Emery by Miu

4 I’m not Invited

I uncontrollably giggled after I finished taking a bath and jumped straight on my bed – flat on my stomach as I readied myself to get lost on the list of birthday presents.

It had been weeks since Leanna had gotten out of the hospital and her family had already gone back in their own country, but it did not stop me from asking our spy network for information about Lance.

It turned out that this Friday, that was four days from now, it would be Lance's thirteenth birthday.

I shamelessly asked Leanna a while ago about the things that Lance likes.

No one knows better than family.

It made me excited just thinking about all the things to buy him – even more excited than finding a new snack that I could not stop humming as I browse the net.

I already filed a leave from school on Friday because I was thinking of personally hand my gift to him.

I know it is unladylike, but I cannot help myself!

I did not tell anyone about my plans since if my family knew about this, I would never hear the end of it.

I did not even know that I could act this way towards a guy, and a kid at that!


I wanted to buy him a car, but he was not old enough to drive.

"Then maybe a watch... wait.... this perfume is also nice.... shoes...?"

Somehow, all of this did not strike the heart.

It is not special at all!

I searched on the net on how to make a gift special.

I blinked before my whole face gradually turned red.

All of this is not appropriate for a thirteen-year-old boy!

Then a site caught my attention.

"Do it yourself gift..."

There were many things on the site that were easy to make and have step by step instructions, be it for personal use, selling or a gift.

I wanted it to be meaningful and continually reminded him of me, and I also wanted it to be small and handy so that he could carry it with him always.

My eyes shone when I scrolled down and found what I was looking for.

This is perfect!


I lost track of how many times I gulped down the nervousness in my system.

I already readied myself for this and had practiced my acting and dialogue long before.

I also had gotten the information from our spy network about the details and outlines of his birthday.

I have memorized it all.


I know.

But I could not help myself.

My feelings were uncontrollable!

I want him mine!

It was already dusk and the birthday party would start at seven. There were already lines and lines of cars parked on the side of the road. The majestic gates stood open, welcoming the pouring guests with a lot of teenagers coming in. Must be his schoolmates.

The boys dress formally while the girls dress to impress.

I did not usually wear flats, but since the man I love was shorter than me, I had to compromise.

The dress hugged perfectly on my body, molding my every curves. Just the right balance in sexiness and modesty.

Although I love snacks and continuously ate them, I maintained my hourglass figure due to my mother's constant nagging, saying that a lady should always be pleasing to the eyes and always presentable and in control of their body.

To shut her up. Every day, I exercised to maintain my figure, and she never complained about me overeating snacks again.

I ignored all the stares and praises thrown at me. Some even tried to grab my attention by pretending to huddle with other men near where I stood while secretly checking me out.


I turned around and was surprised to see Zoe in her red oxford top paired with skinny jeans and sneakers.



I felt overdress...

"What're you doing here? Wait, don't tell me. I already know why." Zoe grinned and grabbed my hand without my consent.

"It's a good thing that you're also here. I don't have to feel embarrass on going in alone."

"Uhmm... I'm not… invited."

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