Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 110: Guidelines

Looking at the artificial lake in front of him, Jiang Baimian paused and said to Wang Fugui and others:

"Since we want to act together, then some things have to be agreed in advance."

"What?" Wang Fugui asked with some caution.

Gray, Waite, and Fars reacted similarly to him.

Jiang Baimian nodded gently and said:

"The action must have a program, a goal, and a plan. You must know it well, and you must not swarm up in a mess. It will only drag each other back.

"Our team has an unchanging program for similar explorations, in the common saying:

"You can't expect to be fat in one bite."

"What, what fat man?" Wrapped in leather clothes, Gray, who was slightly trembling, obviously did not understand this dusty "motto", although Jiang Baimian had been translated into Honghe language more accurately.

Jiang Baimian thought for a moment:

"In other words, the city was not built in a day at first."

Seeing that the three relic hunters besides Wang Fugui all showed a suddenly realized expression, Jiang Baimian continued:

"We can't expect to find the secrets of the ruins of this city with such a single exploration, and to harvest wealth that will last us a few lifetimes. This is completely unrealistic.

"Dividing the exploration into several times, gaining a little each time, knowing a little bit more about this, step by step in-depth, and finally achieve your own main purpose, it may be more feasible.

"During this process, decide whether to abandon the follow-up exploratory action at any time according to the situation.

Although the proposal of the "Old Tune Team" is a torture for people with anxious personality, Wang Fugui and others have thought about it and understood that this is the safest and safest solution at present.

The ruins of such a large city, it is not very long to explore in a year, let alone it is only divided into several times.

You must know that there are dangers everywhere here, and it takes lives to act blindly, and the regular army in the "primary city" dare not force it deep.

Only Waite mumbled softly among them:

"I just want to get some valuable supplies."

As far as the ruins of a city that has not been "developed" much, this is a small goal, a task that can be easily completed with one exploration.

Jiang Baimian looked around and gave the plan that the "Old Tune Team" had discussed before:

"I suggest that the exploration this time is limited to within two kilometers of the exit, focusing on collecting materials and looking for clues."

Why is it two kilometers? Long Yuehong whispered in her heart.

He knew the answer, but thought that the group of lone hunters should also ask, after all, he raised such a question during the group discussion, and then was ridiculed by Shang Jian Yao.

Wang Fugui and others looked at each other and nodded one after another:

"Sure plan."

In the absence of vehicles, two kilometers are close to their physical limits for running and fleeing.

After all, they have not done genetic modification, nor have they strengthened the corresponding quality. They can't run a five-kilometer cross-country without problems. Moreover, there is still a big difference between a road rush and a cross-country race.

With Shang Jian Yao's physique of "chosen ones", it's okay to go further, but Bai Chen has to be considered.

Seeing that the lone hunters didn't ask why, Long Yuehong was a little depressed for a while.

Jiang Baimian said with a smile:

"Then let's start."

After speaking, she took the lead with her "short neck" submachine gun and walked towards the place where the weeds fell to the artificial lake.

The first thing they explored was this park, but they found nothing except for some suspected white wolf dung.

In the process, they were all extremely cautious, fearing that Wu Meng, the owner of the "Road and Electrical Maintenance" radio station, would exert bad influence on themselves and others in other ways. Fortunately, the abnormality did not appear.

Out of the park, the two teams left and the other entered the city streets.

Just turning into this area, Long Yue red eyes suddenly saw piles of white bones.

Unlike the remains of the Marsh, the streets here are obviously not cleaned by "unintentional people" on a regular basis. There are rotting and blackened silt on both sides. There are cars parked on the road, some of them are still colliding together. The year has not changed, as if frozen in the moment of the destruction of the old world.

Intertwined among similar things are countless human bones, which can be seen everywhere, either only a few rags are left to cover up, or they are completely "naked".

It was the first time that Long Yuehong saw so many bones, and he felt like he had entered a mass grave.

At this time, the summer sun was so fierce that he actually felt a little cold.

Wang Fugui and the others were obviously shocked by the scene, and they didn't take a step forward for a long time.

Shang Jian Yao sighed:

"The amount of work to bury them is too great to be completed."

Jiang Baimian said immediately:

"Those urban ruins that have not been discovered by humans, many areas should have similar conditions."

Judging from the fact that there are no traces of the explosion, those corpses either died in a gunfight or were killed by the "unintentional" and became their food, leaving only bones.

"The'unintentional' didn't drag these corpses into their nests, store them up, and leave them on the street. They eat them on the spot every day? They like open-air parties?" Shang Jianyao said he couldn't understand.

His focus is always so wrong.

