After more than twenty experiences of almost hitting the wall, the vine snake finally barely learned to drift, Su Mu was scared when he looked at it, this is too dangerous, the little fire dragon heard Su Mu's low murmur, nodded in agreement, it is indeed dangerous.

Then she will take the rattan snake and start the second step of learning to drive - on the road.

In this way, Su Mu watched the rattan rattan snake follow the incense on the road, followed by the Geng ghost who was more than 50 levels, and it was also because this Geng ghost would help to go to the bottom that Su Mu would let the rattan rattan snake learn to drive like this.

I don't have to worry about the vine snake for the time being, because I promised to take it to learn these three skills in the poison guard, and then carry out simple training.

Su Mu went to the laboratory to see the situation of the ugly fish, entrusted by people, loyal to people.

After determining the state of the ugly ugly fish, Su Mu asked Menas to do psychological counseling for it, with the example of evolution, coupled with his efforts in this period of time, this evolution should be much faster than the last one.

Gengar wanted to see what Menas wanted to do here, but Su Mu and Lucariola stepped aside to ask for advice on how to make the energy cube.

When Su Mu left, Geng Ghost realized that he had been asked all morning, and then he didn't ask anything, damn it, he definitely had to ask something tomorrow.

The next day, after being questioned by Bai all morning, Geng Ghost was a little confused.

On the third day, Geng decided to take the initiative, and then was questioned by Su Mu and Lucario all morning.


The simple Geng ghost, where is Su Mu's opponent who gnaws on books such as "The Art of Language", "Quotations on Success", and "How to Lead Chatting" all day long.

In this way, Su Mu and Lucario, in the small class of Geng Ghost, Lucario quickly learned to make simple energy cubes, and Su Mu's mouth cannon technique has improved a lot again, and it can be regarded as a gain.

It stands to reason that Su Mu, who has already made a beauty energy block for ugly fish, has made greater progress.

But this thing, it doesn't make sense, when Su Mu was making this basic energy recovery block, he found that he didn't have any talent, and even the reverse talent, and made a black thing.

Lucario's progress is much faster than Su Mu's, and under the perception of the waveguide, the tree fruit and the tree fruit can be better fused, Su Mu tried according to the method Lucario said, but the result was useless.


past few days, Feng Qianyang has been in contact with Su Mu the most, sending messages to Su Mu every day, telling Su Mu some progress of the case, and repeatedly inviting Su Mu to team up with him to solve the case together, but Su Mu refused on the grounds that he was very busy.

According to the news that has been obtained, the lost Pokémon are mainly concentrated in the water, fire, grass, ground, rock, and ghost systems.

The strength of the victims, ranging from novices to elites.

The scope of the damage has begun to spread to the whole of the Union.

Feng Qianyang also told Su Mu that after the two people were handed over by him to the local area, before the person in charge of this matter arrived, these two people had been killed in the place where they were held, and until now, there has been no result.

The person in charge of this matter is very angry, the neutral faction in the south does not cause trouble, but they are not afraid of it, and if this situation occurs, it must be strictly investigated to the end.

After Su Mu synthesized this information, he made a very tricky judgment.

In line with the principle of being poor and being alone, Su Mu decided to stay in the descending house, and wait until this matter was resolved, judging from the situation observed by Su Mu, the descending family is definitely the safest place, the outside is too terrible, it's okay not to go out.

As for Feng Qianyang's invitation, they were all prevaricated by Su Mu for other reasons.

After ————

finished today's Geng Ghost class, Su Mu returned to the house, tired and lying on the sofa in the house, he had been fooled for six days, and it was getting harder and harder to fool in the past two days.

Lucario sat on the sidelines, recording today's harvest and the tips and recipes he had learned from the Gengres, and tried them out from time to time, adding some ideas of his own.

After the tyrannosaurus and Menas came out, they went to watch TV, and recently the vine snake has not been by his side, leaving early and returning late, and Cheng Tian and Xiangxiang are running around there.

If it weren't for looking at the extra stand-ins and guards on the rattan snake skill panel, Su Mu would have been ready to stop it from going to find the incense, after completing the training task, it has some of its own interests and hobbies, which is normal, and Su Mu has no reason to stop them.

When I opened my mobile phone, there was indeed a message from Feng Qianyang inside, and I shouted that Su Mu would go over to punish the traitors and eliminate the evil, and protect justice together.

This kind of thing, it's too pale and powerless to say, it's not attractive at all, why don't you talk about the price or something, maybe if it's very rich, Su Mu may go to help.

After casually dealing with Feng Qianyang, Su Mu decided to chat with the little fire dragon and decide the path it would take in the future, after all, it was time to train, and it would definitely have to decide on the bias problem.

"Little Fire Dragon, don't play yet, let's talk about a more serious topic.

After hearing Su Mu's voice, the little fire dragon stopped, for this scene, the little fire dragon is no stranger, because before the rattan snake training, Su Mu also chatted with the rattan snake for a while.

"Huh?" (Am I ready to train?)

"Well, so I want to talk to you about the future path, judging from your report, you are very suitable for melee combat, according to your situation, I have also made three training plans, I will tell you about it." "

Whew~" (Okay)"

This first part is a melee-based plan based on your physique. Su Mu said, placing this plan on the left side of the front of the little fire dragon,

"This second copy is the long-range route that I formulated based on the notes of an old pervert (Xia Bo's cultivation notes) and after comprehensive consideration. Su Mu put this one on the right.

"Huh?" (the

third part?) "The third part, these two come together." "

Whew. "(Which is more powerful?)"

are all good, they have their own advantages and disadvantages. The

little fire dragon opened two cultivation notes, a large number of unintelligible words, and the pictures on the side, which were obviously all wasted thoughts.

The little fire dragon looked up at Su Mu, obviously wanting Su Mu to help it choose.

"You can choose to ask me if you don't understand, and then I'll explain. Su Mu smiled and encouraged the little fire dragon.

The idea of the vine snake is very simple, as long as it can become stronger, it doesn't matter, so it just follows Su Mu's idea.

Little Fire Dragon, Su Mu really didn't know what to do, so he simply chose it, which can be regarded as asking it for its opinion and letting it think about it.

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