Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 114: opportunity

"Captain Han?" Not only Long Yuehong and Bai Chen, but even Jiang Baimian were quite surprised.

She remembered that when she and Shang Jianyao returned to the line of defense that Han Wanghuo was in charge of, there were many corpses lying down there, and blackened places abound.

Under such an environment, Han Wanghuo could die at any time. Like other members of the town guard, he would not be lucky because he was a sheriff.

If he betrayed the intelligence of Bishop Renato's return to the headquarters to murlocs and mountain monsters, then he didn't need to be on the front line at all, and could find excuses to change to a place that was relatively difficult to be attacked.

This is the same as not only betraying the rope that hangs oneself, but also sticking his head in.

Unless Han Wanghuo’s true strength is much stronger than what he showed, he is confident enough to survive the charge of the second-man coalition forces to the end, but people with such strength don’t need to be so furious... Jiang Baimian was surprised, Such a thought flashed past.

At this time, Shang Jian Yao responded decisively:

"I do not believe."

Song He's explanation reached his lips, and it was blocked back at once.

Weller, the forensic doctor next to him, couldn't help saying:

"You haven't heard the reason yet, why do you just say you don't believe it?"

"I believe him." Shang Jianyao gave his reasons.

"Then why believe him?" Weller seemed to want to argue with Shang Jian Yao.

Shang Jianyao glanced at him:

"Man's intuition."

"..." Weller suddenly felt that the opponent was full of loopholes, but there was no loophole.

Shang Jian Yao sincerely taught him:

"You can refute ‘what kind of man are you’."

"And then?" Weller asked subconsciously.

Shang Jian Yao said frankly the follow-up arrangements:

"I will take off my pants and show you if you are a man. Then, you can't stand the insult and become very angry. Then, we can go out for a fight, with the accompaniment of music."

What's this all about... Weller looked blank.

Seeing that Shang Jianyao successfully shifted the topic, Jiang Baimian sighed helplessly and looked at Song Hedao:

"Warner Song, what's your reason?"

Because Weller was there, the conversation between them was still in Honghe language.

Song He retracted his gaze, his expression became serious again:

"He may be a second person."

"Second person?" Jiang Baimian did not expect to get such an answer.

Similarly, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen were quite surprised.

Reminiscent of Han Wanghuo's yellowish eyes, they all started to think again.

"The second person is also a human." Shang Jianyao tried his best to express his views.

Song Helue passed his words and pointed to Weller next to him:

"This was discovered by Dr. Weller."

Weller took the topic and sighed:

"To be honest, I don't want to believe it. I have a good relationship with the Korean team. He will tell me which smuggling caravans will bring their own prostitutes."

Having said that, he looked a little serious:

"Didn't the Korean team get injured in the battle, the left arm."

"Yes." Long Yuehong said that he had witnessed this with his own eyes, and Bai Chen also nodded slightly.

Weller continued:

"I'm a doctor anyway. I want to show him and treat the wound. If I get infected, it's not good, right?

"As a result, he actually refused me, saying that he could handle it. Later, when he went to the room in the police station to change the dressing, I thought it would not be convenient for him to use one hand, so I drank the rest of the water and prepared to wait. When he encountered difficulties, he went in to help him.

"We are all men. I didn't knock on the door and opened the door directly. Who knows, I actually saw pieces on his arm, like, like, less dense scales, with amber color.

"At that time, the Korean team pulled down the sleeves with a swipe of the floor, and didn't care about the wound.

"Then he looked at me and asked me why I came in suddenly. At that time, his eyes were very dangerous, just like my boss did when he saw me and his wife lying on the bed.

"I quickly pretended not to find anything, and said that I wanted to come in and change his dressing. The Korean team's eyes quickly returned to normal, saying that I had changed it.

"When I came out, the more I thought about it, the more wrong it became. I rushed to the church after work and found the Song Warning.

"Warner Song told me not to panic, pretend that nothing happened, and make some observations secretly."

After Weller finished speaking, Song He added:

"This matter has changed today. It involves selling intelligence to murlocs and mountain monsters. I can't wait any longer, so I have to come to you for help."

Jiang Baimian finished listening quietly, then smiled and said:

"Warning Song, in fact, you can go to him yourself, I believe he will not hide anything from you."

Nor will you behave unkindly towards you.

Song He sighed and said:

"I have a good impression of Han Wangyou. In the past three years, he has really done a lot of practical things.

"You know, because of doctrinal issues, as a clergyman, I can't get the people of Hongshiji Town to trust each other and work together. Han Wanghuo has done at least the last four words.

