Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 4: return

Maybe Xiaochong hid back there again? Long Yuehong was startled for a while and didn't think this was a good thing.

Although he also played with Xiaochong, helped him clean the room, and cooked for him, he felt that this person was actually quite easy to get along with. Aside from his strong strength and mysterious origin, he was just a person who lacked love and had no security. He is an ordinary child who is addicted to games, but today is different from the past. The "Old Tune Group" broke into the dream of "Zhuang Sheng" and suspects that Xiaochong has a certain relationship with this Zhisui, which is one of his split personalities. .

Therefore, the "old tune group" really encountered Xiaochong again, and it may not be Xiaochong, or it may not be only Xiaochong.

This is full of unknowns and dangers.

As if aware of Long Yuehong's psychological activities, Shang Jianyao continued with a smile:

"Dajiang City Yingcai Junior High School may be in the ruins of Marsh No. 1."

As for Linhe Village in Dajiang City, it certainly does not belong to the city.

Thinking of what Lao Ge described about Dajiang Yingcai Junior High School, Long Yuehong couldn't help shivering.

At this time, Bai Chen looked at Jiang Baimian, pursed his lips and said:

"But now several entrances to the ruins of Marsh No. 1 are basically controlled by the company, or are under the company's attention. It may be a little difficult for us to hide from the company and sneak into the ruins to find the corresponding written information."

What's more, the "Old Tune Group" has no idea, plan or mental preparation for confronting the company.

"Yes, yes." Long Yuehong nodded in agreement.

Shang Jianyao laughed:

"The ruins of the city are so big, and the company's staff is limited, how can they live in every place? In the past few years, haven't there still been relic hunters going in and out of the ruins?

"It's a big deal, let's abandon the car ahead of time and go in from the road, or play a lullaby for Wang Beicheng and the others."

"Why are you sure that Wang Beicheng's brigade is on duty now?" Jiang Baimian burst out laughing.

Her implication was, why did she target Wang Beicheng again?

Without waiting for Shang Jianyao to respond, Jiang Baimian looked around and said:

"Actually, there is an entrance that the company doesn't grasp."

"Which one?" Long Yue's red words just blurted out, a move in her heart, and she thought of the answer.

Jiang Baimian smiled slightly:

"The entrance that Qiao Chu took us to before."

"You didn't report it?" Shang Jianyao looked "surprised", but Jiang Baimian thought it was a happy expression.

Jiang Baimian laughed and said:

"When we left Ruin No. 1, didn't we think that the road was too winding and dangerous. Without Qiao Chu's leadership, it was easy to fall into the swamp and change the way An Ruxiang and the others came in?"

"Yes." Bai Chen nodded.

She remembered meeting Wang Beicheng's brigade on the way back.

Jiang Baimian smiled and said:

"When I wrote the report later, I thought it was troublesome, so I didn't specifically describe which way Qiao Chu took us. The company probably defaulted to the one when we left, and Wang Beicheng and the others should have confirmed it."

The ruins of Swamp No. 1 are huge and dangerous. "Pangu Creatures" has always been moving steadily, advancing little by little, slowly exploring, and at least two-thirds of the place has not been searched.

That said, the chances of them finding that hidden entrance are pretty low.

Long Yuehong suddenly realized, worriedly said:

"Team leader, I remember that the road was hidden in the depths of the swamp. It was not only hidden, twisty, and easy to lose one's direction, but also very dangerous."

Those distorted creatures are fine. The "Old Tune Group" currently has enough ability to deal with it. The most troublesome thing is the swamp itself, which belongs to the quagmire that can devour all life.

Jiang Baimian smiled and said with relief:

"Have you forgotten what season it is?

"Just after the Spring Festival, the temperature in the depths of the Black Marsh wilderness and in the northerly areas is still very low, and the lakes and rivers are all frozen, allowing vehicles to pass."

Lakes and rivers are still like this, not to mention swamps.

In the cold winter, it is equivalent to a smooth road.

"Yeah." Long Yuehong breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he can enter the ruins of Swamp No. 1 relatively safely, he does not meet the staff of the security department of "Pangu Creatures", and focuses on collecting written materials and determining whether the ruins are in Dajiang City. He thinks this task is not so difficult to accept.

Jiang Baimian turned to ask Shang Jianyao:

"What are you going to do with this mining area?"

At present, most of the robbers are wandering, only those who are stationed in the mines and watch over the miners remain in place because they are too far apart and are not affected by the small speakers.

