Elf Town Has Big Problems

Chapter 503: abnormal breach

Chapter 503 Abnormal Crack

"Why did Suhai City crack open?"

Li Shisan was actually one of the first people to know about the cracking of the seashore continental shelf in Suhai City. At that time, the official cultivator department only said that there was a crack, and it could not reach the point of news hotspots.

Unexpectedly, after a few days, the seafloor crack spread to the shore, and the road between the seaside tavern and the beach collapsed. The current business situation is much worse than when Li Shisan just returned from the sixth restricted area, which is equivalent to complete destruction.

"Don't be like this, I just got their joint membership card, I didn't have time to enjoy the half-price discount, don't destroy the beach..."

Li Shisan couldn't help but be a little worried. Although there was no third super rift valley this time, there were still earthquakes, ground fissures and other reactions, and they appeared directly in the safe area.

If after exploring the fourth otherworld palace, there will be a more exaggerated cracking disaster... Wouldn't it be fueling the flames?

"Can't say that, even if I didn't touch the central palace, the sixth restricted area is still in a state of continuous cracking. If you want to prevent the disaster from happening, should you find the Holy Pillar King?"

Li Shisan didn't quite understand the key. In short, the next trip to the restricted area could be slightly earlier. The problem was getting to the center of the restricted area...it was very difficult, and it was impossible to say how many months it would take for a single trip.

He took out his mobile phone to contact Gu Feng and chatted about the recent situation.

He lived quite well. After eating the Qiansi Pavilion, he went through a very unstable period.

Other competitors are nothing more than setting up their own businesses with the support of their families. Gu Feng holds half of the capital in the heyday of Qiansi Pavilion, surpassing his competitors by several grades.

In the forging of summoned beasts, the 'Deep Blue Giant' took a lot of work, and the progress was barely able to be completed before the family's birthday.

Everything is going in the best direction.

"Brother Thirteen, it's impossible for you to call here specifically to console me, right?"

"Haha, I have something to ask you for help."

"What?" Gu Feng threw a plum in his mouth and guessed casually, "Need a road map for the restricted area?"


"Pfft...cough cough cough."

Gu Feng didn't choke on the words in the quilt, it was just a random guess just now.

"Isn't it, Brother Thirteen, are you planning to settle down in the restricted area? I remember you just came back a few days ago."

"Uh... I didn't set off right away. I prepared a roadmap first, and I can leave at any time."

"Where is this time?"

"It's still the sixth restricted area. I want to go to the palace of another world in the center."

"Cough cough cough..."

Gu Feng is a person who has seen many strong winds and waves. In just a few words, he was choked by Huamei twice, and he was afraid that he would make people laugh.

"Thirteen brothers, you have to think twice before you act. It's easy to say that the outer world palace is the deepest part of the restricted area... it's really a place where there are nine deaths."

The reason why the restricted area has become a restricted area is not only that human beings randomly rush a large number of monsters to a large area and surround it. The time-space structure of the restricted area is special.

The monsters in the restricted area naturally divided and multiplied, and a steady stream of new monsters came in.

Therefore, the officials and the Demon Suppression Team have to make great efforts to clear and suppress them every year. At the same time, there is also the task of killing monsters in the restricted area that is not capped at the Hunter Guild.

The further you go to the center of the restricted area, the stronger the magic element will be. A large number of powerful monsters like to stay in it. Fortunately, they stayed silent and did not take the initiative to seek trouble. The defensive offensive of the restricted area wall reduced a lot of pressure.

After Gu Feng said this, he paused for a while, "Are the Thirteen Brothers really going in?"

"Well... You must enter, and you must prepare as much as possible. It should take a lot of time."

Li Shisan knew more about the dangers of the restricted area than most people. After going back and forth so many times, he not only realized it personally, but also investigated the information about the restricted area in his spare time. Li Shisan understood what Gu Feng said.

"Okay, the Thirteen Brothers have thought it through, and I won't stop it, but the roadmap will take a lot of time..."

The time and space in the depths of the restricted area are unstable, and the excessively rich spiritual elements seriously interfere with the satellite detection of the ground situation. Not only the civilian mobile phone map satellites cannot be displayed, but the images detected by the official satellites are also intermittent.

It is not easy to get a map that goes directly to the center of the sixth forbidden area, and it has to be a fresh version. The recent geological changes in the sixth forbidden area are too great, and using an old map will be misleading.

"It's okay, sharpen the knife without accidentally chopping wood, please."

"Brother Thirteen said such a polite thing. I will try my best to help you find a way. You should reconsider the necessity of entering the sixth restricted area."


At the end of the call, Li Shisan lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling. The last palace in the sixth restricted area was definitely going to go. With the Master Ball in hand, the Holy Pillar King was obviously there, and the generation of gods also gave key props. Fantastic condition.

The problem is that we can't be in a hurry. The current elves lineup is really strong, and we can be a little bit presumptuous in the outer palace. In the center of the real sixth restricted area, there are countless high-star monsters...

"Li Shisan!"

There was a knock on the door outside, it was Celery.

"What's wrong? The door is not locked, just push the door and come in."

Xi Qin grabbed the phone with an excited expression, "Have you seen the latest news?"

"I see, the continental shelf of Suhai City is cracking."

"What a mess, I said college league..."

Li Shisan was at the bottom of the ranking in the first round. After the game, he and Xiqin coached each other for three days. The first stage of the regional competition was over, and he would enter the second round of the tour.

In the second round of regional competition, Li Shisan ranked very high, and there will be a competition five days later.

"Oh? Where?"

"Hey, I have to say that you have a unique vision." Xiqin gave a thumbs up, "A place where you specially went to communicate and discuss a few years ago."

"Suhuai City?"


Li Shisan went to Suhuai City before the Chinese New Year, of course, not to inquire about the strength of the players. The second round of the competition could only be said to be too coincidental for the players from Suhuai City.

"Your opponent is the second place in the Suhuai City Singles Tournament."


"Yes! As expected of the investigation in advance, it is very clear."

Xiangqiu University, Sanyi.

Li Shisan lived in Xiangqiu University for more than half a month from the beginning of the year to the end of the year~www.readwn.com~ The local student who has the most contact with Sanyi is Sanyi. Meet in the ring.

"Li Shisan, it should be fine, right?"

"No problem, I just went to Suhuai City for a walk."

Gu Feng and Gu Lingling were both there, and No. 250 also opened a branch of An Yun Hotel in Suhuai City.

"Xi Qin, it's my turn to entertain you. I'm very familiar with Suhuai City."

"Ah, I want to go to the college league together, but the injury has not healed, so I have to stay in Jinhang City for regular check-ups."

In the three days after the game, Xi Qin tried to learn from Li Shisan several times every day, and the scheduled examination and massage treatment did not fall behind, which basically belonged to the rhythm of seeing a doctor in the morning and free activities in the afternoon.

"Li Shisan, do your best in the second round. I will watch the live broadcast with my family..."

(End of this chapter)

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