Aisha has had an unusual increase in the number of wonders around her lately.

It's about weapons, for example. The weapon Aisha uses was Rapier, who my father gave me when he became an escort knight.

An item made to match the shape of the body and pattern to Aisha. Yet the blade hanging in Aisha's room houses the legendary weapon [Boom, Boom, Boom], not its rapier.

There are other things about the body that should have kept the balance between the muscles and the fat just right, but for some reason, it's getting worse.

Besides, even though I could do that, my hips and breasts had enough swelling of women to tell for themselves. I have no idea what that means.

The last thing I know is that in the cafeteria and hallway, maids and samurai are spoken to and seen with strangely colorful eyes. Not only is it weird to be concerned about Berna for some reason.

Without understanding what the hell was going on around him, Aisha still got the assignment.

The indeterminate element is the guardian's task that needs to be removed, but there's nothing we can do about it because we don't even know what that indeterminate element is.

Besides, Aisha was doing as usual because this strange feeling is not particularly problematic at the moment.

If there was only one problem, the number of masturbations would have increased.

When I've been sleeping alone lately, I miss her a lot, and that makes me horny.

It's like knowing someone's warmth and loneliness that has been taken away from them, but Aisha knows best that she has no male experience.

So I deluded myself that it would be a romance without a man at the right age. You comfort your body, which for some reason is very sensitive while deceiving you.

That's how nearly a week went by, and Aisha continued to stay on track today.

Wake up in the morning, train, take a bath and head to the dining room. I've been trying to get a high calorie meal lately trying to get a little fat. Muscles began to hide slightly in fat thanks to shame.

Then we go on a Nia escort mission. For some reason I was just a little worried about Nia, who sees Aisha here for a while and seems lonely.

Leonora mostly comes to see me at lunch. I don't like it, but I treat it as a guest because I'm a friend of Nia's (although I don't remember when it happened).

Leonora looked like she was going to cry at Aisha for not returning anything to her words but saying "yes" or "no". I don't know what this means either.

And Keith, the court magician in question, but Aisha had already neglected to even look at her face and had recently decided to ignore it.

Because the more I think about it, the more frustrating and angry I get. That stomach pulls its tail all day, and I even think there's more masturbation thanks to it.

Ignoring it, Keith sees Aisha with some subtle face, but Aisha herself hasn't noticed that because she hasn't seen her face.

Attempting to safely finish the day like that and return to the room, Aisha was surprised to see Keith stretching out in the hallway with confidence in the pillars.

Obviously waiting for someone... No, I found out Aisha was waiting for herself. Maybe I'm here to complain about the punch in the meantime.

But Aisha, who thinks he's not bad, tried to pass by ignoring him as he was. Keith speaks up there.

"Um, Master Aisha... hello ~ shi"

Aisha stopped and barked when her frustration raised Keith as if she didn't see me ignoring her.

"What! Don't come here!!

"Oh, good. You heard me."

"You bet! I was deliberately ignoring you!! You don't even know that!

There is no feeling of affection for Keith in the yelling Aisha's face or in his voice. That makes me strangely nostalgic and lonely. Keith looks subtle.

I thought it was that face again and Aisha stared. It's Keith's face to Aisha these days. That irritates Aisha again.

"I'm busy! I don't have time for you!!

Keith followed Aisha as she tried to walk away. Aisha yells as she walks.

"What imitation! I'm telling you not to follow me!

"No, even if they say so. I want to talk to you."

"There's no such thing as a story."

"Don't say that. Please. Just a little. Please!

As he tongued "ch" at Keith, bowing his head, Aisha walked into the shadow of a nearby pillar. Then you don't have to worry about being seen if you're being disrespectful.

Keith followed Aisha thinking such horrible things. And when he came in the shadow of the pillar, Aisha,

"So, what... I'm going home on business."

"... you know. It's me and Aisha."

"... what you and I are"

"Can't we get along any better?"

I heard Keith say, Aisha said, "Ah?" and a blatantly grumpy face. Aisha stuffed Keith, who was still not frightened.

"Don't be silly. Why should I get along with you?

"That's because, you see, I serve the same Nia. Besides, I think Master Nia would be more than happy to get along, wouldn't he?

I also think Aisha does. I know that well. You can't be fine watching that sweet Nia get along. But still,

"... I'm sorry, but you can't. I don't trust you. Its frigidity is unbearable. I can't believe I've been close to you like that... but I've been reborn a million times."

So this is the first time this world has flown a million flights to commemorate.

"I can't bear to say that! Enough, I'm going!!

Keith asked Aisha, who has no island to mount.

"Then how can we get along?

Aisha replied without looking back to too much perseverance.

"Right! If you're leaving this palace, you can think about it!!

It's absolutely impossible. I've never heard of anyone in a position as a court magician leaving because they kind of want to get along with an escort knight.

That's what Aisha told me, too, because I think so.

"Is that true? Will you get along when I leave here?

I accidentally said, "Huh?," stopped Aisha, turning to Keith. Keith tells that Aisha once again in a flat voice.

"Will you get along when you leave?

"So... you said you were leaving... and not just changing where you live! You're quitting your job!?

"I know. I don't play with words like that."

"Nah!... oh, what are you thinking!? What are you thinking! Wouldn't it be weird to just get along with me?

"There's nothing wrong with that. 'Cause you're gonna get along, right?

