Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 51: reduction

Latest website: The branches and leaves are mixed in the woods in the suburbs, and the sun can only shine through the gaps, making this place look dim and quiet.

Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao didn't rush to go deep, they came to the place where Bai Chen and Long Yuehong had parked and hid before, using this as the center of the circle to search around a little bit.

In the process, they all took out flashlights, broke a branch, pushed aside the grass, and looked for traces.

Jiang Baimian's state is still relatively relaxed, and while searching carefully, he laughed:

"Those who often hunt in the woods will use a long slender stick or branch to hit the grass and bushes in front of them, just like we are now, the purpose is to scare away the venomous snakes and venomous insects that may be hidden, so as not to accidentally step on it. Go up and get a bite."

"Why are you going to be scared? Just grab it and use it as food." Shang Jian Yao, who was monitoring the surroundings, said it was a waste.

Jiang Baimian nodded gently:

"Humans are extremely hungry, they can do everything, and they have ideas and tools. I have always said that, except for a few populations that are deformed into monsters, the most dangerous creatures on the dust are humans, uh,'higher unintentional people'. Count in the ranks of humans."

While speaking, she suddenly squatted down and shone the light of her torch to the ground in front of her.

"Sure enough, there are footprints." Jiang Baimian said calmly.

Then, she reminded Shang Jian Yao:

"Be careful when you come over, don't damage other traces, and don't relax your observation of your surroundings."

Shang Jian Yao immediately lightened his steps and moved closer to Jiang Baimian.

Jiang Baimian looked back and observed:

"The distance to Xiaobai and the others is about five meters, and Xiaobai and their related memories have indeed been tampered with or blurred.

"In this way, compared with the time in the'Wild Grass City', the improvement of the true'priest''s ability is not so obvious. There should be no qualitative breakthrough, and he has not entered the'corridor of the soul'.

"Hey, I didn't remind Xiaobai and Xiaohong before, let them draw their guns and aim them when they found someone within ten meters, and warn the other person not to get closer. I didn't expect that the real'priest' would target us in this way, the arrest itself. No need for him to dig traps himself."

Shang Jian Yao approached Jiang Baimian, squatted down, and said with a smile:

"I think you look down on Xiao Bai too much."

Jiang Baimian glanced at him sideways:

"What you mean is that Xiaobai, who knows that the real'priest' needs to be brought closer to'hypnotize' or'tamper with memory' can't allow others to enter her ten-meter range. She didn't draw a gun and warned that she was affected by other things? "

Speaking of this, Jiang Baimian suddenly realized:

"The real ‘priest’ they saw chasing rabbits was actually an illusion, just like what we encountered before.

"And the true'priest' took advantage of this opportunity to sneak next to them, and when the illusion was over, he would'hypnotize' them. Yes, Xu Liyan was so'hypnotized' at the beginning. Well, because the illusion and reality are too close, Xiaobai and Xiaohong were affected again, and some memories appeared fuzzy, so they mixed the hunter and'hypnosis' together to establish a causal relationship.

"No wonder Xiaobai said that the hunter is about ten meters away from them, or even more. She should be prepared to warn the hunter when he gets closer, so the impression in this respect is not so vague."

Jiang Baimian suddenly gritted his teeth:

"The true ‘priest’ is indeed cunning.

"I hope he will use this set to deal with me now!"

In such an illusion, the true "priest" seems to be able to hide his human consciousness or use other means to hide from the awakened being present-Zen Master Jingnian didn't find out at the beginning, but Jiang Baimian believed that he would definitely not study science and pursue the most The true "priest" of cutting-edge technology will most likely not cover up their bioelectric signals.

At that time, Jiang Baimian will give him a surprise and let him know what "blind sniper" is.

Shang Jian Yao did not respond to Jiang Baimian, and suddenly sighed:

"I really want to see the real ‘priest’ catching rabbits..."

Jiang Baimian imagined the picture, and it felt quite strange:

A well-known villain who is known for being cunning and good at planning, worked hard to catch rabbits in the woods.

How funny it is.

"Check the traces!" Jiang Baimian stopped the divergence of his thoughts.

She pointed the flashlight at those footprints again, and simply started to measure, and finally vaguely estimated:

"The traces are fresher... the height is between 1.75 to 1.80...male...the weight is lighter and should be lighter than me. It must be calculated based on the soil conditions, and we will let the old grid come and extract tiny clues. , Take photos and archive...The soles of the forefoot are heavy and the soles of the back are light, and the walking posture is more forward...The sole pattern is not sure whether it is a common type in the original city, and the wear is more serious...

Jiang Baimian then shone the light of the flashlight not far away, looking for the second footprint.

Due to the rainy spring days and the soft soil in the woods, she and Shang Jianyao quickly found a series of footprints-to the footprints where Bai Chen and Long Yuehong were close.

After Jiang Baimian put the trajectory into his auxiliary chip, his brows frowned slightly:

"It's a bit strange for a'priest' to walk, but it doesn't look like he's drunk."