However, it is precisely because they are too far apart that they still haven't noticed the situation in the base camp.

Have a good look at the business meeting:

"I will send the robbers' weapons to the miners, and spend a few days training them how to use guns and artillery, how to form defense lines, how to deal with the enemy, and how to rely on the complex terrain in the mountains to move."

For others, this is a very difficult thing. After all, most of the wilderness wanderers have only seen, never used guns, and don't have the resources, but Shang Jianyao can directly implant a set of thinking for them and help them. Become familiar with the corresponding operation as soon as possible.

Although it is impossible to replace muscle memory and mass-produce fighters skilled in thermal weapons, it can save a lot of time.

Jiang Baimian nodded:

"What are you going to do with the women and children left by the robbers?"

Shang Jianyao replied sincerely:

"I will convince both parties to let them forget the past and get along well."

Hiss, Long Yuehong took a deep breath,

As expected of an awakener who has explored the depths of the "Spiritual Corridor"!

Jiang Baimian frowned and thought for a few seconds, then sighed:

"That's all for now."

At the same time, she sighed in her heart:

Jiang Baimian, Jiang Baimian, you have fallen!

She had always disapproved of Shang Jianyao's ability to use his abilities to create false peace, and she had rejected Shang Jianyao's proposal to "convince" the townspeople to get along well with the subhuman group in the Redstone Set.

But now, since things are urgent, she can only recognize it by pinching her nose.

Hey, I only hope that the current ability of Feeding is enough to make the effect last for a long, long time... When a lie has been told for a long time and is not overturned, then it becomes the truth... Jiang Baimian comforted himself.

Shang Jianyao, who was allowed to turn around excitedly, walked towards the door.

Suddenly, he stopped, half turned his head, and solemnly said to Jiang Baimian and others:

"Leave one for me, no, half will do."

"What?" Long Yuehong looked blank.

Shang Jianyao pointed to the sweet potatoes roasted in the coal stove by the bandit chief, swallowed his saliva and said:

"almost done."

Only then did Long Yuehong smell the aroma of roasted sweet potatoes in the air.

In cold weather, getting one like this is definitely a top enjoyment.

Jiang Baimian smiled and clapped his hands:

"Take care of everything else first, then come back and eat."

She didn't forget that the purpose of this time was to get supplies.

For this reason, she adjusted the position of those roasted sweet potatoes, so that they would not be scorched when she waited for someone to come back too late.

"Okay!" Shang Jianyao responded cheerfully.

Bai Chen and Long Yuehong also nodded with ease.

As for where those robbers will eventually wander, whether they can get rid of their influence, and when they will get rid of them, it is not something they need to consider now.


In the snow, it took a lot of time for the "old tune group" to find the road that Qiao Chu led them into the ruins of Swamp 1.

Under the severe cold, those bloodthirsty mosquitoes, deformed vines, or disappeared, hidden under the ice, or covered with white, seems to have been dead for a long time.

In the creaking voice, the jeep of the "Old Tuning Group" was driving on the ice and snow, except for slipping from time to time, there was no such thing as a sudden slump.

"I think it's over there." Jiang Baimian sat in the passenger seat and pointed to a place.

Shang Jianyao nodded:


He turned the steering wheel and let the car go to the other side.

"That's not right." Jiang Baimian quickly corrected, "I'm talking about that side!"

"That's right." Shang Jianyao said with a smile, "When it comes to guiding the way, you have to listen to your words the other way around, and the effect should be pretty good."

"Co-authoring eliminates the wrong answer, right?" Jiang Baimian laughed angrily.

She was so used to taking a hit in this regard that she even started laughing at herself.

"It's almost like this." Shang Jianyao glanced at the rearview mirror, "Xiaohong, you also point in one direction."

I'm not a lunatic...Long Yuehong felt a little guilty~www.readwn.com~ ignored this guy.

He did know his way, but he was always unlucky.

Under the operation of Shang Jianyao, the "Old Tune Team" finally entered the tunnel leading to the ruins of Swamp No. 1 when it was almost dark.

Jiang Baimian didn't know if this was premature or delayed.

Soon, the jeep drove out of the tunnel, and once again they saw the sleeping city and the deadly high-rise buildings.

Long Yuehong stared at this scene and said sincerely:

"We're back again..."

Maybe this is fate.

Jiang Baimian and Bai Chen also had similar feelings.

Shang Jianyao nodded and said indignantly:

"Qiao Chu also owes us a military exoskeleton device."

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