Time flies, and the years are like a shuttle.

In the blink of an eye, there was only half a month left before the Caiyu Conference.

Aoki is in a forest not far from Saiyu City, conducting the final special training.

During this time, he traveled throughout the Fangyuan area and got most of the treasure chests.

“King Eel, use 100,000 fords.”

“King Yanwu, use jet flames.”

On the wasteland, Toruko and Kamizre are training against each other.

Because it will soon be the Caiyu Conference, the two have been very serious during this time in order to achieve a good result.

So over the past few months, Touko’s progress has been particularly obvious.

Among them, there are still only six Pokémon in Toko, but their strength has changed by leaps and bounds.

Yanwu King (Quasi-Heavenly King Level), Double Duoduo Ice (Quasi-Heavenly King Level), Rogue Crocodile (Dojo Level), Desert Dragonfly (Dojo Level), Electric Shock Warcraft (Dojo Level), Water Arrow Turtle (Dojo Level)

It is not the same as Aoki, who has a king-level Pokémon, but for newcomers, the progress is obvious.

The six Pokémon are already in their final evolutionary forms, and the worst have the strength of the Dojo level.

This is thanks to the provision of Aoki’s energy cube, otherwise, she would not have wanted to have such a good result.

Camizre’s progress is not bad either.

Ma Ma Eel King (Quasi-Heavenly King Level), Lightning Zebra (Quasi-Heavenly King Level), Self-Detonating Magnetic Monster (Dojo Level), Diya Sea Lion (Dojo Level), Giant Swamp Monster (Dojo Level), Desert Dragonfly (Dojo Level), Electric Shock Warcraft (Dojo Level), Conductive Flying Squirrel (Elite), Platypus Beast (Dojo Level)

The strength of these two people is similar, there are two quasi-king-level, and Pokémon have finally evolved.

Even in order to be able to make the three-in-one magnetic monster evolve, Aoki also deliberately went to a special area to let it evolve into a self-detonating magnetic monster.

As for Aoki, the progress is the most obvious, after all, during this time, I got a lot of gold treasure chests, and there is also a diamond treasure chest.

This diamond chest is really surprising.

One day, when Aoki was training, a certain cadre of the Hunter Guild saw Aoki who was training and wanted to make a profit.

After all, Aoki’s Tyrannosaurus and Giant Golden Monster are particularly rare.

He thinks that he is very strong, can make a fortune fiercely, and fantasizes about becoming a king-level trainer.

As a result, he accidentally put himself in and contributed a diamond chest to Aoki.

is still a cadre with three king-level Pokémon, that is, pitiful, a beautiful life, before it can start, it dies.

Because of the generosity of this hunter guild cadre, he provided Aoki with a lot of mysterious crystals, as well as a golden crown.

The golden crown was given to the Tyrannosaurus, after all, the Tyrannosaurus was already a heavenly king, and its qualifications limited its growth.

The mysterious crystals obtained seem to be specially prepared by the system for the giant golden monsters, steel and super energy systems.

Although the Tyrannosaurus is also Aoki’s trump card, Aoki has no choice but to take the initiative to cultivate giant golden monsters.

In addition to diamond chests, Aoki also obtained many gold chests and provided a lot of mysterious fruits.

There is also a prop, leftovers.

Aoki gave this prop to Daiochisis, after all, it is the strongest and Aoki’s trump card.

During this time, both Touko and Kamizre have improved, but the one who has improved the most is Aoki.

Deochis, champion, Origin Daisei.

It is also worthy of being a former second-level god, and his strength recovered quickly, and it didn’t take long to reach the championship level.

Kira Qi, champion level, origin Xiaocheng.

Phantom beasts are phantom beasts after all, and Kiraki has also managed to reach the championship level.

Other Pokémon have also improved quite significantly.

Bosco Dora, Heavenly King, Uyi Perfection.

Giant Golden Monster, Heavenly King-level, Uyi Dacheng.

Tyrannosaurus, Heavenly King, Uyi Zhongcheng.

Tyrannosaurus, Heavenly King, Uyi Zhongcheng.

Koga Ninja Frog, Tenno-level, Uyi Kosei.

This is Aoki’s progress during this time, a total of five Heavenly King-level, only one step away, is a Heavenly King-level trainer.

Among them, Boss Dora has reached the peak of the king and can become a champion at any time.

Because the giant golden monster obtained the Aoyi crystal, coupled with the magical candy, it even surpassed the Tyrannosaurus and reached the Aoyi Dacheng.

As for the other Pokémon, there has also been a lot of progress.

Flame Chicken, Electric Shock Warcraft, Lizard King, and Happy Egg have all reached the quasi-king level.

Among them, the flame chicken can become a heavenly king level at any time.

Once you successfully advance, you will be able to become a king-level trainer.

In the last Lalulas, Aoki did not have much special training, and he has not evolved until now.

It is mainly Aoki who concentrates his main energy on other Pokémon.

He was going to wait for the end of the Rainbow Conference, when he would participate in the Kanto Conference, and then he would focus on Larulas.

It is worth mentioning that he now has several Pokémon with championship qualifications.

Boss Dora, Tyrannosaurus, Giant Golden Monster, Koga Ninja Frog, Flame Chicken, Tyrannosaurus.

It is completely capable of making up a team championship level.

As long as he doesn’t die, it won’t be long before he becomes a champion-level trainer.

“Toko, Kamizre, it’s almost, we should also go, the Caiyu Conference will start immediately, go to Caiyou City first.”

Aoki stopped Toruko and Kamizre, then stood up, ready to go.

“Got it.”

Toruko and Kamizre stopped fighting at the same time, and immediately came to Aoki’s side.

“Let’s pack up, sleep here tonight, and leave tomorrow.”

Aoki began to take out the cutlery and prepare today’s dinner.

Touko and Kamizre immediately came to help, and the three of them prepared dinner together, which was very warm.

After dinner.

Aoki stood in front of the dining table, looking at these people in front of him, with a sly smile on the corner of his mouth.

“It’s about to be the Caiyu Conference, let’s celebrate tonight and discuss life.”

Where does Touko not understand Aoki’s meaning, she has long accepted Aoki in her heart.

Camizre, however, took the initiative to grab Touko’s arm and turned to the side.

“Aoki, you have worked hard during this time, tonight, we will be gentle.”

Aoki smiled, tonight, it should be a good day.

“Since you all said so, then I’m not polite, let’s talk about it tonight.”

After that, Aoki immediately walked into the tent, ready to have a good chat with Camizre.

He has important things to do.

“Aoki, don’t mess around.”

Touko said with a red face, but her heart was full of anticipation, and she couldn’t wait to be with Aoki.

(63,000 flowers plus more, continue to kneel for flower support.) )

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