The next morning, the sun was shining.

When Aoki wakes up, he starts preparing breakfast, preparing energy cubes for Pokémon in addition to eating himself.

He does have a lot of primary energy cubes, but since he has opened more than a ton of rainbow fruits, primary energy cubes can be eliminated.

Maybe give it to wild Pokémon and let them fight with their own Pokémon.

This can facilitate the growth of Pokémon and reach the Heavenly King level as soon as possible.

Strive for this colorful conference to let those contestants know what genius is.

“Fire chicken, croaking bubble frog, Bosco Dora, it’s time for breakfast, Haruka, it’s time for you to wake up too.”

“Not exactly.”



Bosco Dora was the first to run over, his huge body making the earth tremble.

The fire chicken and the croaking bubble frog are faster, grabbing their plates first and eating them in large bites.

Shouting while eating.

It was delicious, fortunately followed the host.

Bosco took a bite one by one, with a very happy expression on his face.

I have been with Aoki for more than a year, he has eaten a lot of delicious food, and he has been the happiest in his life.

Especially compared to other Pokémon, it lives a life that is simply heavenly.

“I know, I’ll come right over.”

Xiao Yao rubbed his sleepy eyes, and then began to straighten his hair.

She didn’t want to show the worst side.

Especially in front of people you like.

After tidying up his clothes, Haruka came to the table, and Aoki had already prepared the food.

“Xiao Yao, the fire chickens have been eating for a long time, and it’s time for us.”

“Thank you, Brother Aoki.”

Xiao Yao picked up the chopsticks and tasted breakfast.

It’s still as delicious as before.

“Brother Aoki, your breakfast is really delicious, who can marry you in the future, that is really his happiness.”

Xiao Yao grabbed breakfast and reverie about life.

I really want to marry Aoki.

Aoki didn’t know what Xiao Yao meant, and gently pinched Xiao Yao’s face.

“Then you will be too happy in the future.”

Alas, the girl who provoked herself, tearfully will also provoke her.

Fortunately, as the heroine in the anime, Haruka is not bad and very beautiful, otherwise he would not have been able to find Haruka to eat soft rice before.

Xiao Yao immediately understood what Aoki meant, she was very happy, then didn’t she want to marry Aoki?

It’s shy, but it’s also more exciting.

After breakfast, Aoki cleaned up carelessly and did not leave in a hurry.

It will take at least a few days to get out of the forest.

So there’s no need to be in such a hurry and train your own Pokémon while walking out of the forest.

The fire chicken will soon reach the advanced level, and when the time comes, it will evolve into a strong chicken, and maybe it will be able to reach the elite level.

The croaking bubble frog is also, when it was just subdued, it was already on the verge of advanced and could break through at any time.

It’s just that because of carelessness, this was brought a victory against the attribute by Aoki.

As for Bosco Dora, there is no need to train, his main purpose now is to comprehend the mysteries.

As long as he can comprehend the mysteries, he can become a Heavenly King-level Pokémon, and he is also a wild Heavenly King trainer.

This is also known as an alternate.

After cleaning up, Aoki took out a large number of energy cubes from the system backpack and put them in the purchased space backpack.

This space backpack is the product of the alliance, although it is not as good as the system space, but it can be used to pretend.

“Okay, let’s go find the wild angry baby and let them fight me.”


Haruka took the luggage and immediately followed Aoki.

Aoki continues across the forest.

Not long after, Aoki met a hunting phoenix butterfly.

“Hunting butterflies, do you have time? Can you accompany me to a fight? This stuff is your reward. ”

The hunting phoenix butterfly looked at the energy cube in Aoki’s hand, and immediately moved his heart.

It has a hunch that this energy cube is of great use to it.


The hunting phoenix butterfly agreed, and then immediately flew in front of Aoki.

“Well, Croak Bubble Frog, this is our first fight, don’t let me down.”


Aoki stretched out his hand, and the croaking bubble frog immediately jumped out and looked at the tiger.

The first battle, you must not lose.

The fire chicken was originally ready to do it, but after listening to Aoki’s words, he was disappointed in his heart.

The hunting phoenix butterfly took the lead and gently flapped its wings.

A lot of silver powder appeared in the void.

Paralysis powder, what this type of Pokémon is best at, will be paralyzed once touched.

“Croak bubble baby, quickly dodge, and then use foam light.”

The croaking bubble frog ran on the ground, dodged to the side, and spat out a lot of foam.

The hunting phoenix butterfly was not slow to react, flaring two wings, and a silver-white storm appeared in the void, blowing up a large number of leaves.

Silver whirlwind.

The skill of this hunting phoenix butterfly is still very good, and it is a worthy object to fight.

The foam light and the silver whirlwind collided and immediately exploded, covering the smoke and obscuring everyone’s view.

“Croak bubble frog, use a water cannon.”

Aoki doesn’t need to look, Tokiwa can feel the direction of hunting phoenix butterflies.

Croaking Paowa opened her hands, blue light appeared in her palms, and then gathered a large amount of water and rushed towards the hunting phoenix butterfly.

The hunting phoenix butterfly quickly flew into the air and dodged the water cannon, which hit the large tree and a large number of leaves fell.

A pair of wings flapped gently, throwing out several wind blades.

“The air blade has also been learned, very good, croaking bubble frog, shadow doppelganger, and then freezing the light.”

As soon as Aoki gave an order, the croaking bubble frog moved quickly, and many shadows appeared around it.

The air blade hit one of the shadows, but did not hit the croaking bubble frog.

The hunting phoenix butterfly panicked all of a sudden.

In the end, it is a wild Pokémon, and in the face of this situation, it is a little overwhelmed.

All the croaking bubble frogs opened their hands and threw out a silvery-white light.

Only one light is real.

The hunting phoenix butterfly could not dodge, was hit head-on by the freezing light, and lost its ability to fight.


The croaking bubble frog was very excited, walked in front of Aoki, and showed off proudly.

Master, I’m amazing.

“Not exactly, not exactly.”

The fire chicken is a little unhappy to look at it on the side, and I can do this kind of thing.

“Okay, I’ll need you later.”

Aoki calmed the two, then healed the hunting butterfly and gave it an energy cube.

After eating the energy cube, the hunting phoenix butterfly flew into the forest, and Aoki continued his journey.

(Before 9:30, three thousand flowers, one more today.) )

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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