A few days later, Aoki walked out of the forest and arrived in Orange City.

In the past few days through the woods, Aoki’s Pokémon have improved significantly.

Boss Dora, quasi-king class.

Ancient empty stickleback, quasi-king level.

Croaking Frog: Elite

Strong Chicken: Elite

It can be said that the progress is particularly obvious.

Among them, except for the ancient empty stickleback, which is only used in the early stage to prevent encountering danger, the others are the main forces.

In the future, the training of good students, coupled with the system, will have the qualifications to become champions.

As for the ancient empty stickleback, the race value is relatively low, the potential has long been developed, and it takes a lot of resources to become a heavenly king, let alone become a champion.

Therefore, Aoki does not intend to focus on cultivating ancient empty sticklebacks, but only for early use to prevent danger.

For example, this time I met the lava team, thanks to the ancient empty stickleback, otherwise he would be in trouble.

Orange City.

Haruka felt disappointed and didn’t want to go home, because returning home would mean separating from Aoki.

She really didn’t want to be separated from Aoki, but unfortunately she was not old enough to travel, and her parents would not agree.

Outside the Orange Hua Taoist Hall, Aoki gently rubbed Xiao Yao’s head.

“Okay, it’s time for you to go home too, and when you reach the age of travel, I will travel with you.”


Xiao Yao picked up his spirit again, followed Aoki, and walked into the dojo together.

“Dad, mom, Xiaosheng, I’m back.”

“Sister, you’re back, Brother Aoki, what Pokémon did you get.”

The first to rush out was the very young Xiao Sheng.

In the original work, you can only travel at the age of ten, Xiaosheng is only five years old, but in the real world, traveling at the age of 15, Xiaosheng is already ten years old.

Xiao Sheng just glanced at Xiao Yao, and then ignored his sister and focused on Aoki.

Mainly I still care about Aoki’s initial Pokémon.

“I got a fire chicken, but now, it has evolved into a strong chicken.”

Aoki released the strong chicken.

“It’s great, it’s a strong chicken, have the fire chickens evolved?”

Xiao Sheng’s eyes were glowing brightly.

“But I still like Kimoriya.”

Or die as before.

Fortunately, Li Zhuang Chicken has a better attitude, so he just glared at Xiao Sheng and did not start beating people.

“Oh, it’s only been more than a month, has your fiery chicken already evolved into a strong chicken? You really have the talent to be a trainer. ”

Chisato also walked over, watching Aoki’s successful evolution and looking particularly robust chicken, his eyes revealed a brilliance.

As a well-known trainer, he can naturally see that Aoki’s strong chicken is stronger and more spirited than ordinary strong chicken.

The hair on the body surface also looks very spiritual.

What he admires the most is that it has only been a little over a month, and he has successfully evolved into a strong chicken.

“Fortunately, the main thing is to work on its own.”

Aoki rubbed the head of the strong chicken, and there was a hint of joy in his heart.

Lizhuang Chicken has grown so fast, in addition to having relatively high qualifications, it is also because of the rainbow energy cube.

As a Premium Energy Cube, the Rainbow Energy Block is nutritious, promotes the growth of Pokémon, and can slightly increase the qualification.

If you change a trainer, the family conditions are not particularly bad, and it will take at least half a year.

This is the gap between the systematic and the ordinary.

There was relief in Qianli’s eyes.

Originally, he was hostile to Aoki, who abducted his daughter.

But seeing that Aoki is so talented and an excellent researcher, he immediately recognized Aoki.

“By the way, sister, where did you get the Pokémon?”

Xiao Sheng noticed that Xiao Yao also had a belt with a luxury ball hanging from it.

Chisato and Mizuko also turned to look.

“This was given to me by Brother Aoki, it is a Coco Dora, show you.”

Xiao Yao was very proud, picked up the high-grade ball, threw it out hard, and Coco Dora appeared in front of everyone.

She plans to put on a good show and also let Chisato accept that she and Aoki are together.

“Coco Dora, this is a very rare Pokémon.”

Qianli’s eyes bloomed with essence.

Coco Dora is not only rare, but even the final form, Bosco Dora, is particularly strong.

And he has seen Coco Dora of the Fangyuan champion Daigo, and Haruka’s this one is not bad at all.

Cultivate it well, it is definitely a king-level Bosco Dora.

“Aoki, Coco Dora is rare, are you giving it to Haruka like that?”

Chisato couldn’t help but ask.

This rare level Pokémon, normal newcomers will not give it away.

“It’s okay, I already have a Boss Dora, and another Coco Dora, it’s really hard to feed.”

Aoki naturally doesn’t care.

He took a fancy to the baby dragon, Yukira, and Coco Dora one is enough, not to mention that Haruka is still his person.

Chisato nodded, and really.

The average newcomer can’t afford to raise so much cocoa Dora.

It seems that he needs to help Xiao Yao cultivate well and invest a lot of resources.

In the future, this Coco Dora will definitely be able to become a heavenly king level, and he will be able to protect Xiao Yao when the time comes.

“Alas, you sent such an expensive Coco Dora, it seems that I can only give Xiao Yao to you.”

Mizuko sighed, with a hint of teasing in her words.

Xiao Yao’s face was red when he was said, and he was embarrassed to raise his head.

“So envious, I also want a Coco Dora, Brother Aoki, can you give me one?”

Xiao Sheng had longing in his eyes.

“Xiao Sheng, don’t talk nonsense, Coco Dora is so rare, is it so easy to come across?”

Chisato interrupted Xiao Sheng.

Aoki gave such a precious Pokémon, he was a little overwhelmed, how could he give it to Xiao Sheng again.

“But why is my sister okay?”

Xiao Sheng was very aggrieved in his heart and a little envious.

“Xiao Sheng, because your sister will be someone else’s person in the future, and she will work to pay off debts, you can’t do it.”

Mizuko teased again.


Xiao Yao was embarrassed and couldn’t help but give Mizuko a look.

“It’s okay, when I meet the right one in the future, I can send you one.”

If it is suitable, Aoki does not need it, and it can indeed be given to Xiao Sheng.

But if it is excellent, then it is impossible, he himself wants it.

(More will be added today, continue to kneel for the support of flowers.) )

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