Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 182: Long way back to send money back

  Chapter 182

  Eagle Sauce Rudolph lay down on the ground in a large font, the red and white flowed all over the place, the dead can't die anymore.

  Vasily looked at his body, wiped his sweat and said, "Jack, these explosives may not expire, you are cheating him."

  Lu Fei smiled and said: "To be honest, I don't know, otherwise I wouldn't block his arm nerves first, and then cut off the wires on the ground. However, I don't feel any fatal threat is real."

  Ada said in surprise: "You don't know either, it turned out to be acting for Rudolph, acting."

Bell let out a long breath and said with relief: "You two are good at acting, so I won't punish you. Vasily hurriedly dismantled the explosive device, safety first. A pile of explosives is really creepy. "

  Vasily went to remove the detonator and wires immediately, while Lu Fei walked behind Rudolph's body and pulled back the large curtain forcefully, revealing a covered area of ​​7 or 8 square meters.

  Under the curtain, countless small boxes were stacked on top of each other, and the side wooden bars of many boxes had cracked, revealing the golden objects inside. There were also two slightly larger iron boxes, two MG42 machine guns, a few submachine guns, and a few boxes of bullets to surround the city on the ground around the box.

  Lu Fei stepped forward and opened one of the iron boxes, which contained more than a dozen gold products and a small gold box. When Lu Fei opened the small gold box, he saw the golden triangle (part of the golden compass) that he was familiar with.

   Lu Fei and Bell whispered a few words, and put the small gold box into their first aid kit.

  Bell told Dewey to go outside to find an abandoned AK, use the barrel as a crowbar, and pry open one of the many small boxes.

   A minute later, with a "click" sound, the wooden lid of the small box was pried open by Dewey's brute force. Golden light suddenly shone in the cave, and ten golden bricks were neatly arranged in the small wooden box. Bell picked up one of them for observation, and saw that the Eagle Party symbol and the words 1943 were engraved on the front of each gold brick, and the words 10KG were engraved on the side.

   "Brothers, make a fortune! Let's do it together and count the exact number."

   Ida and Vasili immediately stepped forward to help, while Raphael went to open another large iron box and found some small colorless stones and some small red and yellow stones in it. Bell took a look, frowned, and asked, "Why does Eagle sauce collect these inconspicuous stones?"

Raphael picked one up, and after examining it carefully, he smiled and said, "Brother, these are all diamonds! They are rough diamonds that have not been cut and polished, and the colored ones are colored diamonds. These "stones" in the box will not Less than 10,000 carats, but it would be nice to have half of it cut and polished.”

   After ten minutes, everyone counted the number of treasures and put them together.

   Ada said: "The gold bricks are 42 boxes, each box is 10 pieces and 10 kilograms, 42 boxes totaling 4.2 tons."

  Raphael said: "The rough diamond is 10,000 carats and comes in various colors. Hehe, it's quite valuable."

  Lu Fei said: "There are more than a dozen gold products in another iron box, such as masks, short walking sticks, and golden crowns, the style is like that of Egypt."

  Bell scratched his head and asked, "Jack, you are a rich man. Let's estimate how much these treasures are worth, and then calculate how much the brothers can share?"

Lu Fei shook his head and said: "The value is not very easy to estimate, because other than diamonds, other gold is strictly a cultural relic, especially gold products. Let me make a rough estimate. If the minimum value is used, these Eagles' gold is worth at least 2 pieces. $100 million in knives, diamonds and gold products worth at least $100 million, totaling $300 million.

   In the worst case of valuation, the brothers are 5% each, which is $15 million, I am $30 million, and James is $30 million. The others are of the federal government and the navy.

The brothers laughed immediately after hearing this, and Lu Fei laughed along with him, and continued: "Actually, I'm afraid that this time there are too many treasures, but it's very dangerous for us. Now it's just right. As for making the government jealous. But what I just estimated was the lowest price. The overall estimate of these treasures is 500 million to 600 million yuan, which is normal. The value of cultural relics is difficult to calculate. "

   Ada sighed: "Wow, at least twice as much as the first time I took it, Fanny is so lucky, and she made a fortune in one fell swoop!"

Lu Fei said: "I have two suggestions, one is that everyone take a box of gold and choose a larger diamond to reduce the overall value of the treasure and not make the federal government jealous; Give 2 million US dollars to arrange for Fatini's future life. It is not suitable for her to live in the United States. It is better to send Fatini to a private high school and university in a corrupt country, and let James and Lisa help take care of her. The money is used for her. The trust fund is responsible for tuition and daily expenses, and will give her the rest after graduation."

