Emery by Miu

2 Happy2x Dance


Lance raised his eyes to meet mine before he frowned like I was a person he did not want to see.

He just nodded and walked towards the vending machine near the waiting lobby.

After Leanna Lee's family came and Zhander forced us to went home to give the family some time together, I pretended to move along and secretly hurried back to this hospital. I had been waiting here in the guest lobby, contemplating whether I should just barge my way into Leanna's room when God answered my prayers.

"Uhmm... I wanted to thank you for last time." I started and clasped my hands behind my back while looking all expectantly beside him.

I realized that for the first time, I had finally like someone besides my family – I actually like this boy!

Since I did not know what to do, I just let my heart and brain handled it. And for the first time, they coordinated harmoniously.

Lance remained quiet and pretended that I was air as he opened his orange flavored soda.

I had taken mental note that my favorite soda flavor from now on was orange.

"What do you say if I treat you out to dinner? You know, for helping me out at that time?" I nervously fumbled my fingers behind my back, trying to calm my nerves.

I could not believe that this would happen to me one day.


Emery Jansen.

So this is what it feels like when talking to your crush.

I secretly giggled at the thought.

Lance sighed and looked at me with dead eyes.

"What is your name lady?"

I was caught off guard by his sudden question that my mind blanked out.

"E-Em... Em...."

"Em-Em? That's a weird name. Anyway, Lady Em... I ... yo....th..."

My mind did not register what he just said as it stuck on the words 'Em'.

D-did he just... give me a nickname?

I inwardly squealed when rush of giddy feelings flooded me. I wanted to move my body to relieve it from too much happiness.

"Hey! Did you just hear what I said?"

Lance annoyed voice snapped me out from it, but I did not mind since even his annoyed voice sounded musical in my ears.



"I said, you have a damsel in distress syndrome. I'm not your hero and won't ever be. You don't owe me anything."

"B-but.... even so... I still wanted to repay you." I insisted.

"If I know you're going to be this difficult, I shouldn't have given you that card in the first place. Saves me the trouble."




"I'm sorry... I did not mean to bother you."

I lowered my head, looking all apologetic.




"Fairies Pastries." He suddenly said.


"I heard that it's popular around here." He nonchalantly added.



"I will buy it now and deliver it to you immediately!"

"Not now! It's already late. Go home, woman."

Then he turned and walked towards the hospital room where Leanna was confined.

"T-then tomorrow!" I exclaimed, my voice eager and high pitched, not minding that I was in a hospital.

"Suit yourself." He did not look at me and just waved his hand goodbye.



When he went inside the room, I made a fist and jumped.


Unable to contain the overwhelming feelings, I balled both my fingers and moved it frantically up and down while wiggling my hips. I decided that it would be my happy-happy dance from now on.

"You do realize that this is a hospital, right?"

I paused, and like everything turned slow, turned my head around.

It was like in one of those horror films that when you turned around, you would see the wrinkled face of an old lady with hollowed eyes – that kind of dreadful feeling.

Lance's serious face was peeking out from the door with eyes contained suppressed laughter.

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