Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 638: The pink of Dongying chase

   Chapter 638 The Pink of Dongying's Pursuit

   "We robbed." Lu Fei said solemnly, he took out a cotton hood from somewhere and put it on his head to reveal two eyes.

   "The robbery? The robbery?" Fanny asked tentatively, twitching her face.

   "Why is it strange that we robbed or something." Lu Fei blinked his eyes, looking malicious.

   "Ah! This? It's hard to imagine what kind of sleazy operation."

   "Secret for the time being, you can just go to the place and bluff people. I learned a few simple Japanese from Raphael, and I will speak."

   "Listen to Jack, he is the best at intrigues." Bell ordered without hesitation.

   A few minutes later, the van pulled into a quiet pink lane in Kawasaki's red light district and stopped in the shadows between two street lamps.

  After the wild fox brothers got out of the car, they gathered together furtively.

"The cobra takes a group, I, the ocelot, the giraffe and him; the panda takes a group, and the polar bear, bison, and gray cat follow him; remember! Don't steal money, try not to shoot. The specific measure is up to the team leader. , there is only one purpose, to disturb their business! Make the guests disgusted and scared to the point that they don't want to come again." Bell said softly.

   "Ha, I like wind and rain the most, panda, it all depends on your creativity, don't let a group's blockage index exceed ours!" Fanny's face was full of excitement.

   "That's impossible, I already have several ideas, hehe." Lu Fei smiled extremely sinisterly.

   "Let's go, try the next two first. By the way, everyone who encounters Yamaguchi-gumi will be knocked unconscious, and it's not bad to break their hands and feet. Don't kill people, the hatred is not so big."

  Bell clapped his hands, the brothers pulled out their pistols and pulled down their masks, and the two groups walked towards the pink facades of the two houses.

  Lu Fei took a few brothers close to the pink facade and glanced at the window.

   "The woman in the window is gone, the hut is open for business, go, go in and cheer!"

   "It's so interesting, rush!"

   "Watch a small movie live."


   The four coaxed a few words, and the door was pushed open by Dewey.

  After entering the door, in the small reception desk five or six meters away, Sang, a mother in her 40s, was sitting in the middle, looking up to watch the variety show hanging on the TV above.

  There is a back chair a few meters to the right of the front desk, and a bald man in his thirties is sitting, and he is staring at the colorful magazines.

   "Robbery! Come out, kneel down and scratch your ears!" Lu Fei shouted, suddenly realizing that he was still using English, and he forgot to ask Raphael these few words in Japanese.

   Fortunately, Dongying's entertainment venues are very international, and Mama Sang and Bald Head immediately understood. Facing the muzzles of the four pistols, the two of them knelt down and grabbed their ears.

   "Honey, look at them, I'll go in and rob!"

   "You haven't said anything about robbing? Maybe they have."

   "That's right, I'll officially inform you, robbery, robberies!"

  Although Fanny, Dewey, and Vasili were all stunned by Lu Fei's words, they were still not as stunned as Mom Sang and the bald man.

   "Hero! This thing is worthless, there are a lot of things in the drawer. Is it necessary to put four guns on our heads? I thought the groom was in trouble again." Mama Sang raised her head and said with a sad face.

   "I just love to rob Miss's side, are you in charge? Grey cat, watch the scene, the three of us go in."

   "Okay, I really can't stand the scenes with hot eyes, I'll be blind." Fanny pretended to be innocent.

  Under the astonished gazes of Mama Sang and the groom, the three men aggressively opened the small door beside the front desk and walked into the inner room.

   A short passage appeared in the interior space, and two sliding doors were closed on the left side of the passage.

   The three walked outside the first sliding door, Lu Fei made a color, and Dewey yanked the sliding door open. Vasily remained in the passage, monitoring the passage and the second room.

   "Pause! Robbery!"

   "Baga, get out て行け (get out)!"

   "Ah! Tasket!"

  The man's roar, the woman's scream, and there was chaos for a while.

   "Boom!" The man was slapped on the head by Lu Fei and rolled on the spot.

   "I'll call you scolding! I'll call you Baga! I'm just grabbing a few tricks, you're a jerk! Don't sleep without your wife coming out to prostitute women! How dare you stare at me! I can't beat you to death!"

  Lu Fei was so angry that he was scolded by Guiziguo. He punched and kicked the naked man. After a few punches, he was bleeding from his nose and mouth. He curled up on the ground, crying for mercy.

  Dewey smiled and admired the panic-stricken girl, shaking her head from time to time.

   "A good figure, just average length, big face and small eyes."

   "Okay, be careful I'll go back and tell Santis to grab something."

   "Really grab the cover?"

   "Robbers must have professional ethics. They can't just beat people without doing business."

   "Okay, it's really worth it."

   "Everything is for work, professional ethics still need to be done, what if we want to change careers?"

   "Am I asking casually? Who knows what your hobbies are. Beauty, take out your inventory."

   A minute later, the two ignored the woman's horrified eyes and walked out of the small room with a box of plastic products.

   "I want to go in this room, otherwise it's not worth it, let's go!" Vasily listened itchingly outside the door, and opened the sliding door on the side.