Bell nodded and said: "Good idea, especially for Fatini's arrangement, not because of her, maybe we really fell for Hassan's trick. The treasure thing can't be hidden from her, who would give 2 million US dollars for no reason. The knife is given away, Jack, you are responsible for telling her the ins and outs. After the treasure is transported to the top, it will be packed into 3 RVs. As for everyone's first separation of gold and diamonds, I have no opinion, but how can the gold be hidden? It is too heavy. "

Lu Fei said: "Don't worry about this, I'm familiar with Jason from the Navy, I'll get it out before I send it back to the United States, no one will know, as long as everyone shut up, let's take it off first, the Federation Even if the government knows about it, it’s hard to say anything, after all, what we handed over is the big head, so it’s okay to leave some souvenirs, it’s good to take care of this kind of thing.”

   Everyone nodded in agreement, no one would be willing to spend more money, leaving some Eagle Party gold as a souvenir, it is also very beautiful to think about.

Bell rubbed his hands and said: "Now you have to work, Jack, Vasily, each of you will carry a box back, and then drive the RV with Fanny to the yard where we came up. The others will move all the treasures to the entrance of the cave. ."

  Everyone moved, Lu Fei and Vasily set off first, carrying gold on their backs, and rushing to the exit.

   Half an hour later, Jack took Fanny and the cart back to the cave. Fanny didn't take part in the battle, so I was embarrassed to sit on it and enjoy the success, and came down to work together, leaving Vasily to guard the RV and gold.

   Waiting for someone to bring the gold, and then let Vasily come down to help, there must be a brother next to the car to be safe.

  Even with the stroller, the brothers still labored like ants moving for half the night. After 5 hours, they put all the treasures into the three Unimogs. Lu Fei finally withdrew from the cave. By the way, he put two well-maintained MG42s and a few boxes of ammunition into the car. He worked hard and moved them back to his car. The brothers all laughed at him. Although the antique guns are not cheap, they are good for them. It's not worth anything. This little money he also looked at.

  The brothers spent half the night, sweating profusely, sitting by the car drinking water, eating some compressed biscuits to cushion their hunger. Lu Fei got in the car and told Fatini the whole thing.

   Fatini was relieved and happy to hear that Hassan was killed. She was also very happy to have the opportunity to continue her studies, but she asked whether she could go to the United States and live in Aoguli Town. She only believed in the brothers and sisters of Lu Fei and Yehu. Lu Fei persuaded her at all costs, and said that if he didn't like the James family or the corrupt country, he would go back to the United States to find him.

It was past 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and Bell sat up for a while and said: "Brothers, there is still a beginning and end to deal with, otherwise people will find out here sooner or later, and maybe they will be traced to us, what do you think? ."

Dewey said: "I don't dare to talk about professionalism, but I know this matter, and I have heard a lot about gangsters. It's nothing more than destroying corpses and hiding holes. We threw all the corpses of Eagle sauce in the village into the holes. Then close the entrance of the cave and blow up the house. If no one lives in the village, it will take less than a month for the yellow sand to bury the village and the house.”

  Lu Fei nodded, patted Dewey and said, "I was wrong, I won't beat you in the future, don't destroy me."

   Dewey kicked over and drove away Dr. Jack, who was making sarcastic remarks.

  Bell nodded in agreement, ordered everyone to clean up the village, and transported the bodies of these Eagle Sauce villagers with a small cart and threw them into the hole. He also threw guns and other items in.

   After working for more than an hour, Vasily dug out adobe bricks at several key structural points on the living room wall, stuffed them into C4, and installed the detonator. Out of the courtyard, into the car.

  The brothers set off for a run, first drove the RV to the village entrance and stopped. Afterwards, Vasily pressed the remote control. After a muffled sound, the village was filled with smoke and dust. Vasily felt a little uneasy after thinking about it. He got out of the car and ran back to the courtyard to check it. After a few minutes, he ran back and got into the car.

   "It's done, brothers, the explosion site looks like it's fallen in disrepair, let's go."

  The wild fox team drove out for a few kilometers, found a valley surrounded by sand dunes, and prepared to rest for the night. Everyone was really exhausted from work and had no energy to drive, except for Lu Fei, a pervert.

  Lu Fei took the initiative to ask to be on the first shift and let the brothers slow down a little. Two hours later, Fanny, who had less work, took his place, followed by Ada. By the time the sky is bright, it is already 8:00 in the morning. The brothers prepared to leave after a breakfast of steak and dehydrated vegetables.

  Bell gathered everyone for a meeting and discussed the route back together.

Bell said solemnly: "If we go back the same way, firstly, we are afraid that we will be investigated by the local government after passing through the Ajer Plateau, and secondly, we are worried that there will be killers looking for them along this route. Although we are not afraid of force, we bring such Treasures and insecurity."

