Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 419: Authentic long-term heart

   Chapter 419

   After Irina finished speaking, she walked to the west wall, took out the dagger Lu Fei gave her, drew a big circle on the wall, and stabbed heavily in the middle.

   "Dig straight along this position! Every time you advance 5 meters, I will check whether it is crooked."

  Lu Fei nodded, found a German shovel from among his own pile of equipment on the ground, went up to dig a few times, and found that the soil is relatively dense and the water content is not low, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

   "Irina, you go to the basement above to find the cloth bag for the food, and get the trolley down.

  Others carry useful things in the burrow, including food and water, to the basement above. Everyone rests there. We accumulated the excavated soil to a certain extent and sent it to the forest to dump it evenly.

   Work now, then work at night and sleep during the day. Of course, you can take turns digging tunnels when you are in a hurry. "

The brothers moved. After ten minutes, the cave was swept away. Only a few dozen grain bags and a small cart were placed in the corner. Na's.

   When everyone was ready, Lu Fei stood in front of the earth wall circle with his shovel, looked at the eager KV brothers and nodded, turned his head and shoveled down the wall fiercely.

   Once, twice, three times, after a while, a large piece of soil fell, and Ivan stepped forward with a shovel and put the fallen soil into the grain cloth bag.

Lu Fei continued to shovel, and the soil piled up in a short while. Ivan was too late to pack the bag. Victor came to help immediately, while Yegor tied the mouth of the bag filled with soil with straw rope and put it on the small bag. on the cart.

   After about half an hour, Lu Fei's right arm was a little sore, so he replaced it with his left arm and continued digging.

  The circle on the wall has been sunken inward by more than half a meter, and the grain bag behind Lu Fei has more than 10 bags. After Lu Fei dug for an hour, he advanced a distance of almost one meter.

   Soon Ivan replaced him, while Victor and Yegor pushed the cart to the bottom of the tunnel, ready to go up and dump the soil into the forest.

   When they came back out of breath, they found that there were more than a dozen bags of dirt on the ground, and Valery was looking at them with a smile. Lu Fei looked at the tired panting of the two and took the initiative to take the job.

   Yelena helped him illuminate. Lu Fei pushed the cart to the tunnel entrance, carrying a bag of dirt in one hand and grabbing the escalator with the other to go up. It was very easy, faster than both Victor and Yegor.

   In this way, everyone took turns to go to battle, working hard until 6:00 in the morning, everyone was really tired, so they slept in the basement.

   After five or six hours of hard work, the result is about seven meters, mainly because the soil here is relatively compact, and there is no rock layer for more than ten meters underground, and there is still a distance from the river bank, and there is almost no groundwater.

   Everyone slept until noon, only to be woken up by the horns of the German military vehicles outside. Out of prudence, they still took their equipment and went down to the burrow, preparing to have lunch in the burrow.

   Then everyone went up the tunnel to the exit in pairs, and then went to the depths of the forest to solve physical problems. Lu Fei also carried a big bucket and went out a long way, found a small stream, and returned with a bucket of water.

   When he returned to the tunnel, Elena was already cutting brown bread for everyone. Lu Fei found his canvas bag, took out a bottle of medical alcohol and poured it into the used alcohol lamp.

   "Irina, you take a piece of wild boar and cut it into slices, put it in brown bread for everyone, and then bake the brown bread sandwich with an alcohol lamp. It should improve the taste of the brown bread."

   "Okay, everyone take turns, don't worry, Brother Vladimir, we also store kerosene lamps and a small barrel of kerosene here, which should be enough for lighting and simple cooking of hot food."

   "Captain, let's just sip. It's a bit awkward to do this. It's not like we fought with Chinese people in the big forest. Although it's dangerous, it's cool enough." Victor muttered.

"No way, I also want to confront them, and I believe my marksmanship is much better than yours, and I can kill a lot of Chinese people. But now there are dozens or hundreds of Eagles outside, and there are a lot of machine gun armored vehicles, and we don't have KV2. , had no choice but to dig soil here.

   Let's have a drink, but don't smoke. You can overcome it in two days. If you really want to smoke, go to the forest in the middle of the night to smoke. "

"The captain is right, bear with it, just go out and do it with the people of the country. It's not brave, it's a death sentence. Come on, let's have a drink. It's good to have wine, and it's this kind of top food. Vodka, what else do you want? Even if you go back to the army, you won't be able to share so much, such a good wine."

