Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 636: Negotiations in the pursuit of the murderer

   Chapter 636 Negotiations of Dongying's Pursuit of Murderers

   "God! These old devils are too good at playing, has Yamaguchi-gumi been reduced to this field?" Ada's mouth was open.

   "We are battle-hardened mercenaries. They know that they are not necessarily opponents, but they still want to make money. They are now a non-governmental organization. What kind of skills can a group of old men hold power?" Dewey shook his head.

   "Don't take it lightly. After all, we only met Yamaguchi-gumi in an area of ​​Shinjuku today. Let's go. Today is a waste of time." Bell waved his hand in frustration.

  Won the fight, but ran away, won the tactics and lost the strategy.

   Soon they left the karate hall, got in the car and disappeared into the night.

  The commercial vehicle was driving in the nearby alley. Dewey, who was driving, glanced at the rearview mirror. One accelerated and turned and inserted into the parking space built by a nearby house. He immediately turned off the lights and turned off the lights.

   Half a minute later, a black sedan drove past.

   "Follow up and see where their old nest is." Bell in the co-pilot smiled. He was worried that he could not find anyone, but unexpectedly, he came up by himself.

  Dewey started, reversed, only turned on the low beams, and followed.

   It's just that there are too many identical Dongying cars, and the moment the commercial car hits the road, it disappears.

   "Go back, it's inconvenient to fight on the road." After two laps, Bell reluctantly asked Dewey to turn around and drive back.

   "Well, at least today has confirmed the fact that Yamaguchi-gumi is trying to protect Kameda. It seems that it will be very troublesome to move him."

   "Raphael is right, we are only 8 people, and it's a headache to think about dealing with the tens of thousands of members of the Tokyo Yamaguchi Group." Vasily showed a rare timidity.

   "Vasily is right, we can't reveal the line, we must act in secret." Webster frowned.

   "It's easy to get exposed when you go in and out of a hotel. The key is we have to keep looking for someone." Raphael shook his head.

   "Leave this aside, what we do next is the key." Fanny said impatiently.

"If you want me to say that today's troubles are not too much, but too little! Next, we will attack everywhere, attacking the industry of Yamaguchi-gumi in the Tokyo area, and doing all kinds of pornography, gambling and drugs. They can't stand huge losses. , maybe these guys will hand them over. At least there may be an opening and let us find Kameda's hiding place."

   In the dozens of seconds that Lu Fei spoke, at least three or four kinds of bad ideas appeared in his mind.

  Before midnight, the brothers returned to the ANA Hotel next to Kawasaki JR Station. In order not to expose themselves, they stopped going out for a late night snack and went back to their rooms to sleep early.

   Everyone made an appointment to sleep in and meet at noon to eat barbecue nearby.

   It was after ten o'clock in the morning, and ray of sunlight came in from the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows. It shines on the naked back of the half-covered woman on the bed, which is white and round, and it is soul-stirring.

   "Darling, what are you doing standing there? Sleep with me again." Fanny squinted and asked lazily.

   "I thought too, but here's the thing, there are people in black suits underneath, and Yamaguchi-gumi came to the door!" Lu Fei was shirtless in boxer pants, opened half of the curtains and looked downstairs.

   "I hate it! I still think that I can live a good life with two people in Dongying, this annoying little devil!"

  Fanny got up angrily, grabbed a pair of pajamas and went to the toilet to wash up.

  Lu Fei picked up the phone in the room and called the brothers one by one.

   Ten minutes later, the brothers had their guns pinned to their waists and gathered in the living room of the executive suite.

   "You don't need to send people out to guard, this is Dongying. They can't come up with guns, and they're not afraid to come, just wait for them to knock on the door." Bell said domineeringly.

   "Honey, is the pistol fire enough? Should I get the HKM27 ready?"

   "Weapons of the level of automatic rifles can only be used secretly. If you fight in a five-star hotel, we have to go to jail in Dongying. This is an island country, and it's just a joke to swim and escape."

   "Then what if a shot is fired and the opponent suffers heavy casualties?" Ada asked seriously.

"Tell the truth?"

   "What nonsense!"

   "Go to the U.S. Air Force Base to seek protection. Old Bourne has a relationship with the military. I won't go unless I have to. After all, we are causing trouble and killing people, which will implicate him."

   "Don't talk about this, we won't go either. If you are really wanted by the police, how do you run?"

   "What else can I do, buy or rob, and build a ship to cross the Pacific Ocean! I won't go to jail in Dongying, especially if I can't let Fanny go to jail."

   "Good boy, can't you grab the plane?" Fanny slipped into Lu Fei's arms sweetly, and interjected abruptly.

   "Ha, it was shot down by an American fighter jet before leaving the airspace."

   "Why Mi Jun?"

   "Stupid, Mi Army has a garrison in Dongying."

  The three were chatting when the doorbell rang.

  Lu Fei stood up and went to open the door, the brothers put their hands on the lower back. Fanny simply held the gun in her hand, but just put a towel on her right hand to cover it up.

   An old man with gray hair around sixty years old, wearing a meticulous black suit, stood at the door. There was actually no entourage behind him, only a timid interpreter girl with glasses standing beside her.

   "Hello, old man, do you have anything to do with me?" Lu Fei lowered his head and asked respectfully.

   "This is Wakato from Yamaguchi, Mr. Kiyoji Takayama from the executive department, I want to talk to you wild foxes." The girl with glasses introduced in a low voice and stepped back.