"He is serious and responsible, I also see it. If you ask in person, no matter what the result is, there will be gaps in everyone's hearts. They may not be good to live together in the future. And you are different, you are outsiders, even if you know something, I will leave soon and be buried secretly."

Weller and Shang Jianyao both agreed with Song He's remarks and nodded at the same time.

What does Song Alerter mean, give Han Wang a chance? As a clergyman of the vigilant sect, Hongshiji's current mayor is certainly not good for favoritism, but we are outsiders, we can do whatever we want...this is the real intention he entrusted us to? Jiang Baimian thoughtfully organized the language:

"I think we must first clarify one thing:

"Whether Captain Han is second or not has no inevitable connection with whether he betrayed intelligence.

"Even if he is really a second person, it does not mean that he betrayed the Redstone Collection. At that time, he was really braving the rain of bullets to stop the enemy."

Song He showed a soft smile:

"Yes, I think so too."

Sure enough... After this conversation, Jiang Baimian confirmed the guess he had just made, and said "Yeah":

"I will divide the mission into two parts. One is to find Captain Han to confirm whether he is the next person, and the other is to find the person who sold the information to the murloc and the mountain monster."

"Very good." Song He admired this plan very much.

Jiang Baimian immediately smiled and said:

"Since it is a task, what is the reward?"

Song He glanced across the four masks one by one, and said meaningfully:

"I wonder if you are interested in some knowledge related to the Awakened?

"I don't dare to disclose too secret content, I can only say that Tan Jie can know, and so can you."

It seems that we got rid of the murloc awakener, and explored the forbidden temple to return safely, and let the alerter confirm that there is at least one awakened among us, and starting from the strange performance of the awakened, it is not difficult to guess The probability of arriving at Shang Jian Yao is... Jiang Baimian doesn't need to turn his head, he can guess with his toes that Shang Jian Yao must be eager to try now.

She "coughed":

"Knowledge is always expensive, and the reward is really good.

"Warner Song, we believe you, you don't have to go through the Hunter's Guild."

Song He smiled again:


Now that he has taken over the task, Jiang Baimian quickly entered the state:

"Warner Song, you have to give us a list.

"It's who knows that Bishop Renato was urgently transferred back to the headquarters before the murlocs and mountain monsters invaded. This should be a secret, and not many people will know it."

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"I'm ready." Song He took out a piece of origami paper from the pocket of the black cloak. "This is divided into two parts, one is the people who witnessed the whole thing at the time, and the other is the follow-up. The person notified."

The former knew that Bishop Renato was "innocent."

Talking to smart people is easy... Jiang Baimian took the piece of paper with some joy.

She didn't rush to watch, first sent Song He and Weiler out of the room, and said that the investigation would start early tomorrow morning.

After closing the door again, Jiang Baimian spread the paper out on his bed.

The first part includes the pseudonyms of the members of the "Qianbai Team", namely Qian Bai, Zhang Qubing, Xue Shiyue and Gu Zhiyong.

"This part can be left alone for the time being." Jiang Baimian said while watching ~www.ltnovel.com~ but it does not rule out that someone deliberately changed the information that Bishop Renato was suffering from'intentional disease' to Bishop Renato. Being transferred back to the headquarters in an emergency, so as not to expose himself afterwards, anyway, for the murloc and the mountain monster, there is no essential difference between the two things. "

As she spoke, her eyes fell to the lower part.

This includes the patriarchs of several common surnames among the Greyspeakers, several more powerful smugglers among the Honghe people, and Tan Jie and Han Wangcao, these very capable high-level town guards.

If it weren't for Herwig's death and Ankhbas had been suspected of selling arms to the second person, they would definitely be on the list of people who knew the church had changed in advance.

Looking down a little bit, Jiang Baimian suddenly saw a name that was both familiar and unfamiliar:

Di Marco.

"Hey, how did I forget the people in the "boat below the ground"..." Jiang Baimian was taken aback for a moment and started talking to himself.

As the three-legged party of the Redstone Collection, the "Ark Below the Earth" may be stronger than the Greyspeakers and the Red River people. It is the object to be alerted to the church no matter what happens to it.

Long Yuehong immediately echoed:

"Yeah, they stay underground all day, except that they will come out to do some business, and they don't even care about another invasion..."

Having said this, Long Yuehong was stunned for a moment.

Bai Chen helped him say the following words:

"They have a lot of suspicion."

Long Yuehong let out an "um" and asked:

"Group leader, do you doubt them?"

"It's a bit, but it's not the most important thing." Jiang Baimian said and laughed, "Aren't we worrying about how to contact Di Marco and investigate the destruction of the old world? This is an opportunity."

Before Long Yuehong and Bai Chen had time to respond, Shang Jianyao had already exclaimed in admiration:

"You are so bad."

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