warm and...


Like a lip gloss.


He was completely pulled out from his thoughts at the violent screeching of a violin. His eyes widened when he realized that Jennifer was kissing him.

He pulled away when out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Emery ran towards their table, grabbed her purse and sprinted off towards the exit.

Adrenaline rushed inside him as an overwhelming feeling of worry flooded his whole being.


He was about to chase after her but was pulled back. Annoyed, he turned around and saw that Jennifer was clinging to his arm. Her pretty face was blushing while she pouted before saying with an aggrieved voice.

"Lance, I just gave you my present. Aren't you happy?"

She looked all cute with her big misty puppy brown eyes, reminding him so much of his sister. He softened at the sight of her and shook off the nagging image of Emery's crying face.

"Lance, I just gave you my reply. Aren't you the least bit happy I finally became your girlfriend?" She said when I didn't react and just stared at her.





*Sally's Song and Corpse Bride by Danny Elfman

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