Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 156: Be kind to the enemy and harm yourself

   Chapter 156 Be kind to the enemy and harm yourself

  Hamil of the 101st Airborne Division took them to the camp, found a messenger, and went to call James Ryan. The brothers in the C-face squad were relieved, and they found someone, which was good luck.

   But Oolong was mistaken. The James Ryan who came here is from Minnesota, not from Iowa. Apart from making this unfortunate "fake" Ryan cry, nothing else has been gained.

  Captain Miller and his brothers are frustrated and disappointed, and the mission must continue. Hamill arranged for them to rest in the church for a night, and said sincerely: "Your mission is very important, and I have several brothers and sisters myself. Seriously, find him and send him home. Don't let his mother be sad and desperate. "

   They rested in the church at night, there was no electricity, only a few candles gave off a faint light. Captain Miller sat in the corner, looking at his trembling right hand, frightened and a little overwhelmed.

Sergeant   Hoyle noticed Captain Miller's actions and asked worriedly, "Sir, when is this going to happen."

Captain    Miller shook his head and said, "It's been like this since I came to Portsmouth in the corrupt country."

Lu Fei noticed the conversation between the two, went forward to check with Captain Miller, secretly scanned Miller's brain, and then smiled: "Sir, it's alright, you're a nervous tremor, you won't do it after retiring. In the long-term anxiety and tension, the symptoms will be relieved and disappeared immediately.”

   Miller smiled, seemingly in disbelief.

   In general, the team rushed down the road all day, and it was considered a near miss. The brothers were in a good mood. They were actually discussing the beauty of Gallic women when they were bored. Only Jackson fell asleep after lying down. The vulgar topic of the brothers continued for a while, and they all fell asleep.

   Only Lu Fei was still figuring out what to pay attention to next, and he was still uneasy. After a while, he sneered that he was considered a veteran of hundreds of battles, and he was still trembling at the situation he knew, which was really useless. After doing enough mental construction, I chose to sleep. This time I didn't have time to enter the system, so I fell asleep.

  Perhaps no one can face the real test of life and death calmly.

   In the early morning of the next day, when it was still dawn, the squad set out, and with the rumbling of cannons and flashes in the distance, they marched on the fields of Gaul. After walking for a long distance, I found that the road ahead was very noisy. From a distance, it seemed that it was all American soldiers. It seemed that this was a rallying point for the US military.

   Miller took the brothers of the squad through a few big trees and came to the right side of the road.

   A broken glider was planted on the side of the road with its head on the ground, and a group of wounded soldiers lay on the ground under a few shades, and most of the wounded were groaning in pain. Captain Miller stood in the middle and asked loudly who was the chief here, and a pilot came out of the corner.

   Miller said: "I'm Captain Miller, who is in charge here, I'm looking for a private and want to know the situation."

The pilot said: "I am Lieutenant Devin, and I am in charge of this place temporarily. I am the pilot of the glider transport aircraft responsible for transporting the 300th and 307th regiments. My plane had an accident. The wounded here and there are all waiting for the rear ambulance. The brothers who were intact were all regrouped and sent to the battlefield."

   Miller beckoned to Lu Fei and shouted loudly, "Medic Jack, you rescue the wounded first, and I'll ask about the situation."

   Lu Fei's occupational disease was committed, and he couldn't wait. After hearing the order, he rushed forward to treat the wounded.

Many of the wounded were injuries caused by skydiving such as broken legs or cuts by branches, and some were gunshot wounds. Lu Fei asked Talbot to help him and found some straight wood or branches. , to immobilize soldiers with broken thighs or arms. He has scanning skills, and he will connect the broken bones one by one to the broken soldiers, and then fix them.

   After some operations, there were constant screams, but the soldiers were very willing to receive treatment. If they didn’t deal with it now, they would be lame in the future, and even broken bones would poke blood vessels and endanger their lives.

After dealing with the broken soldiers, Lu Fei gathered several wounded wounded and decayed, and asked Talbot to help them hold down these soldiers. They disinfected them with alcohol, and if there were serious ones, they were put on morphine and the rotten tissue was cut off. He didn't dare to give them antibiotics after disinfection or sutures. Antibiotics were not used on a large scale during World War II, and he was afraid of being sliced. Only sprinkle sulfa powder on wounds.

