Erne unexpectedly said "dad" with vegetables, alarmed that it was something that would come exactly as it came from having a date with Lou in the boy.

But don't even notice that. There are even more successful dads ahead to stare with confusion.

We muscle together every day to maintain Aisha's muscle condition, which makes her even more successful.

Erne barked at his dad, who came without even hiding his penis hanging there with a towel.

"Hey, why not! Why are you acting like that? I don't know what that means!!

This one looks normal, but of course it's an extremely natural question for Erne, who doesn't know.

I promised to take a bath, and I've never heard of Osama coming in all of a sudden. But my dad looked fine.

"'Cause you promised before. He said he'd hang out with me again next time."

"It is! And I did..."

I do. I made a promise to accompany the practice of transformative magic as an adult again.

"But what are we gonna do when we're alone?" That kind of practice is where there are more people!!

"I knew I'd be better off on a date."

"When you do something naughty, you don't look normal. Idiot!...... ah"

Elne hurriedly mumbled when she announced that she was prepared to do something nasty herself.

But it was already late, and when he heard the whole thing, his dad smiled happily, kneeling on the bathroom floor and hugging Erne as he sat down in the bath chair.

Goosebumps appeared on Erne's body as her thin, luxurious body was hugged by the adult's successful arm. That is by no means a goosebump of disgust.

Adult men. The sense of security and happiness embraced by the trusted person you call your dad from inspires the sexy belt of the still immature girl Half Elf.

"I'm glad. I thought you were really going to say that today... so glad to know that Erne is asking for you..."

"I... I... no... uhh, you... you"

No matter how much you refuse, I'd say you're the one who ends up bringing it into porn, but my dad's warm body doesn't listen.

No. This is a really bad guy. Elne desperately tries to shake off the feel of her dad's arm that she had been looking for there in her mind.

Otherwise I might say "Pa, Laishuki" in a sweet voice again, like then, with a flattering voice.

But this girl couldn't have done it to shake it off.

It's something I haven't told anyone, but I can never refuse this warmth to Erne, who has seen my dad in his dreams since then, and a horny wolf who has totally become a dad.

The deep psychology of Erne, who can't remember his father's face or appearance, imprints the appearance of the person he calls his dad with the illusion that he is his true dad.

And when the person was also the only person to get sexual pleasure for Erne, it was already the first time in Erne's life that he had gained "my favorite dad who also does naughty things".

That was another fact that I really can't admit to Erne, and it was also one of the reasons I couldn't reach Lou this time when I came to Seimrad.

I finally thought I could date Lou as a boy and beat that feeling away with that fun, but he did this again in this way.

Elne, who is about to cry anymore, will rise unconsciously as her arms desperately indulge in trying to hug her dad.

"Ugh, uhh... that's enough, okay... eh, I will, I will... get back, I always want to... get back"

I'll do something naughty with my dad again. Erne hated such perverse and disloyal behavior.

But deep down, I'm jerking off with my dad. Some of me are happy to make my dad feel better again, and I don't know what to do.

It was a word I shook with the utmost in it, but while my dad let go of his body and looked lonely,

"... Erne... didn't want to see my dad?... you and your dad don't want to see each other anymore?

It was a heart-to-heart word. My first dad finally got it. Do you reject it yourself? There's no way this fazacon daughter can do that.

To this inferior trap after fully understanding it, the businesswoman completely wiped out her businessness at all times, cried and shook her neck left and right.

"Ouch... I don't want to, I don't... of, no. No."

Then my dad laughed nicely with real pleasure and gently stroked Erne's head.

"Good. Dad, I missed Erne so much... I was wondering what I would do if she told me I didn't want to see her... so I'm really glad. Thank you, Erne."

Don't usually treat me like a child! And I might have yelled, Erne, but now I honestly say "yeah" and nod. And I don't even realize they're calling me out.

Totally haunted during his dad's surgery, Erne shook his spine at the comfort and tickle of being able to stroke his head.