Aisha turned her face bright red to Keith, who said so and approached him gleefully. I can beat him again at this distance, but my body doesn't respond. It only lights up.

Because I somehow understand what you mean by "friendly". So Aisha glanced at Keith as she lit up,

"Don't be ridiculous!... get along... thats not what I meant!!

"Huh? That's what I mean by friendly. I don't mean to say that, but I can't say I'm quitting my job."

"Fool!! Why should I think about you... what an inferior thing to think about!! I knew you were on Nia's side."

"You don't want to leave me, do you? Then the method is simple. You just have to get along with me. Just get along with me, and I'll be out."

Aisha put her head to work when she felt she was about to be put on a mouth truck. I desperately wonder if I can get into this guy's trap.

I'm sure you'll tell me this and threaten me with a story when you're done with something weird. That's why I'm not quitting the court magician.

I think about that, and I wonder how I'm going to argue with you and curse you, but I surprise Aisha herself with words coming out of my mouth that I didn't anticipate at all.

"... why, you know... me and... about that"

While I sincerely don't think I'm going to quit, the question arises from my mouth as to why I can quit to sleep with myself.

Keith smiled and replied to Aisha, confused as to what she was asking.

"I wouldn't spare a job if I could be like that with Aisha. Pretty and beautiful, if you can get along with Aisha like that."

"Ah... oh, uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh You can't talk to fools!!

Aisha hurried away when she turned bright red and shouted, with no (at least now in her memory) experience so strongly sought after. I'm not sure I can stay by Keith's side any longer and be safe in many ways.

"Think about it," Keith said on Aisha's back as she tried to run away. There Aisha said again, "Fool!" He ran to his room when he shouted.

"... I don't know what this is about today"

That's why I had no idea Keith muttered those words. I went back to my room without knowing, Aisha said, "What the hell is that guy!" I shouted many times.

It's thin, unwieldy, disrespectful and unpleasant, and it's like a far cry from Aisha's ideals. Yet I can't believe myself being sought and illuminated by such a man.

I thought I was using absolutely "fascinating" magic because I called it the court magician. I ate muscha muscha herbs for anti-magic. Yet the thrill doesn't go away.

I feel so uncomfortable, I go to the bathroom, take a cold bath, and go straight into bed. And as I slept, Keith's words reflexed all over my head.

Aisha, who had thought to disappear, eventually realizes that the words make him hot inside.

While I was wondering why Keith's words had to make him hot, Aisha, who couldn't turn off the lights, ended up not sleeping that night.

The problem continued from the next day as well. Keith started showing his face even though he had no business on assignment.

He says he's here to see Nia or something, but how about that day's offer to Aisha with the gaze he's turning to each time? He's asking.

I kept saying with my heart that I couldn't possibly have desperately ignored him, but I realized that I couldn't keep my eyes off Keith in there.

I don't know how many times I slapped myself on the cheek staring at Keith and put him back in the mood if I noticed. Still looks at Keith.

Because I say such weird things. Because I make a weird offer. I'm gonna ask you so hard, I'm gonna feel weird. Aisha's head shivered when she thought about it during the mission.

I definitely don't think I can keep doing this. I don't think I should. There's only one way to solve this, and that's if Keith disappears.

For a moment, I mean it, "Shall I kill you? thought," but somewhere in my mind refused to do so. Then there is only one way left.

When I came up with that, Aisha, this is for Keith to disappear. I told myself many times that it was to solve my problems.

I make excuses for Keith to disappear from this palace as soon as possible.

And one day, when he made up his mind, Aisha spoke to Keith.

"... hey"

"Hmm? Ah, Aisha...... Dear. What's the matter, sir?

"Don't say anything white... you know what I mean"

"You made up your mind, did you?

Aisha turned bright red and dyed Zhu to Saho's ear, turning her face that way.

"Just once... just once, you know... you say you're close... and I'll do it"

"Yeah, it's too little for one time. I'm quitting the court magician, aren't I? Just once."

"Then how many times! I don't care how many times!!

"Right...... a day. Please keep Aisha close to me for a day. If you do that, I'll quit my job."

"Ichi... Ichi... Oh, no"

With a guy like this all day. So many things. Aisha, who thought she would feel completely disgusted, was surprised that the moment she thought about it, the paralysis ran like lightning on her body. Obviously a paralysis I'm looking for in anticipation of something.

Never do that. I shake my neck small, left and right. I look at Keith. Then he whispered small "It's a day".

I tried to say what a lucrative day it is, but if you think about quitting the position of court magician, it would be cheap. with a confused head. Think about it. And Aisha looks up,

"Just one day... when it's over... get out of the palace. Don't show up before me again. If you show up..."

"I know. Shall I write a pledge?

"I don't want it!" Calling Aisha to try to leave, screaming. "Keith said he had to set a date. As a result of the discussion, it started the night before Aisha's next holiday.

Now it's time for Keith to try to walk away,

"Oh, wear it then, please. White piece."

"Do... oh, that...! How do you know you have it!?

"I saw it before. Master Aisha wearing it. She was so cute, she burned it in my eyes."

"Ugh!... ugh, ugh... if you feel like it!

"Please. Also, please knit three hairs. Look how cute Aisha is on holiday."

"I don't know! Too many orders you idiot!!

Keith laughed small at Aisha, who walked away to escape. It was kind of a sight to remind me of two years ago.

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