Keith, lying in bed with his tired body, kept sleeping high until after noon.

Anyway, I put it out in a row yesterday. Even though he was using too much magic to drain his health.

Especially difficult was to comfort Aisha, who had Berna butt-fuck her.

Keith in front, Aisha pierced by a dildo with Berna in the back, squirted her first two-hole blame of her birth with a high voice.

But when it's over, I start to cry thoughtfully, "Boobs, I'm frightened."

Keith then struggled to earn forgiveness when he remembered Aisha, who became a crybaby when he spanked his butt.

Aisha said all that time, "It's Keith's fault! Keep saying." It was Keith who couldn't say so even though it was Berna's fault.

That Berna hugs Keith and falls asleep early when she squirts Aisha.

It was really hard to forgive Aisha for holding onto Berna while she was crying, and in the end she couldn't sleep until morning.

Keith falls asleep dropping off two people who will walk weird to the foreign body feeling in his butt, which is why he is sleeping to take a day of fatigue yesterday.

That's how Keith, who really slept for more than half a day, tried to take a bath when he woke up at night. I just got burned yesterday, so I'm not in.

I feel the smell of Aisha and Berna coming from all over my body. Not bad as it is, but what a thought and trying to prepare for the bath knocked on the door of the room.

Berna or Aisha at this hour? I can't believe I enjoyed it yesterday and today. What is an elf at all......

Keith raised his voice, "Eh," as he opened the door with his nigger face in mind. Because I was there because I was not a pet, not a macho, but a titty lady.

When Keith is surprised because Leonora rarely comes to the room knocking on the door like this,

"Good. Looking good."

Keith also returns "yes" to Leonora, who says so and smiles. Then Leonora spoke gently to her back.

"Look, Mr. Nia. Keith is doing so well. Take a good look."

"Huh? Master Nia?

I hid behind the boobs and didn't notice, but behind Leonora there was certainly Nia.

He's leaning over without seeing Keith's face so he can hide in Leonora with a freak somewhere.

The usual "Dear Keith!" Leonora sighed on Nia, who looked dark, completely disappearing the feeling of hugging her.

Keith couldn't help but let the two of them in the room. Nia even hesitated to enter the room, but Leonora pulls her hand into it.

Leonora looks in trouble at Nia trying to hide from Keith even as she enters. That's where Keith asked.

"Um... Master Nia? What's the matter?

The lady answered me instead to Nia, who wouldn't answer by holding Leonora's dress skirt to the inquiry.

"Mr. Nia, you say Keith is angry... you hate Mr. Nia so much that you're angry, right?


"Keith is absolutely mad at himself for making me hurt so badly. I know you don't like it and don't want to see your face... so I say it with a big cry"

Don't tell him. Nia clings to Leonora's back and says, "Fumiyu." Keith laughs small at the trick.

I could imagine maybe this has been happening ever since yesterday.

Keith was injured in a magic accident that he had caused. I've done a terrible thing. I'm sure you can't forgive me for apologizing.

I just thought about it and cried, and I wouldn't be sleeping properly at night. Nia is such a daughter.

You want to abuse me by pretending that the scratch hurts, but if you do that, you'll fall asleep in shock, and most importantly, this sister will definitely be furious.

That's what Keith decided to honestly comfort Nia.

Trying to get close to Nia hiding behind Leonora, the little princess tries to get away from Keith. There Keith spoke up.

"Dear Nia... did you hate me? Is that why you run away?

Nia's body reacted with Bikun to the words. And slowly shake his neck to the left and right.

"... no, I don't... I don't know, I don't..."

"Then why... I want you to show me your face. Show me your pretty face."

When she reaches out her bandage-wrapped hand and touches her cheek, Nia looks at it and says, "Ah," and looks like she's going to cry. The face was crying and mumbling overnight.

As Keith stroked Nia's cheek with her bandaged hand, she was about to laugh.

"Yeah, you're not hurt. Great...... I was worried. I was wondering if Master Nia was hurt somewhere. I couldn't sleep because I was worried.

I've been asleep for half a day now and my sleeping habits are perfect, but I don't mind. Nia stared at Keith like that with her eyes moistened with tears.

"Oh, I... I let you, I let you... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

Keith stroked his head to give Nia a sob face. That tenderness brings out more tears from Nia.

"I'm the one who's sorry. I haven't really seen Master Nia. I wouldn't have had an accident like this if I had supervised it."

"No! Me!! I said... I shouldn't use magic alone... but break it, let me... let me do it all... Ugh."

Nia, who bit her lip, tries to weep, but it doesn't work. It was Nia who knew tears would invite forgiveness from the other person.

So I try so hard to overflow my tears, but any patience is wasted when I can gently touch Keith. to Nia, who cries with a shivering hig-hig. Keith is

"You certainly can't have broken your promise. Because it could be a major accident. But the important thing is to still learn not to make the same mistake again, and not to make the same mistake again."

Keith said as he bowed himself slightly and gazed at Nia, wiping tears with a bandage.

"So I will never take my eyes off Master Nia again in the future. I'll keep an eye on you all the time. So Master Nia shouldn't use magic on her own either, right? You can do that, can't you?

To Keith, who was gentle everywhere, Nia nodded in tears saying yes as she clenched her skirt.

Hated me. It pisses me off. I can blame you for making me hurt. Scolded. They say they hate it. That's what I've been thinking about, Nia. And I also took it for granted that they would.

But Keith didn't. Without doing any of that, he gently told Nia.

That would have appeased Nia's mind and taught her how much she should never do that again.

After many times more powerful words than scolding normally, Nia swore to herself that she would never use magic on her own again. And at the same time, I get more distracted by the inferior species with the kindest and warmest hearts in this world.