   It stands to reason that there is so much noise next door, the small room should be quiet. The sliding door was opened, and Lu Fei and Vasily found that the interaction between men and women was still going on.

  The hourly system of the flower room is so urgent.

   "They are so invested that they don't even know anything."

   "I don't know this"

  Fanny's head suddenly stuck out from behind.

   "Why are you here? Where are the groom and Mama-san at the door?"

   "Stunned, crying and annoying."

   "You're a girl! How can you see this?? Forget it, the polar bears go in to work! Robbery! Hand over the cover!"

   As usual, it was another scolding and another punching and kicking.

   In the man's plea for mercy and the woman's scream, Vasily subconsciously walked out with a few covers.

   "Let's go, the next one!" Lu Fei walked out of the pink door full of satisfaction.

   "Brilliant! What are we going to rob next?"

   "This time we don't grab anything, we take pictures and upload them!"

   "You are too ruthless, you want to let the client die on the spot."

   The four of them went out, and happened to meet Raphael and his party and walked out with a smile.

   "What did you steal? Damn it, you actually grabbed the cover?"

   "What about you? I'll go, giraffe, you're holding a bunch of clothes? Tsk tsk, and men's lace shorts."

   "We just let them go out without clothes, hahahaha."

   "Be creative, the next one?"

"let's go!"

  The two groups of people threw the covers and clothes on the wall and continued to harm the next two families.

   After more than ten seconds, Vasily opened a pink house with a slightly larger facade, and the three behind them broke in with guns.

   "Wife arrests her husband for cheating! Those who are sensible, don't move! Life and death matters, you will be killed if you move!"

   Lu Fei shouted, and the four pistols held the heads of the three people in the front hall.

   Although Mama Sang and the other two grooms were also well-informed, they had seen their wives come for whoring, but they had never seen such a sturdy one with a gun, and immediately knelt down and scratched their ears like a chill.

   "Honey, these two grooms have tattoos!" Fanny said, looking at the middle-aged groom with tattoos on his neck.

   "You, and you, Yamaguchi-gumi?"

   "Royal, you're afraid, get out て行け (get out)!"

   "Well, I'm afraid, I'm afraid I won't kill you! Brothers and sisters, beat me to death!"

   The middle-aged grooms of the two Yamaguchi-gumi groups were not good at English, so they didn't understand what Lu Fei said for a while, but soon their bodies fully understood them. The four of them jumped up and punched and kicked the two grooms.

  Especially Lu Fei, who is ruthless in his shots, with tricky parts, and hits wherever it hurts. In half a minute, the two grooms screamed incessantly, curled up on the ground, and were kicked several times in key parts.

   "Brothers, I'm stunned, don't affect our interest in going in to watch the game and take pictures."


   The two grooms suffered heavy blows in the head and fainted to the ground.

  Fanny suddenly shot and punched Mom Sang's chin, and she fell straight to the ground.

   "You? How can you hit a woman?"

   "Who made her young and beautiful, with a low neckline, I saw you aiming inside her neckline!"

   "I know the enemy's strengths and weaknesses, look at you, so careful! Let's go."

  Fanny happily opened the sliding door inside and rushed in first.

  Three sliding doors in the corridor, and strange sounds of Guli came one after another.

  Vasily opened the first door, and Lu Fei rushed in first with his mobile phone. Leaders in this kind of thing must take the lead, do a good job of exemplary work, and judge the difficulty of the work well.

   A fat man was lying on the massage table, accompanied by a woman in a kimono.

   "Click, click!"



  Lu Fei smiled and took the photo, the fat man wanted to get up, but was pressed by Vasily on his shoulders.

   The woman wanted to raise her head and shout, but Fanny held a gun to her head, and instantly shut up.

"Don't panic, we just took a few photos out of appreciation of art, and passed it on YouTube to promote the subtleties of Dongying's custom industry. It's okay, don't worry, we won't make mosaics on your faces, you're going to be popular! "

   After taking the photo, Lu Fei turned around and left. After all, the viewing of this battle was too bad, leaving only the imagination.

   The fat man was angry and anxious, and as soon as Vasily let go, he wanted to get up and grab the phone.

   "Crack! Boom! Ugh!"

  Fanny still didn't let go, she opened her bow from left to right and added a straight punch, and the fat man kept howling in pain.

   The four walked away, and a few seconds later, the second sliding door opened.

   "Click, click!"

   "Don't resist, I'll kill you!"

   "Filmed? Let's go."

   "Baga! Die!"

   "Dear, that little devil scolds me!"


   "Okay, one punch and one elbow, he can't get down by himself, he has to wait for someone to lift it down."

   "Well, dear, you have the most sense of justice."

   After taking pictures, the four moved to the last room again.

   "Damn it! Two women!" Dewey exclaimed.

   "Crack Kacha!"

   "Don't bark! I don't want to hit women."

   "Ah! Tasket!"

   "Pop bang bang!"

   "I can always fight, I'm dizzy, this female client is too bad, wide in the front and narrow in the back, flat at the top and slumped at the bottom, tsk tsk" Fanny wiped her hands, pouted her lips, and was very disgusted.

   Lu Fei shrugged, turned around and waved, letting his brothers follow.

  The brothers finished work and went out.

   (end of this chapter)

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