Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 101: notes

The latest website: The images of the skeletons were successively entered into the main module of Genova, and they were quickly compared with the database of Shang Jianyao's father that had been established long ago.

After about ten seconds, Shang Jianyao looked sideways at the intelligent companion, and asked in a slightly low voice:

"How is it, is there a result?"

The red light in Genova's eyes flashed for a few seconds, and he raised his finger to the bones in the center of the living room:

"It should be that one."

With a bang, Shang Jianyao jumped over with the help of a military exoskeleton device.

He knelt down on his knees, stretched out his right hand, and fumbled for personal belongings in the gray camouflage coat pocket on Bai Gu's body, as if he wanted to find corresponding evidence.

Whether in his heart he wishes to confirm or to falsify, Gnavaro does not know.

Shang Jianyao first dug out a few poorly packaged candies and chocolates, and then found a palm-sized black notebook from the inner pocket of the camouflage uniform.

He froze for a moment, as if he had forgotten what to do next.

"Is it your father's?" Genova asked while approaching, alert.

Shang Jianyao shook his head:


Gnava wanted to say that this was a good thing, but thought that similar items might have been picked up by chance when he was out exploring and kept on his body for backup.

Then, Shang Jianyao flipped through the notebook.

Genova watched the six directions and listened to all directions, and while being alert, he did not forget to pay attention to the contents of the notes:

"The fruit rat is an aberrant creature in the northeastern part of the Black Marsh Wilderness. It is larger than a normal rat, and its meat is similar to that of a chicken. The most suitable cooking method is to roast it until the skin turns yellow and the fruit-like aroma overflows.

"However, it carries a lot of viruses and bacteria, and it needs to be protected when it is caught and handled.

"In several settlements of the 'White Knights', raising fruit mice is their industry and their largest source of meat."

This is the entire content recorded on the first page, and it seems that Genova is not clear.

He originally thought that this was the key information recorded by the old-fashioned team member who was suspected of Shang Jianyao's father, or the change of mood after a long-term adventure. Who knows, it is more like a food record.

The first few pages are indeed similar, but Shang Jianyao quickly turned to something different:

"Hester is a special settlement within the White Knights, where people push the two chivalry spirits of 'temperance' and 'self-discipline' to the extreme.

"They get up, eat and sleep at a fixed time every day, day after day, they never change, and they always like to say things like 'self-discipline as a human being and indulge into a beast'.

"They will always eat only seven cents full, and even if babies and children cry about it, they will never get more.

"It's just against human nature.

"According to our investigation, we found that people here quietly believe in a sect called 'Self-discipline', and they believe that there are too many bad things in people's inborn tendencies, so they cannot enter the new world, and they can only use strict It takes self-discipline and self-control to fight these tendencies, to change oneself, and finally to achieve redemption.

"Such a point of view overlaps with the chivalry of the 'White Knights', so the knights here are also persuaded and abide by the corresponding laws, and the senior knights who come to patrol are hard to find abnormal, just think that Hayes The inhabitants of Tetsuya are a little extreme, but they are still good in essence, and they are practicing those two kinds of chivalry.

"It also led to Hester having a lot of weird rules, like, hugs can't be more than three seconds, parents can only kiss their child's cheek once a day, and when going to bed, uh, this can't be written, it will teach bad kids...

"When I was about to leave Hester, I finally couldn't get used to a few kids being starved and fighting with their parents and the sheriff here, haha, my teammates are awesome.

"What I didn't tell them was that I secretly fed those children some food."

Why is this becoming a custom again? After careful analysis, Genova found a suitable position for this notebook:


But if it is a travel journal, it is too simple, closer to a memo, and it is full of content that can help the owner recall what he has eaten, seen, and experienced.

And so far, what the notes show is in line with a judgment that Genava made before:

Members of that old-fashioned team were not allowed to privately record quest-related matters.

Shang Jianyao did not stop, and continued to read the notes, and the speed of his scrolling was significantly slower than before.

"Gesterburg is too polluted, not from the destruction of the old world, but from its own industry.

"The workers here are so miserable. The harsh environment and high-intensity labor cause people to die in the factory every day. I can't help but want to organize them to resist such treatment.

"Unfortunately, this is the industrial base of the 'White Knights', there are strong people in town, and we still have our own tasks.

"Yes, I was finally timid and withdrawn, I have my own concerns and people I care about, and I can't stand out for strangers without hesitation.

"The genetic improvement medicine of the 'White Knights' is not the same as ours, and it is only adjusted for every ability of the human body.

"This works equally well for adults and hopefully companies can learn from it...

"The inhabitants of Gerstburg are wild and impatient, and they do things quite simply and rudely, often relying on their muscles rather than their brains...

"There is nothing memorable about eating here, only the meat of a deformed beef left a little impression on me. Well, I am mainly surprised that it is not much different from ordinary beef..."

After Gerstburg's record, the old-tuned team entered Konimeth:

"We came to a city called Konimeth, which retains quite a complete set of old world customs, with melodious singing echoing everywhere, and even musical fountains in the square.

"The people here show inner peace and happiness, and the trauma and real suffering left by the destruction of the old world can't be found here.

"Although it is a city belonging to the people of Honghe, I still feel at home here.

"This comes from all kinds of graffiti on the walls, from the walkers and performers in the square, from people walking through various old buildings...

"Civilization is for all human beings."

Shang Jianyao turned another page to reveal the new content:

"Today we are going to visit a gentleman and convince him to tell us something.

"He is very old, and Konimis also lacks medical care and is in very poor health.

"This also allowed us to find a breakthrough, because we have powerful doctors and a good reserve of medicines and preparations in our team.

"Maybe there will be an operation soon."

This is the last content of the note. I do not know when Shang Jianyao, who had pushed up the mask, lowered his head and looked at it, without moving for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Genova asked concerned.

Shang Jianyao raised his head, choked and said:

"Every time my dad comes back, he will tell me what to eat outside, what to see, what fun things to do, always tell me to be a kind person and a real man..."

His face was full of tears, and he was crying very ugly.

Genova wanted to say something, but couldn't find the right template and statement.

At this moment, he seemed to understand the subtlety of human emotions.

After an unknown time, Jiang Baimian's voice rang through the communication system embedded in the military exoskeleton device:

"Can you hear me?"

"Yes." Genova replied immediately.

Jiang Baimian was obviously relieved and said:

"Are you on the top floor?

"How's it going?"

"Hey found his father's body on the top floor." Genova answered truthfully.

Jiang Baimian was silent for a few seconds and said:

"Give him room to vent his emotions. Check your surroundings for clues."

"Okay." Genova analyzed it and told Jiang Baimian the last note of Shang Jianyao's father.

Jiang Baimian wondered to himself:

"They want to operate on that 'son of the age' in exchange for some information?

"It turned out that the operation had an accident?"

"It looks like this at the moment." It was Shang Jianyao who answered this time.

He wiped the tears from his face with his sleeves ~www.readwn.com~ in a low and hoarse voice.

Jiang Baimian did not say his condolences, nor did he mention his father's affairs, and reminded him:

"Pack up the items you want to take away as soon as possible, and the overlapping situation may reappear at any time."

"Yeah." Shang Jianyao, who didn't get up, took off his backpack and picked up the bones one by one.

Seeing that he was almost unable to hold it, he transferred other things to Genova.

After finishing this matter, he stood up again, looked around and said:

"Let's find the operating table first, there may be important clues there."

Judging from the current situation, the operation should have taken place in this penthouse, because the bones of the members of the old-fashioned team are scattered here, on the stairs and on the ground floor.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that the "patient" has had an accident before the operation can be carried out.

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