Naia was convinced that no man would ever wrap himself so warmly, no matter how many times he toured the world. There are zero tears of joy in having Keith around like that.

"Oh, you have such a cute face to cry... Master Nia, because no matter what happens, there's no way I'm going to hate Master Nia. Just remember that."

"Uh-huh... Kizuzama... Uh-huh! Ahhh, ahhh!! Higu, higu!! Yep!!

"Aren't you enjoying saying things that make you cry on purpose?

"No way," he said to Leonora with his jitty eyes, and now Keith, gazing at that titty lady, smiled and stroked her head.

"Thank you, too, Leonora. You've been consoling Lady Nia, haven't you?

"Well," muttered Leonora, shifting her gaze away from Keith as she lit up.

I don't know how many times I tried to get in late last night when I heard there was a magic accident at the palace and the court demon conductor was injured.

But it was already time for the palace door to close, so I had to sneak in, and I gave up on it and waited until morning without sleeping.

And at first thing in the morning, I was upset to hear that Keith was safe, and panicked to hear that Nia was crying badly.

Not sure which one to prioritize, Leonora told some weird walking Aisha and Berna that Keith was perfectly fine and comforted Nia all day.

"Besides, you brought me Lady Nia..."

I guess the reason the two of them walked down the hallway in the middle of the night without metastatic magic was because Nia didn't like going to Keith's room.

If you go, they'll piss you off, they'll say they don't like you. I thought so. Nia was too scared to go to Keith's room.

That's how Leonora pulled me in.

Leonora seems to have spotted herself overprotecting by Keith, who understands that.

So when you turn to Puppy,

"... if you'd let me know first how you got hurt... if I'd been on the spot in the first place, this wouldn't have happened? This is what happens because we're out of company!

Keith nods and honestly apologizes to Leonora for scolding him like a blindfold. That further illuminated Leonora.

Leonora wipes tears at Nia, who is crying bright red to her ears,

"Look, Mr. Nia can't stop crying, either. Keith should want to see Mr. Nia smile. Right?

"Yeah, of course. Dear Nia, it's Smile!

Feeling surrounded by two gentle people and the happiest man in the world, Nia drowned her nose and smiled. Keith and Leonora smiled and gently wiped Nia's face.

With Leonora healing on her sobbing swollen face, Keith thought this should go to friendly 3P as it is.

The contents of the golden balls have not yet returned to full capacity, but there is still about room for two opponents one shot at a time.

(... you're gonna look good if you don't put it in your mouth... yeah)

Deciding not to shoot for nothing, Keith figured out a way to invite two Elves princesses. And I came up with:

"Um, by the way..."

Keith says with a sorry face to Nia and Leonora turning to her sudden voice.

"Actually, I haven't had a bath since yesterday... so I'd like to go in, but with this hand, it's a little"

Nia, who made her do so because of herself, twitched her tears again, but Keith did her a favor before those tears flowed.

"So, if you don't mind... I was hoping you could help me take a bath. Can you do me a favor?

It was Nia who reacted first to that. I can help Keith, who was wounded because of me. I didn't think it would be this great.

Leonora's healing just pulled the swelling, staring at Keith in the face, "Yes!," said Nia, who raised his hand vigorously,

"I'll help you! I will!! I am here to help Master Keith!!

"Oh, how sweet. Thank you, Master Nia."

"Yes, no, naturally!

Phew! and seeing Nia roughing her nose, Leonora wondered if this was Keith's trap again. I don't have a feeling about that.

But Keith said, "Where's Leonora?," he inquired in a lonely voice, staring at me, because I couldn't say I didn't like it or that it was a trap, and Nia would look up to me.

"Ugh, no more! I get it!!... Oh, right."

When I said that like I gave up, I headed to the bathroom to be dragged by Keith and Nia. It belongs to Leonora, who is half convinced that it is already a trap at this point.


When I came to the bathroom, Nia prepared the bath for me. I've watched it so many times that I'm totally used to it.

Meanwhile, Leonora enchanted Keith's bandage to make it okay to get wet in the water. Now the burns on your palms will not touch the hot water.

When they're ready, Nia and Leonora take their clothes off first, and we can both take Keith off.

Keith had a hard time keeping the bottom of his nose from stretching when it was the luxury of letting the two Elves take off their clothes.

I found a naked Keith's complexion full of small burns, and Nia shunks, but she nodded "Yes," gently saying, "It'll heal soon."

In exchange for that, Leonora was pointing her consciousness towards the fact that there was a smell of female elves coming from Keith's body.

It smells like a thick female. I wouldn't have just held him once or twice.

"... to Keith, who just got hurt... not at all those two! That must have been a weird way to walk in the street!

Leonora alone, but I didn't actually realize I was the only one who wasn't developed butt.

That's how the three of us went into the bathroom, and Keith told them to wash their bodies quickly. To the two nodding elves. Keith puts it down and fills the inside with air when he brings the bath mat from the stripper.

Leonora put a question mark on her head when she saw Keith fall asleep on top of the swollen bathmat. I thought you were going to waste sitting in a chair because you said you were going to wash your body.

Keith speaks to Nia wondering what this is.

"Dear Nia, then like I told you before...... do you remember?

"Well...... Ah, yes! I remember!

"Really? That's good. Then try it first and teach Leonora how to do it."

"Yes!" Nia said, smiling at Leonora as she got the soap,

"You know, washing it like this is less irritating, and it's okay for a body with burns!

Saying so, Nia began to move up and down slowly, covered in Keith's back when she applied soap to her body in front of confused Leonora.

Leonora turns bright red on Nia, who begins to wash her filthy body by rubbing it with her nipples and Omakoma,

"Ki, ki, kiki, ki-su!! You again!!

He yelled loudly at the inferior species who taught cute Nia something extraordinary.

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