Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 162: Good cause bears good fruit

  Chapter 162 Good causes in the past yield good results

  Bell, Jack, and Gray Cat are three in one car. Gray Cat doesn't know whether he relies on Jack or has a crush on him, and always follows him inseparably. The situation was serious, Bell wanted to ask Lu Fei's opinion and said:

"Jack, the enemy will definitely catch up. It's midnight, we are not familiar with the situation in Myanmar, and we don't dare to go to the government department. I heard that the military government is in power here. If you go, you will basically die. So I am a little uncertain , what should we do next. Now it's 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, if we keep running away, after a few hours it will dawn, we will be passive. So I mean, we should find a place to hide, but people who are unfamiliar, Where to hide is safe, completely clueless."

Lu Fei nodded and said: "Captain is right, they are local snakes and can put a lot of charges on us, so the local police or army must be unreliable. I have a place, or a relationship, you can try it. I have I rescued a Burmese girl, Duoling, who is still working in my lakeside ranch. Her home is near Pagan Town. We can try to find her family for help, at least take us in for a while, let us catch my breath."

  Captain Bell was overjoyed and said, "That's great, there are local people who will take you in or give advice, so we can take a rest and then make targeted deployments for the next step."

  Lu Fei thought for a moment and said, "But we can't drive there, it will bring disaster to Duoling's family. We'd better lose the car, sneak past, and sneak into her house."

Bell nodded and said: "No problem, we are driving through the country road, which is too conspicuous. If we are stopped by the enemy in front, we can only fight to the end. Dewey, the car behind, listen, if we drive off the roadbed, you follow. Go down, then turn off the lights, wait in the car, and wait for the pursuers behind to drive past.

  Jack, check the coordinates, where should we go from here and where to abandon the car. "

Lu Fei turned on the flashlight, took out the map with the coordinates of Ling's house marked in advance, stared at it for a while, and said, "Continue to drive forward, there is a big lake in front of you, Induoji Lake, we are about 3 kilometers away from the lake, drive off the roadbed, go to East through a large area of ​​grass and crops, perhaps a forest, and about 3 kilometers to the due east, there is a small village where Duoling’s family is.”

Bell increased the speed of the car, Dewey followed, and drove about two kilometers. Lu Fei saw that the left front of the dirt road was a large area of ​​long grass about half a person's height, so Bell drove the car directly into the long grass, and Dewey also drove to the front car. On the side, the two cars turned off the lights.

  Two minutes later, more than a dozen cars behind them drove past like lightning.

After waiting in the car for half a minute, Lu Fei tapped on his earphones and said, "Everyone, put on mosquito repellant, wear long clothes and trousers, hats, goggles, and masks. In the middle of the night, you can't see well, so everyone must do well. Get ready. After 2 minutes, we will abandon the car and go east, I will open the way, and everyone will follow me." Fanny looked at Lu Fei in embarrassment, she had nothing. Lu Fei smiled, took out the mosquito repellant and let the gray cat Fanny smear it on the exposed skin.

  Captain Bell added: "Jack opened the way to light with a flashlight, and the people behind pulled the clothes of the people in front when they couldn't see it. Don't turn on the lights, turn off the safety of the gun, and try not to expose it."

  The brothers replied clearly. After Lu Fei got out of the car, he identified the direction and began to **** in the grass. The gray cat was dragging his clothes, and Bell was pulling the gray cat's clothes at the back. Each person pulled one. The team slowly moved forward like a string of hairy crabs.

   The group crossed the long grass, and there were large bushes and woods in front. Lu Fei took out a heavy short machete from his backpack and chopped the road ahead. Lu Fei had no choice. His vision was not good at night, and he couldn't see the country roads at all, so he had to make his own way.

  Lu Fei drove the road for more than ten minutes, and finally led the team out of the woods. In front of him was a large paddy field. This time it was much easier. Under the moonlight, a group of people walked on the field ridge and went east. After a while, they came to a small village. Bell pressed his hands down, signaling everyone to squat down and hide behind the tree.

Captain Bell said through the headset: "We are a large group of people hanging in the village, it's too conspicuous. Jack and I go to Duo Ling's house, everyone hides first, and when we find it, I or Jack will come back here to take everyone. Doling's house."

   The two put down their cumbersome gun bags and set off. A few minutes later, Bell and Jack sneaked outside the village to observe. Lu Fei remembered that Duo Ling had said that his house was in the northernmost part of the village. It was a stilted building with two tall palm trees outside the building. The two walked from west to north for half a circle outside the village, and soon found the solitary stilted building. The two walked downstairs and walked up the stairs gently.