Raphael pointed to the map and said: "From the map, the nearest route is to go directly north. It won't take long to walk through the desert in Libya, you can find the road, and then drive directly to Tripoli on the Mediterranean Sea, and then let the destroyer come. catch."

Lu Fei shook his head and said: "The captain is right, the route we are coming is too dangerous. It is not safe to go to Libya. Libyan President Gaddafi has a bad relationship with the West, and this guy is a little nervous. The destroyer of the Navy came to Libya to pick up We're going to be in trouble. I suggest we just drive southeast, across the Sahara, directly to Egypt, then take the southern Egyptian road straight through Egypt, drive to Alexandria, and have a Navy destroyer pick it up.

The advantage of    is that we have always been in the heart of the desert, where there is no government force, and our itinerary can be kept secret to the greatest extent, so that no organization or force knows where we are. When we got to Alexandria, Egypt, we went directly to the warship. Who could have anticipated this line and intercepted us? "

  Bell looked at the map for a long time, followed the line Lu Fei said with his finger, and then nodded: "Jack is right, the plan is very bold, the real question is do we have enough gasoline and water? Do we have enough food?"

Lu Fei found a piece of paper and calculated for a long time, then said, "We will drive thousands of kilometers in the desert to the south of Egypt. The consumption of gasoline and water along the way will be enough, which is very dangerous. But we have a place to refuel. Add water, I checked, there is a gas station in the small town of Ozu in Chad, we first go southeast to Ozu, fill up the oil and water, put two barrels of gasoline in each car, and go straight to the south of Egypt. One more full supply there, and then drive straight to Alexandria."

  Bershu frowned, patted the table, and said, "Just do this, I'd rather work hard than bring money home!"

   All the brothers shouted together: "I would rather work hard than bring money home."

  Bell instructed everyone to go to the river by the village and fill up the water tanks of the three cars before going on the road. Even if the water has too many minerals to drink directly, it is good to take a bath.

  Then the wild fox convoy started and went straight to the southeast. Not long after they drove out, Lu Fei called Captain Jason of the Navy with a satellite phone.

   "Uncle Jason, I'm Jack, are you in Italy?"

   "Hello Jack, I've been waiting for your call for several days. Is the operation going well?"

   "We have received the cargo. Please let the destroyer depart for Alexandria today, we will be there in 3-4 days, and when we get there, I will call you and we will board the ship directly."

   "That's great, the Bourne family's children are cattle, and they can succeed every time. I know, the boat will arrive in two days, you can wait for you for a week, call me if you have anything, there are also light weapons and fighters on board!"

   "Thank you, Uncle Jason, I know. I will definitely ask you for help if I have to. The Navy has made a small fortune now."

   "Thanks to you, be careful."

   hung up the phone, Lu Fei reported the good news to the brothers, and the warship has been arranged to respond, everyone just drives.

  The wild fox team was bumpy all the way. After 3 hours, they arrived at Ozu in Chad, filled up with gasoline and drinking water, filled up a few barrels of gasoline for spare, checked the condition of the car and tires again, and the team continued to drive east.

  Bell also called Webster and asked him to fly to Alexandria, Egypt, to prepare for them.

   The convoy drove all the way to the east. The terrain in the desert was complicated, the sand was soft, and the convoy was struggling. Surprisingly, because Fatini lives in the desert all the year round, she likes to go shopping in far-flung towns with the village car. Knowing the direction, softness and dunes of the sand in the desert, with her human navigation help, the Unimog does not need to climb over the dunes frequently, and the team has reduced a lot of unnecessary losses and detours.

   It was a hard journey all the way, but nothing happened. Two days later, the convoy finally reached the road in southern Egypt and opened the highway.

   The two-day desert march has worn them out, and the car has been worn out a lot. The convoy drove at a high speed and went down to the ground. Dewey, the leader, found a car repair shop in a small town, checked the condition of the car, inflated the tires, and prepared to take the road. Taking this opportunity, everyone also rested for an afternoon, but for the sake of safety, the brothers kept people in the car and did not allow car repair personnel to enter the interior of the car.

   After overhauling and cleaning up the Unimog, the three RVs drove to the parking lot of a large supermarket. Bell asked Fatini to buy dinner for everyone, and everyone sat in the car and had dinner. After eating and drinking, Bell said: "Jack of the gold bricks left behind will help us get it done. Let's pick a diamond now, it won't be easy to get it when we get to the ship."

   The brothers jokingly picked a rough diamond, Lu Fei picked a rough yellow diamond of about 10 carats, and also picked a rough blue stone for Fatini, and returned to the United States to process it and then give it to her.

  Fatini was pleasantly surprised, but she didn't expect her to have a share. Everyone picked colored diamonds, and it wasn’t a matter of money. The main reason was that colored diamonds are rare, and they are more meaningful as souvenirs.

   (end of this chapter)

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