Normally, as long as one is not blindfolded, a person's forward movement must remain roughly in a certain state, and will only adjust the direction when it needs to turn.

But the footprints on the ground are sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right, sometimes deep, and sometimes shallow, giving people the feeling of a slightly staggered goal.

If this change is large, it can also be explained that the true "priest" is avoiding the attention of Bai Chen and Long Yuehong or is in a state of drunkenness, but the deviation of all the footprints is quite small.

Shang Jian Yao nodded earnestly:

"It seems that he is also a dance lover, or likes to bounce around."

A picture flashed through Jiang Baimian's mind, almost lingering.

That was the scene of the real "priest" and Shang Jianyao dancing "Little Apple" together.

At this time, Shang Jianyao added:

"Or he is weak."

Jiang Baimian's eyes lit up and said:

"Combined with his light weight, I suspect that the real'priest' is not in good health.

"His three abilities are'hypnosis,''memory tampering,' and those related to hallucinations. They do not involve physical health. Therefore, either the price he pays is related to this, or he himself is relatively weak.

"Um... I remember that one of the costs in the'last man' field is'sleep disorder'... Is this the true "priest"? Don't you think these footprints are like those left by a person who is not very awake, walking and waking up? ?"

Papa, Shang Jian Yao clapped.

"And what are the characteristics of long-term sleep disorders? Heavier dark circles, a very tired state, a more haggard face, and dependence on those things that can stimulate the spirit..." Jiang Baimian became more and more excited.

Shang Jian Yao was equally excited:

"I have a picture in my head."

Jiang Baimian fixed these footprints and led Shang Jianyao into the woods.

On the way, there were situations where the footprints were destroyed or left untouched, but after zooming in on the search range, the two still found new traces and tracked them all the way.

After a long time, Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao walked out of the woods and came to the other side.

This is also a rammed earth road, with vehicles coming and going from time to time.

The two looked around for a while, but they couldn't find where the footprints had disappeared because the traces were too severely damaged.

However, Shang Jian Yao still found one thing.

It was a cigarette **** covered with dirt.

"Combined with cigarettes can be refreshing, the real'priest' is suspected of having sleep disorders. This is likely to be left by him. Go back and find someone to have a check." Jiang Baimian put on his gloves and filled the cigarette butts into a medicine. In a small bag.

And where the cigarette butts were found, there were traces of wheels rolling.

"It looks like a modified off-road, heavier than normal." Jiang Baimian observed visually.

The two searched for a long time, without any gain, so they returned to the place where the Jeep and Gray Cross-country stopped, and let Gnawa do the extraction of clues and take pictures of the scene.

After finishing all this, several members of the "Old Tune Team" drove back to the original city.

To be on the safe side, they never returned to the rental house on Iron Medal Street in the Green Olive District, and moved into the safe house in the Red Wolf District.

"Huh, contact Zhao Zhengqi tomorrow morning to see what reward you can get." Jiang Baimian threw himself into the easy chair.

Long Yuehong said hesitantly:

"Will he not give us as much as we want? After all, we didn't do anything later, and the words to the manor at the beginning weren't a promise."

"Furthermore, he has now established contact with General Focas."

"Then we can be armed to ask for salary." Shang Jian Yao said eagerly.

Jiang Baimian smiled and said:

"But the risk we took is not small, we almost died in the hands of the real ‘priest’. I think he should be able to understand our hard work, and at least give it to a manor.

"Well, I will also hint to him that we will continue this matter until the real'priest' is resolved. Hehe, he certainly doesn't want this person to be alive. Although a manor would be very painful to the Zhao family, it did not hurt. To the point where the muscles move."

Long Yuehong blurted out in surprise:

"I want to track down the ‘anti-intellectual religion’ and solve the real ‘priest’?"

Jiang Baimian sat up straight:

"This is not whether we want to solve the problem of the true ‘priest’, but whether he will continue to retaliate against us.

"There is such a time bomb hidden around, we are not at ease what we do. Even if he does not come out in person, when we find the opportunity to approach the two targets, he can suddenly call out and let us die."

Having said that, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Jiang Baimian showed a kind smile:

"Also, I keep saying that I'm stingy!"

Hey, Shang Jianyao's applause is never late.

Jiang Baimian turned to look at Bai Chen and Gnawa:

"But try to keep a good distance from General Focas, and at most get some interrogation results through Zhao Zhengqi or Xu Liyan. We don't have the ability to blend in with the internal struggles of the'First City' unless the company personally ends."

After speaking, she patted her palms and said with a smile:

"Xiao Hong and Xiao Bai quickly take a break to fully recover their emotional state. We will get the clues extracted from the three studies and get the introductory teaching materials for the gray language."

Before Long Yuehong and Bai Chen had time to respond, Shang Jianyao "hesitated" and asked:

"Then, do you still attend the celebration banquet?"

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