Here, Lu Fei was still busy saving people, and Lieutenant Devin gave Captain Miller a bag of nameplates of dead soldiers, which he collected all the way to hand over to the military. The brothers of the squad found a tree stump on the side of the road. When I started to check one by one, Rebin and Jackson were still joking, and Miller didn't realize anything. Everyone was rummaging around to see if there was Ryan's nameplate. Maybe they're looking forward to Ryan's nameplate, so they don't have to risk their lives to find Ryan behind enemy lines.

  In the door of the airborne soldiers who passed by on the road, they looked at their eyes with mixed emotions, and the fear and complex emotions in their eyes spread. Lu Fei looked up and saw this scene, walked over, blocking the sight of the airborne soldiers. Said to the brothers: "Put it away, these soldiers are watching, you are terrifying these recruits."

Captain Miller glanced at the nameplate in his hand embarrassedly, and said: "Rebin, put it away, there is nothing here." He walked anxiously to the advancing team and shouted: "Ryan, James Ryan, who knows? He, we are looking for him."

  Captain Miller shouted a few times, and an officer called a soldier over after hearing it and said, "It seems that Michaelson and Ryan from Company C know each other, and call him over." After a while, Michaelson came up.

Captain    Miller exchanged a few words with him and found that his ears were deaf and could not hear. Captain Miller had to ask Talbot to hand him a notebook to show him. Michelson figured it out and said loudly:

   "Yes, I know James Ryan from Iowa, who was called to Lammler to defend the bridge."

   Finally got the accurate news of Ryan, Captain Miller sat down and studied the map, and directed everyone to move southwest towards Lambler.

  The weather cleared up and the sun was scattered everywhere. The group marched in battle formation in the wilderness. No one spoke. The atmosphere was a little dignified.

After a while, the team approached a hill surrounded by a fence. There was a broken radar antenna on the hill. Several broken and rotten corpses of American soldiers were lying on the ground inside the fence. Judging by the color of the corpses, these soldiers were dead. for several days. Everyone became tense, spread out, lowered their bodies, and took a few steps to hide behind the bushes.

   Miller took out his binoculars and looked at the hills ahead to observe the enemy. Lu Fei also took out his binoculars and carefully examined the surroundings, especially the fortifications at the top of the hill. A few minutes later, Captain Miller gathered everyone together.

   Miller said: "There is a machine gun position at the top of the hill. This is a trap. I plan to take it. I can't let the friendly forces behind it fall into it. What do you think?"

Sergeant    Hoyle said: "Yes, sir, we should do this."

"Sir, our mission is to find Ryan, can't we bypass it?" Merry and Jackson nodded in agreement. After seeing the wounded and countless nameplates all over the place, everyone was a little war-weary and morale was low.

Seeing that the atmosphere was dignified and depressed, Lu Fei pretended to be relaxed: "Hey, brothers, we are the invincible C Company, we have killed all the way to Omaha Beach, and the anti-aircraft artillery positions garrisoned by dozens or hundreds of German troops have also been captured. I'm afraid of a mere machine gun position. If I tell you, just watch from the side, and I can take it alone."

  Although Dr. Jack said it was a bit of a middle schooler, he also reminded everyone that the wind and waves are over, who cares about this. Captain Miller nodded to Lu Fei's approval and began to arrange combat missions.

"Wait a minute we'll attack in three lanes, Capazzo and I will attack from the middle; Hoyle will attack from the left with Merry; Lebin will attack from the right with Talbot, Jackson and Jack will attack from the left and right, you two When people reach the range of the sniper rifle, they will snipe and suppress the German machine guns. Once the machine guns are suppressed, others will rush up. No matter which direction they approach the machine gun position, the first choice is to blow it up with a grenade.”

After listening to Lu Fei, he took out three smoke bombs and said, "Brothers, you rush to a distance of about 500 meters. If there is nothing to block, use the smoke bombs to affect the enemy's sight before rushing. Jackson and I will completely suppress the German army. , if our guns stop, everyone will rush, and if Jackson and I keep shooting, everyone should be careful."

   Miller, Hoyle, and Rebin took the smoke bombs, each smiled and nodded to Lu Fei, the more life-saving things, the better. Everyone took off all the extra things on their bodies and put them on the ground. Lu Fei only took a Springfield sniper rifle.

   Captain Miller made a move, and the brothers rushed forward separately!

A few seconds later, the German MG42 machine gun on the top of the hill rang. At this time, everyone was scattered about 600 or 700 meters away, running the S-shaped route non-stop, detouring forward, and after ten seconds, the brothers jumped separately. cratered or found cover.