   She saw that Lu Fei lost several black belts by himself. Although he is handsome, he is not good when he has a girlfriend.

  The old man named Takayama Seiji bowed slightly.

   "Romance, first meeting."

   "Please come in, if you want to communicate well, we welcome."

   Soon Seiji Takayama sat upright on the sofa beside the coffee table, and Fanny poured him a cup of tea, using the teabag provided by the hotel.

   "Cough, I'm sorry, let's not waste each other's time, I'll talk straight to the point." Takayama Qingsi cleared his throat and said in a low voice.

   After the glasses girl finished translating, Bell shrugged and raised his hand to signal him to continue.

"Everyone knows your purpose. Mr. Kameda did not do it properly in Libya, but now he has signed a contract with us. If we can't protect his safety, the interests of Yamaguchi-gumi will be lost. Are we not Such a situation will be allowed to happen, not to mention that it is not in line with the laws of Dongying to kill people at every turn.”

   Glasses girl began to translate the dialogue between the two sides.

Bell raised the corner of his mouth and said contemptuously: "Because of his so-called inappropriateness, we are caught in the Libyan war! In addition to nine deaths, my old lover also died. If you say it lightly, it will be over? Isn't Yamaguchi-gumi a gang? What? Time to talk about the law?"

   "We have already injured more than a dozen brothers, this Chinese gentleman is really heavy, isn't that enough!"

   "Yes, he's really not light, but it's not that he can beat him, it's us who are lying in the hospital, and it's you Yamaguchi-gumi who start the provocation first!"

   "Understood! Tell me, how can I let Mr. Kameda go? What conditions do you have to mention?" Kiyoji Takayama suppressed his anger after hearing the translation of the girl with glasses.

   "We don't want money, we just want life, Kameda must die!" Bell stood up and spoke loudly.

   "Then just wait and see if the strong dragon can overwhelm the local snake!"

   Gao Shanqing Siteng stood up with a sound, bowed slightly to the surrounding Yehu brothers, and actually stood up and walked out.

   "I also remind you, don't blame us for being ruthless for any losses and casualties of your Yamaguchi-gumi in the future!"

   Takayama Kiyoji paused at the door after listening to the translation, and left without looking back.

   "Sorry for causing trouble for everyone, goodbye, no, never see you again." The girl with glasses said a few words of nonsense in fear, and fled away as if flying.

   "Okay, it's really done now, everyone be careful, you may be hit at the door at any time."

   "Captain, we can't just wait for someone to come up, there's no reason to open your thighs and wait for someone to come." Fanny frowned.

   "Cough, don't panic, do you know how many Chinese are there in Dongying?" Lu Fei asked in a groaning manner.

   "What does this have to do with us?"

"It has a lot to do with it. I mean that the number of Chinese in Tokyo and its surrounding areas is huge. The Chinese here have their own life circles, far away from the mainstream society of Eastern Ying, and they can't even get along with Yamaguchi-gumi. Find the hotels they open or The homestay is hidden, and then, hey, let's find the industry of Yamaguchi-gumi!"

   "You know them?"

   "I know where there are B&Bs that specialize in catering for Chinese tourists. The Yamaguchi group said they were looking for it, but I couldn't think of it."

   "Okay! Check out in the afternoon, we will withdraw!"

   "After you go out, listen to my arrangement and play hide-and-seek with the Yamaguchi-gumi."

   After five or six hours, the brothers went to the front desk of the hotel to check out, and went out with huge backpacks on their backs. The commercial car parked on the street has been driven away by the car rental company, and they have returned the car by phone in the hotel.

   Not far away, in the open-air smoking area dozens of meters away from the hotel entrance, two old men in jackets were smoking, and from time to time they glanced at Brother Yehu, who was no one else, with old tattoos looming on their open chests.

  The ravines and spots on the faces of the two men were deep, and the rogue was getting old.

   "Aren't you going to buy something? There is a large shopping mall behind the JR station, let's go to the prodigal family." Lu Fei hooked Fanny and Ada at the door of the hotel, shouting unscrupulously.

   "We are civilized people, isn't it a bit silly to shout like this outside? Can you really ignore Yamaguchi-gumi without a gun?" Dewey's face with a black question mark was puzzled.

   "You're stupid. Anyway, there are people watching, so it's better to do whatever you want. Yes, you can swipe your card to buy things. The Japanese currency is not enough, and the US knife merchants don't accept it."

   "Dear Fanny, how much do you want to buy? Just buy some things that are not available in the United States, and then no one will help you carry the things." Lu Fei said with a frown.

   "It's not you, what do you think? By the way, it's okay to swipe your card."

   "What else can I say, swipe the baby card!"

   After ten minutes, the wild fox brothers did not hide their stature, and swept around the mall like nouveau riche, ignoring the envious and jealous eyes of the two hunched old men behind them.

   "Tanaka-san, these foreigners are not only difficult to find and have money, they will buy all the good things from Dongying." The old man who was hiding in the corner of the aisle outside the brand store shook his head.

   "Forget it, Aoyama-san, it's as if they can afford it if they don't buy us. Alas, the club doesn't give us pensions either, so we have to be stalked at this age."

   "You fought for it yourself, and we can do the work we can. Do you really want to fight them? You'll be hammered to death with one punch."

  The two old men stared diagonally across from the men's luxury store in the mall, and the content of the conversation was bleak.

   "Come out, keep up! No, they're missing one person!"

   (end of this chapter)

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