"Oh, was it cold? You have a cold. We need to warm up properly."

Erne couldn't care less if she could take the towel she had hidden in her chest.

Daddy's gentle hand strokes the hot water area and warms up his chilled out whole body. There now my soapy hand spreads the bubble.

Ten fingers crawl around your body indecent with null hands together without using a bath sponge or a towel. abdomen, armpits, and even back and back of ears.

What the hell am I letting you do? Why are you allowing this to happen? and something about Erne casts doubt on the

"Erne, how do you feel? Does it itch?

"... kimochi, kimochi, kimochi... kimochi"

I'm honestly sweet enough to put a scratch on myself about what you're making a child-smelling voice about.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

The fazacon daughter part of Erne was completely obsessed with betraying reason.

Gespa on Erne, who is being washed with a bright red poyapoya look. Daddy Gespa picks his penis while

(My tits swell slightly more than before this. After all, the half seems to grow faster than pure...... SUBARA NO!!

I kneaded and washed those slightly grown daughter's tits with both hands, whining with my heart about my feelings too inferior.

"Ahhh! Oh, ku... uhh... no, no, no, no, no, no, no."

I try to call him Lou, but it was "Dad" who leaked in these circumstances.

Sweet petitions seem to be inviting no matter what he hears, and Dad accidentally played an erect nipple when he abused the plump milk wheel with his fingertips.

"Yikes!! Ah, ooh!! Oh, oh... duh, duh, duh, duh... daddy"

Realizing the heat of exhalation, my dad looked up and smiled a little at what Erne was about to cry about.

"I'm sorry, Erne. But Erne's boobs were getting a little bigger."

"Ugh... so... don't be naughty"

"I'm sorry. But you're making me a little nervous...... Erne's tits, how did they get bigger? Could it be... someone touched you and you grew up?

It's decided because it's such a growing season, and the first person I'm touching is this inferior species.

to the kind of words you can be angry with. But Erne shook his neck left and right violently,

"Oh, that's not true!... but I didn't."

My dad suspected me. The matter caused more haste in the erne than anger. I don't want to be suspected. I don't want you to doubt that.

It was a mixture of the desire not to be suspected by a lover and the desire of his father to know that he was not a bad child.

to Erne, who stares at me with the eye of believing. My dad,

"Really? I've touched Erne's tits, just Dad? Daddy's the only one touching Erne's tits?

The lowest question erne gets lost phrase cockle and snort. The face is bright red and moisturizing and I think I'm going to cry now.

I wonder if I can give that busty daughter this look. Daddy wants to make me look more like that.

"So, what about this one? Is this just Dad, too? Daddy's the only one you touched?

I gently reached out to Erne's Omako. Vikri! and keeps his body close enough to breathe with shivering erne to ask.

"Has your dad only touched you here? Aren't you letting other boys touch you?

Get on with it! Come on, silly!! - That's what my heart screams about, Erne, but my body trembles fine and pinches my dad's hand with an inner crotch feeling, and my breathing gets more and more intense.

I don't want to answer. I would never want to answer such a stupid question. But I think what I'm not going to answer is that I'm going to admit that my mouth opens naturally.

"... and no..."

"Huh? What is it?

"Let me... no, there... just my dad"

"Oh well... just my dad... good. I get anxious because Erne is cute. I'm sorry, I don't like asking questions."

I really want to poison you, but I can't tell you that after all. Doing so, my dad's hand gently touched Erne's flower core.

"So can I just clean up my dad? It's the easiest place to get sweaty. Can I wash it properly?

Elne, clamping her thighs tighter than ever before and pinching Daddy's hand, tried to throw up words of rejection. Not there, I try to say only because I wash myself there.

But when Daddy's lips touch his cheeks and he gently licks his ears from them and asks him the same question again, Erne's Pink Manko nods because he wants me to touch him. The female pain synchronizes with her sweet heart for her dad and makes Erne fall.

