In one year, Boss Dora successfully advanced to the Quasi-Heavenly King Peak-level Pokémon, all thanks to energy cubes.

The levels of Pokémon are divided into elementary, intermediate, advanced, elite, dojo, quasi-king, heavenly king, champion, third-level god, second-level body, and first-level god.

Pokémon’s talent is also divided in this way.

Generally speaking, only Pokémon with Heavenly King-level talent can comprehend the mysteries of their own lineage, and then break through to the Heavenly King level.

But this is not absolute.

Some Pokémon, with luck, can improve their talent by obtaining some secret treasures that increase their talents.

Or get some secret treasures that increase strength, and you can also break through the boundaries of talent and reach the heavenly king level.

And those Pokémon with heavenly king-level talent, as long as they are properly cultivated, not abused, and malnourished for a long time, they can become heavenly kings naturally.

Pokémon with relatively high race values can break through the king of heaven faster.

For example, Aoki’s Boss Dora, compared with the large needle bee, the speed of breaking through the king is relatively fast.

Of course, nutrition must be adequate first.

Pokémon like Bosco Dora, which often eat metal, and that quasi-god-level Pokémon, require more resources.

The poor basically can’t afford to play.

Ordinary family, even if you have a quasi-god, maybe the big needle bee with the talent of the heavenly king has successfully advanced to the heavenly king, and the quasi-god is still stunted.

This is the sorrow of the poor.

Aoki’s Boss Dora, when he had just hatched, only had a quasi-heavenly king-level talent.

It’s just that because of long-term use of energy cubes, the nutrition is very sufficient, the development is very good, and it has increased its own potential, reaching the heavenly king-level potential.

And within a year, he successfully possessed the strength of a quasi-heavenly king, and only one step away from comprehending the mysteries and becoming a heavenly king.

The so-called mystery is the movement of Pokémon to their own power.

For example, Boss Dora, a Pokémon with rock and steel attributes.

As long as you comprehend one of the mysteries, you can become a king-level Pokémon.

Some people with relatively high talent can comprehend two mysteries, such Pokémon, the combat effectiveness is stronger.

Aoki puts on his shoes and coat, and leaves the house to go to the Odamaki Research Institute to collect his Pokémon.

At the mention of Dr. Odamaki, Aoki still had some resentment in his heart.

A few years ago, Dr. Odamaki was supposed to buy Coco Dora’s eggs and give them to him.

It’s just that because of the unexpected death of the parents of this body, Dr. Odamaki helped deal with the aftermath, and then entered the research state and completely forgot.

It wasn’t until a year ago that I heard someone mention it, and then quickly bought Aoki Coco Dora’s eggs.

Otherwise, three or five years in advance, he would have been able to activate the system early if he got the Pokémon early.

Maybe the current Boss Dora has long become a king-level Pokémon.

All this is naturally just a thought.

Because in this world, there are no ifs.

The Odamaki Research Institute, located in the southern part of the town, covers a large area.

It has many different terrains such as woods, grasslands, deserts, etc.

Pokémon trainers who are about to embark on their journey can choose their first Pokémon from here.

These three Pokémon are all specially bred by the Alliance and have high talents.

Except for a very small number of stunted ones, they can only reach the elite level, most of them can reach the Taoist hall level, and a few can reach the quasi-heavenly king.

Occasionally, there are Pokémon with Heavenly King or Champion talent.

It can be seen that the annual 100,000 alliance coins, a total of one million alliance coins, is actually not too much of a loss.

The vast majority of trainers, in their ultimate lives, cannot become elite-level trainers, mainly because they can’t afford to raise them, and can only raise two or three Pokémon.

Not to mention becoming a Daoguan-level or quasi-Heavenly King-level trainer.

It is worth mentioning that only those who have six elite-level Pokémon can become elite trainers recognized by the Alliance.

The same is true of the Heavenly King Trainer.

If there is only one, it can only be counted as opposition, not recognized by the alliance, and only enjoy part of the alliance benefits.

Odamaki Research Institute, after Aoki’s arrival, the gate has opened.

Except for a few people who come here to collect the initial Pokémon, the vast majority of people only collect them at the Elf Center.

Aoki was able to come here only because the parents of this body were researchers at the Dr. Odamaki Research Institute.

The future Xiao Yao is because his father is a Taoist trainer, and he is also a Heavenly King trainer.

Being able to receive Pokémon from doctors everywhere also has the advantage that more Pokémon can be kept here, reducing a lot of expenses.

“Aoki, you finally came, but you came a little late.”

Dr. Odamaki personally came out to greet him.

After all, Aoki’s parents, who were once his best assistants, were sacrificed.

In addition, there is another reason, and that is because Aoki is a very good researcher.

When he first crossed over, Aoki felt that he did not have a system and was worried that he would not mix well.

So work here, pretend to learn, and then come up with theories about Pokémon characteristics.

For example, why some flame chickens are getting faster and faster, and some flame chickens suddenly increase the power of their fire skills.

This is the characteristic, at that time in this world, there was such a concept, but no one proposed it, Aoki first mentioned the characteristic.

Later, the evolution of the sun elves and moon elves of Eevee was mentioned.

Of course, he didn’t directly bring it up, just said that some of these Pokémon evolved during the day and some evolved at night.

Then the concept of intimacy is introduced.

After that, it was handed over to Dr. Odamaki, and there was no need to do anything, and Dr. Odamaki was not the kind of person who coveted fame and fortune.

Because of these two important theoretical knowledge, Aoki also became a researcher under Dr. Odamaki.

And he was loved by Dr. Odamaki.

Not only made a fortune, but also gained some fame among the doctors and became a famous researcher.

Although only the doctors know internally, this is enough, because these doctors, each of them is very powerful.

Dr. Ohki was once the top champion trainer.

Dr. Odamaki is also a Tenno trainer.

After all, there is not enough strength, how can it be possible to go to the field to investigate.

Strictly speaking, trainers are their profession, and research is just their hobby.

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