  The stairs are made of bamboo, and every time the two take a step, there will be a creaking sound. It sounded very harsh in the middle of the night. The two bravely continued to go upstairs, and reached the first room on the second floor of the Diaojiao Building, where a man's alert question came. But they couldn't understand the chatter, Lu Fei simply spoke Chinese, hoping that the people in the room could understand.

"Hello, uncle, my Chinese name is Lu Fei. I am Duo Ling's friend in the United States and her boss. I am going to Myanmar to do some business. I was chased by drug lords. Shout, if you don't want to receive me, I'll go."

  The door made of bamboo opened from the inside, and a black and thin middle-aged man walked out holding a candle. Seeing Lu Fei's Asian face and fair skin, knowing that he was not a local, he believed most of his words and asked them to sit in.

After Lu Fei and Bell sat down on the floor of the room, Lu Fei said, "I won't introduce Duo Ling to you. You can ask her yourself. I'll call her now." After speaking, he took out his satellite phone. , called Duo Ling's cell phone.

  The phone was connected after ten seconds, and Lu Fei said softly: "Duoling, now I'm sitting in your father's bedroom, you talk to him yourself, keep your voice down, your boss, I'm being hunted down."

Lu Fei handed the phone to Duo Ling's father, and the two chatted. Duo Ling's father became more excited and happier as he listened. Seeing that Lu Fei's face was much better, it took him half an hour to hang up. on the phone.

Duo Ling's father said in awkward Mandarin: "Thank you, Mr. Lu, you are Duo Ling's second-born parent, she told me that she is very happy working in your ranch and said that her monthly salary has risen to 3,000 US dollars. In the future To get a green card in the United States, it all depends on you, a kind person, and even if Ling Ling can speak Chinese, she has a chance to meet you, a kind Chinese."

  Lu Fei hurriedly interrupted his gratitude and said, "I still have a few brothers, I have to stay here for a while. We are in trouble. If you are ok, I will call them."

   Duoling's father hurriedly said: "No problem, you quickly let them come, your brother is Duoling's brother."

  Lu Fei signaled that Bell was alright, Bell smiled, and immediately went downstairs to find his brothers.

Lu Fei took out two stacks of US dollars from his backpack and handed them to Duoling's father, saying, "This is what Duoling asked me to give to you. Let uncle go to live in a big city like Myitkyina. It's really hard here. "

   Duoling's father took the 20,000 dollars tremblingly and said, "This is too much, I can buy a house in Myitkyina."

Lu Fei copied Duo Ling's phone number to him again, and asked him to go to Myitky to buy a mobile phone, so that he could contact Duo Ling later, or go to a US bank to get a card, and she could call him later. .

   Dad Duoling felt like he was in a dream, and he was living a good life in the blink of an eye. For a while, his mind and body were foggy, and he didn't know where he was. After about ten minutes, he gradually calmed down.

   After a while, Captain Bell brought all the brothers up, and Dad Duoling immediately poured water for everyone, and brought out some sweet potatoes for everyone to eat.

Lu Fei asked about his big drug lord, Peng Nai Wen, and his elder brother, the warlord Gedanwei, and Duoling's father changed his face and said, "The warlord Gedanwei is very powerful and is the second largest warlord in Myanmar. The main force is in the north of Myanmar. His expenses are mainly supported by his younger brother Ponnevin's drug trafficking and jadeite mines. His younger brother Ponnevin sells drugs, robs jade, rapes women, murders and sets fires, and commits all evils. Their eyes and ears are everywhere, you should hurry up and escape as soon as possible. Get out of Burma."

  Fanny the grey cat interjected and said in Chinese, "Hello, uncle, do you know where Ponne Win's old nest is?"

Duoling's father said: "Yes, Burmese people know that in Ma Gao in the Hukang River Valley, the exact address is not clear. At the junction of the India-Myanmar Highway and the Qindun River, there is the largest gray villa. I used to go there to fight I have worked, dug amber, and seen it.

   By the way, this beauty looks like a Westerner, how can she speak Chinese? "

   Grey Cat Fanny smiled and said, "I went to a university in Huaxia Magic Capital, so I can speak Chinese and speak a few words in Magic Capital."

  Lu Fei then said to Duoling's father: "It's not long before dawn, do we want to hide with you for a day?"

Duoling's father shook his head and said, "It's not that I don't want to, but I can't hide it. In a country house like ours, the air is everywhere, and many neighbors come up without saying hello. Besides, you have to eat, drink, and go to the toilet. It will definitely be exposed, here. The people here are very poor, and I will definitely betray you for the reward. But I have a good place to take you there."