The    brothers were chatting, but Lu Fei heard a very subtle sound from the ventilation hole, which seemed to be the sound of a car braking at the door of the building.

   "Shh, there's a car parked at the door, think about it, what's left in the basement?" Lu Fei stopped everyone from talking and asked softly.

   Everyone shook their heads. Lu Fei told everyone to sit still, turned off the alcohol lamp, and then took care of Elena to put the wild boar in the bag, for fear that the smell of the food would drift into the basement and let the Chinese people smell it.

   followed by a long wait. After a while, everyone heard the sound of someone walking around the building and flipping things. After a while, the sound faded away.

   A minute later, there was the sound of a vehicle starting, and it seemed that the "visitor" above had left.

   "Wait another ten minutes. If there is no movement, it will be too late to eat." Lu Fei was afraid that his brothers would make a move, so he said softly.

   Sure enough, after a few minutes, some noises came from above. It seemed that someone was moving and dragging something, and it took a while to move the thing out.

  It wasn't until half an hour later that Lu Fei confirmed that there was indeed no one in the small building. The alcohol lamp was lit, and the brothers immediately took the time to bake the roasted black bread and wild boar, and they were ready to eat.

"Brothers, it seems that this is still too close to the commune building. We can't work during the day. At most, we can only move the earthbags to the tunnel entrance, and digging soil will not work. From today, we will be out at night and out during the day. Sleep, dig and eat at night."

   "Okay, I'll listen to you. Life is at stake. If the Chinese people find out, we will be blocked at both ends. As long as we drop a few grenades, we will all be finished." Victor said softly.

  Others also nodded their heads.

  Lu Fei didn't let everyone go to sleep in the basement anymore. The brothers spread out the marching blankets and slept with their clothes together carelessly. It was better than worrying about the Chinese intruding in the basement at any time.

  After 7pm, everyone went to the forest to take care of their personal hygiene, and started digging tunnels after eating. There was plenty of time this night, and we dug for another ten meters. In the morning, the exhausted brothers continued to sleep.

   A few days later, October 20th.

   After several days of fighting, the tunnel finally reached its location.

   At 8 o'clock in the evening, at the end of the tunnel, it was only about one meter away from the ground above.

  Irina came in and looked at the exit above, and asked Lu Fei to give her a thick wooden stick against the exit, then pulled him out and returned to the cave.

  Irina patted the soil on her head, looked at the KV brothers who were exhausted and slumped on the ground, and said solemnly:

"Brothers, we have dug to the ground. The expected exit of the tunnel has heavy objects on it, so the soil layer is already unstable. If you want to dig through it, you should use a long shovel to dig a little further away, and the exit will be carried with it at any time. Things fell down."

"Wow, haha, I finally figured it out. The days of being a miner in the dark are coming to an end. As for my wine, I have to take a sip to celebrate. Hey, where is my wine?" Flirting.

"Fuck you, what are you doing touching my thigh? I think you're a little out of your mind. We finished the vodka yesterday, shall we? Let's return the wine, not to mention it's okay, I feel sick all over." Valery said lightly. Lightly kicked Yegor away.

   "Yeah, digging tunnels really wasn't done by humans. My arms are still shaking. Now I'm sure I'll be finished shooting with the Chinese. I'm out of wine, and I'm hungry." Ivan said weakly.

   "I'm sorry, the boar is gone, there are some German chocolate candies, and nothing else." Elena said apologetically.

   "It's none of your business, little sister, you have taken good care of us. When we go out, the captain will take us to eat and drink. I want to eat grilled fish." Victor licked his lips and said.

  Lu Fei looked at the exhausted KV brothers and admired them a lot. Not everyone can work hard for five or six days in a dark tunnel.

  Lu Fei found an alcohol lamp and lit it up. There were two light sources, a kerosene lamp and an alcohol lamp, in the underground cave.

   Then he dug out from his canvas bag and took them out in the same way. Six cans of meat, two bottles of vodka, and three compressed biscuits were placed on the ground.

  The KV brothers and Irina's eyes were straight, looking at Lu Fei in disbelief.

   "Each person has a can and half a compressed biscuit. You can share the wine one by one, but if you can't finish it, you will faint. Everyone has worked hard these past few days. I have already prepared wine for work." Lu Fei laughed.