"When human beings are just infected with'innocent disease', they have not yet adapted to the animal instinct, and will always behave similarly." Jiang Baimian replied with his own research results, "This area should be an outbreak of'innocent disease'. There are too many of them in the core area of ​​the city, and they will soon eat up the remaining humans, which may not be the case in other streets."

Listening to Xue Shiyue and Zhang Qubing discussing this matter, Wang Fugui and the others felt absurd inexplicably.

How does the "unintentional" of the past have anything to do with us now?

"A group of two, search here a little to see if there are any clues." Jiang Baimian ordered Bai Chen and Long Yuehong.

This time, she brought Long Yuehong, and she met Yao to match Bai Chen, so that there would be no shortcomings on both sides.

Upon seeing this, Waite and others also began to look for valuable materials in this area.

Because they couldn't drive in and out, and they had to retain enough physical strength, they didn't choose large items, and they picked everything that was convenient to carry and relatively valuable, such as the gold ornaments on the bones.

After a simple search for an hour, the "Old Tune Team" failed to find useful clues and could only initially restore the scene at the time-more than two-thirds of the people on the street suddenly went crazy, attacking normal humans, biting them, Nibble on them.

During the search, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen did not forget to pick up gold jewelry, technical books and other things.

They have never forgotten that they and others are still carrying huge debts.

After leaving this street, Jiang Baimian's eyes suddenly opened up.

In front is a city square, and on the other side of the square there are dozens of stories high in black buildings.

The curtain wall of the building has broken places, and many places are covered with green plants.

As Jiang Baimian expected, compared with the previous area, the number of bones here is quite scarce.

At this moment, Shang Jianyao pointed to the ground road in front of the black building:

"Their style of painting seems to be different."

Bai Chen, Wang Fugui and others followed his fingers and found four or five bodies there.

Unlike the others, they are highly decomposed, but they have not yet become bones.

"It didn't take long before he died?" Jiang Baimian said deliberately.

The "not long" in her context is relative to those bones.

"Let's take a look." This time, Wang Fugui took the initiative to propose.

Because the space here is wide and the surrounding area is unobstructed, it seems that there is no danger. Gray, Waite, and Fars all agreed with him.

The "old tune group" pays more attention to this kind of things and will not let it go.

As soon as he approached the four or five corpses, Wang Fugui's eyelids suddenly jumped, pointing to one of the dead and said:

"The shirt he wore was the cheap shirt originally produced in the factory district of the city."

It's not too old, and the style has the characteristics of the current era-with more pockets, easy to hold things.

Long Yuehong looked around and saw the appearance of the corpse clearly.

At this look, he almost stunned.

Only then did he discover that the highly decomposed, deadly corpse was many times more disgusting than the white skeleton.

The unspeakable smell penetrated his nose and almost made him vomit on the spot.

"This shirt has no traces of stitching. It should have been bought in the last year or two." Jiang Baimian raised his hand to his nose, stepped forward, squatted down, and probed carefully.

As for the rupture of the shirt now, it should have been caused by death.

She immediately made a judgment and said in a deep voice:

"These are the relic hunters who have completely disappeared, those who were brought into the cave by the white wolf?"

"It should be." Bai Chen held his breath and agreed~www.readwn.com~Wang Fugui and others were taken aback after hearing this:

"Didn't the missing relic hunters either be eaten or rescued?"

The rest was killed by the "old tune group", of course, this cannot be said.

Long Yuehong took the opportunity to look back, explained the wrong number to the lone hunters, and told the intelligence that a large number of missing persons were brought into the cave by the white wolves.

Waite hissed:

"They got in here, and then, died, not eaten?"

How does this sound a little weird.

"What is the cause of death?" Wang Fugui asked anxiously.

Shang Jianyao touched his chin, before Jiang Baimian, looked up at the black building on the side:

"From the traces of the broken body, they should have jumped from a certain floor of that building and fell to death."

Committed suicide by jumping off the building? Long Yuehong, Bai Chen and others were shocked.

The group of relic hunters were taken by the White Wolf into the depths of the cave and into the No. 13 Relic, but one of them committed suicide by jumping off the building one after another here?

"My judgment is the same." Jiang Baimian echoed Shang Jianyao's words, with unconcealed doubts on his face.

What happened to these four or five relic hunters, and what did the white wolf want to do?

Jiang Baimian paused and said:

"It is not ruled out that they were pushed down by someone, and they have to be further inspected to survey the scene where they jumped off the building."

This may be more terrifying, OK...Who pushed them and why? Long Yuehong subconsciously wanted to take a breath, but closed her mouth by the smell of the scene.

"Do you want to go in?" Shang Jianyao pointed to the majestic black building.

Jiang Baimian was silent for several seconds and said:

"Don't this time, remember the guidelines we set in advance.

"Well, just search around."

The criterion is not to rush into depth, and to lay the foundation for the second exploration.

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