Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 101: Private tacit understanding

If it were to say this to others, Jiang Baimian would definitely slander Shang Jian Yao, "Why not eat meat," but since the target is Wang Fugui, she would only smile and watch without stopping.

Such a lone hunter who can eat everywhere, still lacks food and clothing?

Wang Fugui was stunned for a second, then smiled awkwardly:

"I have three sets of the same clothes and pants."

Shang Jian Yao put on a posture of applause, admiring:

"Your hobby is so special."

Is this a hobby? This is a habit! What he said was like...Wang Fugui muttered a few words uncontrollably in his heart.

At this time, Jiang Baimian smiled and answered his initial question:

"Those items are best if you can replace them with Ole. The rake must be your share. If it doesn't work, it doesn't matter. We have our own channels in Primordial City."

The items they harvested this time came from the dead relic hunters, mainly firearms and ammunition.

And arms have always been hard currency on the dust, and the "black shirts" must also welcome the use of such items to repay debts.

Although this is not much, for the "old tune group", it can be a little bit more.

The only inconvenience is that they take up more space, and the "old tune group" itself carries quite a lot of things.

Wang Fugui nodded:

"Fly legs are also meat, I will try to help deal with it."

He looked around, keeping a smile and said:

"I heard from the surviving hunters that the white wolf escaped into a cave. The cave is very large, with a large amount of human food stored in it, and there are multiple exits."

Jiang Baimian did not respond positively, but just added:

"One of the exits has been bombed, and many areas inside the cave should have also been buried."

Shang Jianyao immediately looked at Wang Fugui, and said without knowing what role he was playing:

"If people don't speak secret words, what do you want to express?"

This time, he switched to dusty language to strengthen the feeling.

Wang Fugui smiled:

"You can definitely see that the cave may contain a lot of secrets, or it may lead to some unknown base. Once found, the harvest will be absolutely rich, and it will even exceed the value of the white wolf itself.

"Hehe, this can also let me see the weird charm of that distorted creature by the way.

"Some friends and I plan to explore in a few days. Do you want to be together?"

He released enough goodwill to indicate that he could cooperate with the "old-tone group".

"We have this plan ourselves, but there is no need for everyone to get together." Jiang Baimian thought about it. "We don't want much, mainly various materials that may exist, and you can also copy a copy."

Then she laughed:

"There must be a lot of materials and information there, I believe it should be able to satisfy everyone."

She did not have the willingness to cooperate with Wang Fugui and the others, but she also showed the open attitude of the "old tune group" and gave a bottom line that would not cause conflicts.

Wang Fugui smiled and nodded unchanged:

"Yes, similar relics can't be emptied in less than a year or a half."

The two sides have a certain tacit agreement on this.

Wang Fugui looked back at the main building of the castle, and said curiously:

"You didn't restrict the survivors, telling them not to tell others about their experiences. With your demonstrated strength, they will most likely listen and abide by it."

Jiang Baimian smiled, "Oh," he said:

"I was so flustered, I forgot about it."

Wang Fugui gave her a deep look, smiled and said:

"I've done this for you, otherwise the garrison in the camp will know that their elite team will not be weaker than you because of the interference of the'First City'."

"Thank you." Jiang Baimian's smile was extremely sincere.

Wang Fugui didn't say any more, but after a few words of greeting, he turned and walked back to the main building of the castle.

"Group leader, why didn't you warn the survivors?" Long Yuehong asked Wang Fugui curiously as he watched Wang Fugui away.

Jiang Baimian glanced at him, then smiled leisurely:

"In that kind of place, the ghost knows what secrets and dangers there will be. Wouldn't it be okay to have these powerful lone travelers and the elite team of the'First City' help us explore the way first?

"We can't enter a large army in the mountains, and no one should stop us from exploring before the shocking secrets are revealed at the target location.

"Hey, it's a pity that Wang Fugui doesn't think so..."

Looking at the group leader's charming smiling face, Long Yuehong once again felt like she grew her horns, spread her wings, and raised her tail.

This time, Shang Jianyao did not applaud Jiang Baimian, and his attention was focused on places such as the Coase Bar.

At the same time, he touched his stomach with one hand and made a hint.