   After Lu Fei finished speaking, there was a burst of suppressed cheers, the brothers rushed up, picked up the can and started eating.

   When everyone was full, Lu Fei thought about it, clapped his hands lightly, and the brothers turned their eyes.

"Let's rest first, keep your spirits up, and don't transport the remaining dozen bales of soil. We started at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and we will be able to trade in this hammer. After digging the tunnel, I went into the basement of the commune by myself. You all retreat to the tunnel entrance in the forest and wait for me.

  If I can't come back, you will withdraw, under the command of Victor. Go north and east, and try to cross the front to get back into our ranks. "Lu Fei slowed down his speech and said word by word.

   "That won't work, I'm not leaving, we are a team, without you, we can't live in the back of the Chinese people, we might as well go with you, die together, live together." Victor shook his head.

   "Die together, live together!"

   "Die together, live together!"

   "Die together, live together!"

   "Die together, live together! I'm going to give you monkeys."

"Irina, this is your fault. You see that the most stupid Yegor is paying attention to the formation. How can you add to the show without authorization. Seeing that you are a girl, we will not beat you, brothers beat Yi Wan, sister debt brother repay!"

   "Oh, what are you beating me for? Do you think you need someone to vent and make excuses?"

"Okay, stop making trouble, enter the German oil warehouse, release gasoline and other flammable fuels, and then set the fire on fire. You don't need so many people to do this, you will only get in the way if you go there, and it's easy to have a lot of people. exposed.

  I know everyone's intentions. You are all waiting for me at the tunnel entrance in the forest, and there needs to be guards there. Don't worry, the Eagle Party doesn't have the ability to kill me. "

"Well, Brother Vladimir, I'll help you dig the tunnel properly first, and then let Ivan go up with you. Even if he's useless, it's good to look at the wind, and the others go to the forest tunnel at the other end. Waiting for you." Elena said softly.

   "What do you call this? It's useless if you call it that. Did you say that to your brother? There is no humanity if you have the opposite sex!"

   "It's the truth that I said, why don't you do it alone?"

  Lu Fei waved his hand to shut up the two of them, and then nodded to let Ivan go with him, not wanting Ivan to feel useless.

   Soon, the lights went out, everyone began to rest and sleep, and entered a long wait.

   And Lu Fei entered the system for training, so he couldn't hold it back without relying on the system training to recover his energy this time. In the system, a row of various World War II famous tanks lined up for him. He chose the Soviet T34 for training. In fact, it was just playing.

   After an unknown amount of time, Ivan pushed Lu Fei and said, "Comrade Second Lieutenant, it's almost time, can we start?"

  Lu Fei raised his hand and looked at his watch, nodded and turned on the flashlight.

   "Turn on the lights. Except for Ivan and I, everyone else put on their equipment and went to the tunnel entrance at the other end. Elena, when the tunnel is open, you should hurry up and start moving!"

  The brothers suppressed their excitement and replied softly.

  The kerosene lamp was lit, and the brothers were busy, putting on canvas bags and carrying guns, while Elena pulled Lu Lu and flew to the end of the tunnel dug, and Ivan followed.

Elena first asked Ivan to use a long shovel to dig loose the perimeter of the last bit of soil above, and then arranged for Lu Fei to put the flying claws on the supporting wooden pillars, so that the two of them backed up, and she also walked a few meters back and pulled hard. the flying claw rope.

   "Wow, puff!"

The    wooden pillar was pulled down, the soil above collapsed, and an oil barrel with a diameter of about 60 cm and a height of less than one meter fell.

   Fortunately, the underground tunnel was sloped and a lot of soil was not transported away, so the oil drum was not damaged under the buffer.

  Lu Fei and Ivan worked together and moved the oil drum a few meters back to make room for it.

"Yelina, let's go. Remember! If we don't come back, we must live strong, persist until the war is won, tell the world our experiences and stories, and don't let us die in vain." Ivan He hugged Elena and said firmly.

   "Don't be so sensational, you'll die if you die, what about it? Elena, come here." Lu Fei took a medical flashlight and shone slightly above the entrance of the cave, then turned around and called Elena over.

  Lu Fei took out a golden mark and a stack of beautiful knives from somewhere and stuffed them into Yelena's hands.

   "You keep the money, don't tell anyone, don't ask me questions, you just don't know."

   (end of this chapter)

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