  Lu Fei jumped into the crater 600 meters to the right, with Rebin and Talbot in front of him. Seeing that no one was around, Lu Fei took out the M24 from the space ring and adjusted the focus. Carefully observe the enemy machine gun positions. And shouted that everyone should not rush, wait for him to shoot to suppress.

  The German machine gun nest had two people in the firing position, one shooting and the other holding the bullet chain, and both of them only showed half their heads. Lu Fei knew in his heart that Jackson was a little embarrassed because he was the main force.

  Lu Fei held his breath, put the machine gunner's head into the sight, and tapped the trigger firmly. Half a second later, white and red liquid suddenly sprayed out from the back of the machine gunner's head, knocked back a step by the force of the impact, and then fell to the ground suddenly.

   The deputy shooter was also sniped by Jackson, because the distance was a bit far, and the bullet hit the machine gun and missed anyone.

   Lu Fei shouted: "Leibin rush, ask the captain to rush too, I killed the machine gunner, I'm staring at the machine gun, don't be afraid."

  Rebin gave a thumbs up and rushed out of the crater with Talbot, shouting to let the other brothers rush together, and the other brothers all stood up and ran up.

  Jackson quickly shot near the machine gun, so that the replacement Germans did not dare to show their faces.

  Lu Fei was aiming at 5 cm above the machine gun. As long as someone filled this position, he would not hesitate to open a heavenly cover for him. The brothers rushed closer and closer, and the Germans in the machine gun nest became more and more flustered. Finally, a German soldier rushed to the machine gun position desperately, grabbed the machine gun, and aimed at the shoulder and was about to shoot.

   The face of a German soldier appeared in Lu Fei's scope, and he decisively pulled the trigger.

   The German soldier who had not had time to fire a shot had his face instantly smeared. A blood flower "bloomed" on his face, and with a plop, he poured his gun into the fortification.

   After a while, 5 or 6 grenades fell into the German machine gun fortifications like rain. After a few explosions, the brothers of the squad rushed into the machine gun fortifications.

After more than ten seconds, Sergeant Hoyle stood on the fortification and waved to Jackson and Lu Fei, asking them to go up.

   Lu Fei smiled, then replaced the M24 with Springfield in the crater, and ran towards the machine gun nest excitedly. Capazzo and Rebin brought out the captured German troops. Let him kneel on the ground and put his head in his hands.

   After a while everyone got together, luckily no one was hurt. The brothers returned the smoke bomb to Lu Fei.

Captain    Miller breathed a sigh of relief. Although he insisted on destroying the machine gun position, he was actually worried that the team members would suffer casualties. However, there is still a headache. Looking at the German prisoners kneeling on the ground, Captain Miller felt a little tricky. Usually, when the Germans are captured, it is no problem to have the backing of the large troops. Going deep behind enemy lines, it is impossible to send someone alone to send the prisoners back. Although he was inclined to release the prisoners, the machine gun positions were taken down by everyone, so he decided to ask everyone's opinion.

Captain    Miller said: "How to deal with the prisoners, I want to ask everyone what you mean."

  Rebin is of Jewish descent, and naturally hates Chinese people the most. He said loudly: "Now we are deep behind the enemy. If we release the prisoners and he informs us, we will be dead. I don't think we can defeat the entire German army in Normandy with 8 people."

   Jackson said: "Although I am a child of God, if Jack hadn't sniped the two machine gunners from a distance just now, we might have killed several brothers. The devil is not worthy of forgiveness."

Lu Fei said: "I have always been in favor of preferential treatment of prisoners, but this countryman did not surrender voluntarily. Let him go, this **** will definitely bring a large army to destroy us immediately. I am willing to exchange all the credit for the decision to execute him, in order to eliminate hidden dangers , to save everyone's life. Compared with the lives of all of us, this country's **** is not worth mentioning. There is a saying that being kind to the enemy is cruel to oneself!"

   The members of the squad nodded in unison. Everyone is good brothers who depend on each other in life and death. It is not worth putting everyone in danger for a prisoner. Captain Miller shook his head helplessly. He also felt that it was reasonable, but he always felt a little troubled in his heart.

  Lu Fei stopped persuading Captain Miller, took out his M1911A1, and shot the German prisoner who was kneeling 3 meters away in the head. The prisoner fell to the ground, ending the controversy.

  Suddenly when the gunshot rang out, Captain Miller opened his eyes wide and was about to freak out. He blamed Jack for cutting it first and then playing, but seeing everyone's relieved expressions, he couldn't say the words of reproach any longer.

Captain    Miller immediately ordered everyone to retrieve their belongings, and the team continued to set off.

   (end of this chapter)

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