"It's almost time for dinner..." Jiang Baimian understood in a second, and looked up at the sky.

At this moment, another figure walked towards the place where they parked.

That was Waite who was sure that he had lost all his companions.

The relic hunter has shaved off the beard on his face, and his brown and yellow hair has obviously been taken care of, and the whole person looks much refreshed at once.

He solemnly saluted Jiang Baimian and others:

"Thank you."

Jiang Baimian raised his eyebrows:

"You have two companions who died under our hands."

Waite sighed:

"I also hated you a little bit at the beginning. I hated that you didn't keep your hands. But I calmed down and thought about it. Then I felt that it was me. In that case, I can't take care of other things. I can only choose to ensure my own safety first.

"The Wang is right. It was the giant white wolf who really killed them, not you. If I want to take revenge, I must figure out who the real enemy is."

"This is a common saying of our gray people: you have the wrong one, the debt has the owner." Shang Jian Yao helped explain while pressing his stomach.

Jiang Baimian nodded:

"I hope other people can be as sensible as you."

Waite didn't continue the topic, but instead said:

"I thank you because you agreed that I would take their relics back, instead of detaining them as trophies.

"I thank you on behalf of myself and their families."

When cleaning the battlefield, Jiang Baimian had his companions who were still alive collect the relics.

If it is indeed unclaimed, it will be accepted as a trophy to the "old-tone team."

-In that situation, no one dared to pretend to be a companion of the deceased in front of them.

"I hope those relics can be returned to their relatives." Long Yuehong couldn't help but interject.

Wei Featured nodded:

"I will leave here tomorrow morning, take the relics back, and then return, and move with the king and the others to explore the cave."

"Good luck to you." Jiang Baimian did not stingy with his blessings.

After sending off Waite, the "old tune group" went to the Cos Bar and enjoyed a barbecue.

The meat of the prey that can stay in the advance camp is not very good, but the smell of the plants in the mountains effectively masks the peculiar smell, and Shang Jianyao and others still eat with relish.

"It's too much firewood." Shang Jianyao expressed emotion.

When leaving the bar and returning to the parking area, Jiang Baimian deliberately fell a few steps behind, running alongside Long Yuehong.

She asked casually:

"After solving the group of relic hunters, I don't think you are in the right state. What happened?"

Long Yuehong was silent for a few seconds, talked about Bob, mentioned his family situation, his ideals and "volunteers", and finally said:

"Finally he died under my gun..."

Jiang Baimian said with an "um":

"Killing someone you know, who is okay, is definitely not the same as killing a stranger bad guy. I can understand your mood.

"I can only tell you that in that case, there is nothing wrong with your final choice."

Having said that, Jiang Baimian smiled:

"Do you feel sorry for Bob's parents, brother and sister?

"But why don't you think about it. If you hesitated, hesitated, and died under his gun, how would your father, mother, younger brother, and younger sister react?"

Long Yuehong's expression suddenly changed.

Jiang Baimian continued:

"So, for them, you have to live hard and face everything cruelly."

Long Yuehong was silent again, and said after more than ten seconds:

"Group leader, I probably understand, I will adjust my mentality soon."

"That's good." Jiang Baimian didn't say any more, smiling and speeding up, catching up with Bai Chen.

At this time, Shang Jianyao deliberately slowed down again, paralleling Long Yuehong.

"What do you want to do?" Long Yue red looked suspicious.

Is this guy coming to solve himself?

Shang Jianyao replied with a smile on his face:

"Come to laugh at you."

Then, he looked at Long Yuehong and made a voice:




After three laughs, Shang Jian Yao immediately distanced himself from Long Yuehong.

"..." Long Yuehong grinds his teeth for a while, resisting the urge to swear.

After this incident, he found that his state was inexplicably better.


At noon the next day, five people from the "Old Tune Team" entered the Cos Bar again.

At a glance, they saw Wang Fugui again.

Wang Fugui was sitting with a few relic hunters, not knowing what they were discussing.

After discovering the "old tune group", Wang Fugui smiled and greeted:

"Why don't you keep people in the car?

"You have so many supplies, and some people take risks. The alarms and surveillance cameras can't stop them."

Shang Jian Yao immediately responded:

"I can let them run fifty meters first."

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