Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 710: Reinherited


"Lunai sauce, happy birthday!!"

"Luna, happybirthday."

Na Zi and Xiao Zhi were willing to help, and the situation of Dida Beast became a lot optimistic.

Because Dida Beast, Bi Diao, and Iron Shell received treatment at the Pokémon Center in Manjin City.

At the same time, flight H9536 made an emergency landing in Manjin City. As the captain, Nobunaga Katsuda was not responsible but was still cooperating with the investigation.

The two families stayed in Mankin City for the time being, and had no plans to return to Kanto. Everything will be dealt with after the beloved and Nobunaga's affairs are handled.

Today is Runa’s 13th birthday. It was originally supposed to be celebrated at his home in Kamata City. No one thought that there would be an emergency.

Today, the girl’s birthday can only be celebrated at the Pokémon Center in Manjin City, which makes the beloved feel a little guilty.

"Thank you Brother Liangren, Sister Leilei... I am really happy to be able to spend my 13th birthday with you all."

In front of the people closest to him, Runa didn't have the slightest coquettishness of the old days at school, and the whole person seemed well-behaved and sensible.

A simple birthday party was over, and the beloved returned to the accompany outside the Dida Beast Ward, but Bi Diao and Tiejia Bei were discharged from the hospital after Miss Joey's last check.

Four Pokémon, like the Eagle, the Iron Shell, Lucario, and the Vine Snake, quietly accompany their beloved.

From time to time, the four pets looked at the dumb beast lying unconscious on the bed in the ward, eyes full of worry.

Nazi took a plane, arrived at Manjinshi Airport at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and immediately took a taxi to the Pokémon Center.

"Ms. Nazi~"

The beloved was waiting at the entrance of the Pokémon Center early, and when he saw the waist-length high-cold woman with long hair coming down from the taxi, the beloved shouted with joy.

"Where is the ward of Dida Beast, take me there." Na Zi is a resolute temperament, without any procrastination.

"Okay~" After the beloved promised, she led Na Zi to the ICU.


Nazi with a cold face and a beautiful figure followed her beloved, and the clatter of her high heels stepping on the smooth floor made her eyes stare intently in the Pokémon hall.

When many male trainers saw Na Zi, they couldn't help showing a look of Brother Pig.


Feeling the hot and ambitious gaze all around, a halo of superpower flashed in Na Zi's cold beautiful eyes.

The guys around with impolite eyes suddenly felt like his neck was caught by an invisible big hand.

Although this feeling was only for a moment, his face rose and his eyes bulged, and the suffocation that was close to death was exceptionally real.

This was just a small episode. When everyone reacted, the glamorous woman had disappeared with her beloved at the end of the hall.

Leading Nazi to the intensive care unit, Nazi also saw the stunned beast.

"Teacher, what should I do next?" The beloved asked with a worried expression on his face.

"Don't worry, let me check the current situation of Dida Beast in the Sea of ​​Mind first." I looked at Dida Beast who was unconscious on the hospital bed.

After saying this, Nazi sat down on the edge of the bed, and then stretched out a slender finger to the center of the eyebrow of the beast. For a while, the ward was so quiet that the needle could be heard.


"Sure enough, I didn't expect it. The Dumbled Beast has severely damaged the origin of life, and the entire sea of ​​spirit appears to be very chaotic."

Retracting the fingers that were at the center of the eyebrows of the dull beast, Na Zi frowned slightly, and said solemnly.

"Then now..."

"Don't worry, as I said on the phone before.

"I'm not sure to completely cure the Dumbled Beast, but it can still be done by stabilizing the Dummy Beast's injury temporarily."

After that, Na Zi turned her left hand, and a carved wooden ampoule with a long pattern on the index finger and a pink bead the size of a pigeon egg appeared in Na Zi's palm.

The wood-carved ampoule should contain the spirit of wisdom. In the previous Golden City Super Power Festival, the dumb beast got a big ball, and he also awakened his super talent by taking a little bit.

At this moment, the beloved's eyes were all attracted by the dove-egg-sized bead next to him, watching the pink halo changing and flowing on the bead.

Somehow, looking at the "spiritual bead" in Na Zi's hand, the beloved felt a familiar feeling for no apparent reason.

"Teacher, are the spiritual marrow beads all of this color? Or the different super-power elves, the colors of the spiritual marrow beads condensed after the end of life are different."

The beloved asked awkwardly.


Na Zi didn't expect that under this circumstance, his beloved would be curious about the color of the spiritual marrow beads.

Not allowed to be out of the teacher's instinct, Na Zi still answered her beloved's question: "The power in the spiritual marrow beads is the condensation of the most essential spiritual power.

So no matter what kind of superpowered Pokémon, as long as it is a heavenly king-level strength, the spiritual marrow beads condensed after death are of this color. "

"However, according to records in the collections of our Association of Super Powers, after the death of a champion-level Super Pokémon, the condensed spiritual marrow beads are orange-red."

"Orange red!!!" Hearing Na Zi's explanation and answer, the beloved exclaimed.

"What's the matter with you, since you saw the spiritual marrow bead just now, I feel you are weird. Don't worry, this time the silly beast was seriously injured and comatose after saving flight H9536.

When I applied for the Spiritual Marrow Orb from the Alliance, the Alliance generously approved it, and did not ask you to pay any price. "

Na Zi thought that her beloved had said that she had taken the precious "Spiritual Marrow Orb" from the Alliance and she would sell her to the Kwantung Alliance, and she was worried about it.

But this time Na Zi was wrong, and her beloved did not give any explanation.

In the thought communication system backpack, a bead the size of the "spiritual bead" in Na Zi's hand appeared in his hand.

This is a parting gift from the sea sage Hippo King to Dida Beast when he left Asia Island before. The beloved who doesn't know what's the function keeps it for Dida Beast.

"This is~"

Seeing the beads in the palm of her beloved, Na Zi's pupils shrank, and her glamorous face was full of surprise.

The bead in the beloved's hand is the same size as the bead in Nazi's hand. The difference is that the bead in Nazi's hand is pink, while the bead in the beloved's hand is "orange-red".

"This... is this a champion-level spiritual marrow pearl? Where did your kid get such a treasure!!"

Comparing it with the description of the champion-level spiritual marrow in my mind, Na Zi was surprised this time.

"Last semester because of evolution~www.readwn.com~ I took a leave of absence and left school for a month. At that time, I was recommended by Dr. Ogi to visit Professor Nishino Mori in Binu City."

"When I was looking for an environment suitable for ice Pokémon activities, I ran into my third-year senior sister Flora by chance, and then I went to Asia with her."

"There is a sage of the sea on the island of Asia. My silly beast is valued by the other party. After following him for a month, this spiritual beast was given to the silly beast when the other party was parting."

At this moment, after understanding that this is a champion-level spiritual marrow, the beloved was deeply embarrassed.

Not only does the spiritual marrow possess the purest power, but also the Pokémon's perception of practice in front of him.

This bead that was dusted in the system warehouse turned out to be a champion inheritance that was no worse than that of the Eagles. For a time, the beloved felt a dreamlike feeling.

Even such a precious thing can be easily given away, what is the strength of the hippo king on the island of Asia?

Champion level?

To be able to get along with the ice **** Jiu Frozen on an equal footing, the strength of the hippo king is probably more than the champion level.

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