  Lu Fei felt very frustrated at first, but who knew that the twists and turns would turn around in a while, and hurriedly asked: "That's great, where is it?"

Duoling's father said: "Between our village and the small town of Samao, there is a mountain range, one of which is an unnamed mountain several hundred meters high. There is a very large cave on the mountainside. It was discovered by Duoling when she was a child. The entrance of the cave is very hidden, blocked by many bushes, and there are holes in the cave leading to the top of the mountain, so there is no need to worry about the lack of air circulation.”

   After Lu Fei communicated with Bell and the brothers, everyone agreed to go to the cave for a while and hide with Dad Duoling.

   Dad Duoling carried 10 jins of rice and a bucket of water on his back, and quietly led them out of the village to Wuming Mountain. The journey looked close on the map, but it took nearly an hour on the road.

   After a hard trek, they finally reached the foot of the mountain. It was about 5 o'clock in the morning, and the sky was bright. Duoling's father guided them up the mountainside together, reached the entrance of the cave, put down the rice and water, and went back. He wanted to rush back to the village before dawn, so that the villagers would not be suspicious. I have to pack my luggage and set off for Myitkyina as soon as possible.

  There are many vines and shrubs growing at the entrance of the cave. They are not tall, but very dense. If you don’t know there is a cave behind, you will definitely not cut or chop these plants.

  Dewey chopped down the bushes vigorously under the light of his headlights. At this moment, Lu Fei heard a very soft sound, and at the same time sensed a huge danger, which should have come from the cave.

  Lu Fei grabbed Dewey and said softly to everyone, "Everyone step back, hurry up, there is movement in the cave."

The    brothers were startled, and immediately retreated a dozen meters, and immediately pointed their guns at the bushes. Lu Fei listened intently, and after a while said softly: "Everyone, back up again, a huge python in the cave was disturbed by us. It will come out to hunt for food or drive us away."

  Ada and the gray cat retreated faster than lightning, and they jumped out very far. The other team members also had numb scalps and retreated again.

Lu Fei said with a smile: "It's just a python, it's far worse than a person holding a gun at you. Brothers put away their guns, and shooting will reveal our whereabouts. Let me deal with it, if it slips away by itself Forget it, if you want to attack us, then it's no wonder that I started killing, I haven't dissected a python yet."

   While talking, Lu Fei gave Dewey the backpack and took out the machete in his hand. At this time, the vines at the entrance of the cave made a rustling sound, and a huge python suddenly jumped out from the bottom of the vines and bushes.

  This snake has the thickness of an adult's calf and is about 5 meters long. He raised his head to Lu Fei, who was standing in front of him, and spit out snake letters hissing. This area has long been illuminated by everyone's headlights. Seeing such a terrifying scene, Ada and Gray Cat couldn't help but hide behind the other team members, and only dared to stick out their heads and take a glance.

Lu Fei still smiled and said: "This is a female Burmese python, it is estimated to be 10 years old. Even though it is called Burmese python, it has sharp teeth in its mouth. It is enough to bite you. It's not a pleasant thing." Lu Fei said, shaking the knife in his hand and approaching the Burmese python. The gray cat called urgently: "Go back, can't we live in a cave?"

  The Burmese python was challenged, it bounced off the ground like lightning, and bit the bottom of Lu Fei's thigh.

   At this moment, Lu Fei was highly focused, he gave way to the right, and tapped the Burmese python at the seven-inch position with the back of the short machete. But the Burmese python didn't appreciate it at all, and shook its body, trying to wrap around Lu Fei's leg. Lu Fei took a step back and kicked the middle section of the Burmese python with force, and actually kicked the Burmese python weighing dozens or hundreds of pounds to the place where it jumped out.

Under normal circumstances, the physical strength of reptiles is generally poor. At this time, they should obediently slip away. However, this Burmese python was extremely fierce. He bowed his back again and bounced back, opening his big mouth and making a hissing sound, brothers. All felt its brutal personality.

  Lu Fei saw that the sky was getting brighter, the time was up, and the Burmese python refused to leave after suffering a loss, and the fire started.

  The Burmese python suddenly used all of its strength, opened its hideous mouth, and rushed towards Lu Fei's waist. Lu Fei stepped back to the left, and the short machete in his right hand slashed instantly, and the sharp light of the knife flashed.

  The Burmese python was still in the air as a whole, but its head fell first.

  Lu Fei shot very fast, no one could see how he cut off the Burmese python's head with one strike. The body of the Burmese python twisted violently, causing dead branches and rotten leaves on the ground to fly in all directions. It struggled for a while before it was completely dead and moved.

   (end of this chapter)

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