"Fine," Erne whispered to her daddy, who was softly licking her ears, having a rough breath and a slight burst to her nipples. But I'm not a satisfied gespa.

"Is that okay? Is that okay? Then I want you to say it right... just for my dad, even if I wash it and clean it... I want you to say it"

Elne's immature sexy belt reacted panicking to the tiny shame everywhere she was born to receive it for the first time.

And I'm ashamed, and I feel abused, but that makes the back of the girl hot and wet.

What is this? How does this happen? And the feeling of wondering goes by the loss of a young sexual desire to make her feel and feel more than that.

Besides, when I honestly answered, I thought my dad would reward me, and Erne Nomako zeroed the wet nectar as the dog drowned.

"... Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh."

As soon as I said it, my dad's finger strokes Erne's Shame Hill, stroking the clitoris just below it with his middle finger.

To the sudden stimulus: "Yikes!!" Holding her opposite body, Dad kissed Erne.

The tongue that comes in never moves and stays stuck. While doing so, his fingers tickle his labia minora. He strokes the clitoris again and rubs the mucosal area from it.

As the adult man's gotten fingertips rubbed against his urethral orifice and vaginal vestibule with a delicate touch, Erne snubbed into his tongue in the vagina.

I kiss myself in such a surprising way that I feel like I've never kissed such a slut before. And in between,

"Nju, raju, chipu, mmm, mmm! Oh, oh, oh, oh... oh, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God! Huh!! Hiu! Nchu, Chipu, Chipu"

Calling me Dad with a sweet voice, I suck more on my tongue. And I slip my hips from myself and push it against my fingertips.

Mind and body inconsistencies. My dad got the meat stick erect satisfied with Erne, who is going to attract a totally mother-like femininity.

Squeeze around the sucked tongue, chew sweetly with your teeth, then tangle and lick your tongue around. I can't help but want Erne's tongue to squash that erect penis doing a bitch lick that went into the hall.

Young man, I move my fingertips around this tense softness, rubbing them thoughtfully, and blaming it on the mess there that sensitized me to shame.

Daddy touching the mucosal area while tangling viscous female honey at her fingertips moved her tongue from herself as Erne shuddered out small.

Ravages in the mouth. Coupled with the dandruff, it gives Erne the pleasure of being irresistible.

My dad is banging me up and down all over my body. I love how I feel that way, Elne's dad. I let my spirit wander around and stain the deep parts of my body with pleasure.

Erne clinging to her dad with a bright red, moist, swinging face, now licked around her inside by the tongue she had just licked, and slammed around her mouth with overflowing saliva.

The inferior species, who blamed Erne for nothing more she could do but cuddle, and move her fingers and tongue in remembrance of her yikes, eventually felt the girl jump slowly and finely over and over again.

When he found out it was Ike's, and focused his blame on the cri, Erne further distorted his chopped look,

"Ah, heh! Huh! Mm-hmm, Pee-chu! Lachiru!! Chu, chu...... chu pu! Ah, ah!! Pfft, pfft! Pfft!! Ahhhh!!!!

I let the shouts sound all over the bathroom and it was a grand end.

Cuddling back with a good boy shaking his cuddly body, the aftertaste caught my tail everywhere with a sense of happiness in the erne.

Erne, who tears feeling like she's never seen ACME this long, eventually even makes a lonely sound when her dad's body leaves. However,

"Erne, will you clean up your dad this time? My dad's only penis is erne... I want it to be clean and licked with my mouth"

That's what my raised dad told me, and when I was shown a red and black meat stick that was completely erected by my daughter's dementia, Erne's Acme Manko reacted cum.

There's saliva all over the inside, and I can't help but love this dirty, smelly male organ of my own.

I've never felt so keen to shave, and how could I possibly dislike this stinky, unsavory, dirty thing... Elne is drawn to the flutter and its meat as she thinks...

Erne, who looked up at his dad with a red face and showed him with a red twisted cuckoo open with saliva pulling the thread, began to swallow that penis with a fragrant look without complaining about it.

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