But later, after discovering that the change was ineffective and all kinds of efforts had no effect, the frustrated and disappointed successive generations of families also changed their strategies and chose to open sources and reduce expenditure. "

"Consume as little of the family's industrial resources as possible, and at the same time accumulate wealth for the family in other ways, and in the matter of heirs, successive generations of families have also worked very hard to spread the branches. "

"It is precisely because the successive generations of families have no brains and are very sensible to stop losses in time, and at the same time return to the right path, that the Kebaton family can continue to this day without complete decay. "

The old woman said with a sigh.

But when the old woman said this, the old woman's son, Willik Barton, couldn't help but look embarrassed.

Because he didn't believe this prophecy circulated by the Kebaton family at first, he felt that my fate was up to me, and he would definitely be able to revitalize the family by his own efforts.

As a result, after being hit by reality, he could only obediently open sources and reduce expenditure, save money while working hard to make money, and spread branches and spread his children to contribute to the family inheritance.

Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny.

Six sons and one daughter, giving birth to seven children, even in some prosperous families, this is not small.

In addition, if it weren't for the fact that he was busy starting a bank business in the ordinary world, he was usually very busy and didn't have that energy, otherwise he would have been ready to have a few more children and make up a perfect match-.

It can be said that whether it is the ambition at the beginning or the steady development later, he is no different from the patriarchs of the Kebaton family in his mother's mouth.

"Old Lady Kebaton, I have a question, why do you think that I am the one who confirms the prophecy and symbolizes the fate of the Kebaton family from decline to prosperity, and not the Wild Goose Armor Heavenly King. "

"You must know that yesterday it was a call from the Heavenly King of Yankai to your mansion. Ash asked curiously at the old woman in front of him.

Hearing Ash's words, the wild goose armor on the side also curiously threw an inquiring glance at the old woman.

"This question is not difficult to answer, although it was the Wild Goose Armor Heavenly King who called yesterday night, but its purpose was to seek cultivation tips for you, Mr. Xiaozhi. "

"And since I have been successful in the cultivation of prophecy magic, I have been trying to make a second prophecy calculation of the prophecy of the Patriarch Connery, although my wife's prophecy magic cultivation is not as good as that of the Patriarch Connery. "

"But after a long period of persistent prophecy speculation, there are also some kind of prophetic revelations, that is, the [man of destiny] who confirmed the revival of the magical family of Kerbaton is a person who did not expect us. "

"As the Four Heavenly Kings of the Carlos Alliance and the patriarch of the Gerainte Knight Family, the two families have a deep historical relationship, and in the past, the Wild Goose Armor Heavenly King also took great care of our Kebaton Magic Family, and has helped us many times. "

"So for our Kebaton family, the Wild Goose Armor Heavenly King is also an old friend of our family, so he is not the unexpected person in the prophecy"

"That's why I boldly speculate that the fate of the revival and rise of our Kebaton Magic Family should actually be on you, Mr. Ash. "

"Whether it's you personally, or whether you've come to our Kerbaton Magic Family to ask for a magic cultivation recipe for your elves, this is completely unexpected. "

Of course, this is just my speculation, and I don't dare to assert 100% of the specifics, and there is no way to verify this. "

The last addition was deliberately said by the old woman.

Although there is no verification method for the person of fate, as an old woman who practices prophecy magic and has achieved success.

There was a feeling in the dark that Ash was the one who was destined for the revival of the Kerbaton family, and she was very sure in her heart.

And the reason why she said that she was still uncertain at the moment was actually deliberate, in order to turn the passive into the active and pull back a game.

This time, Ash came to the Kerbaton family to ask the TA family for a meditation method, it was Ash who asked for TA, Ash was passive, and the Kerbaton family was active.

Previously, she told about the decline of the Kerbaton family and wanted to arouse Ash's sympathy, but instead she lost the initiative and became a Ta Kerbaton family who wanted Ash.

Right now, she deliberately said that she wasn't sure that Ash was the [man of fate]

It also wants to weaken Ash's psychological advantage, so as not to use Ash's identity as a person of destiny to wantonly put forward all kinds of excessive conditions when the Cribbaton family asks for him.

Although he knew that he wanted to revive Chipbaton and wanted to seek Ash's help, the two sides did not reach a cooperation and did not establish an alliance.

At present, it is still in the negotiation stage between the two sides, and the negotiation must have a negotiation attitude, and if you put your own posture too low in the negotiation, you will not be able to gain the attention and respect of the other party.

"Uh-huh, I see. Ash nodded.

"Then I don't know how the old lady is willing to give me a copy of the magic meditation technique of the Gbaton Magic Family, and what conditions and price do I need to pay?"

Ash didn't dwell on the revival of the Cumbaton magic family and the issue of [Man of Destiny], as if he hadn't heard these words, completely ignoring and leaving them behind.

At this time, the more he calms down, the more he can finally take the initiative.

He led the topic to the quest for magic cultivation techniques, and brought the topic back to the beginning of the transaction, which seemed to simply become that he had a request for the other party, and he became passive.

In fact, it was he who firmly occupied the advantage and initiative in the negotiation game between the two sides. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hearing Ash's words, the emerald green deep and wise eyes of the old woman opposite also showed a gleam, and she secretly praised Ash's move to retreat into advance.

"This is very simple, since the old woman invited the Heavenly King of Yan Kai and Mr. Xiao Zhi to come to Kebaton Manor as guests, then the matter of seeking [Vulcan View Idea] is naturally negotiable, not teasing the two. "

"In addition, Mr. Ash, you are the [man of destiny] of our Kebaton family's revival, although there is no way to verify it, but the old woman believes in her own vision. "

"Therefore, the conditions of the old woman are also very simple, only Mr. Xiaozhi, you and my grandchildren have a competition. "

"At the end of the battle, regardless of the final outcome, we, the Kerbaton Magic Family, are willing to offer [Vulcan Concept] for free," the old woman said with a request that Ash had not expected.

"Oh! just need a competition?" Ash was a little surprised, he thought that the old woman would ask him to help revive the Cribbaton magic family.

After all, according to the other party's words, he is the [man of destiny] of the revival of the Kebaton magic family, which is of great significance.



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