Keith, blinking his eyes, turned a gaze like he had seen even strange objects at the ice and snow princess who grabbed him like a cat.

"Oh, aye... you wanted to, to me?

Princess Lori Ice snorted and laughed nicely at Keith's leaked inquiry. The face is innocently adorable.

Keith cautioned for a moment that this was a trap. You can take that for granted if you think about what you did then.

I summoned her on my own with a song, and let Princess Dragon pound her out, and she committed an anal act of leaving her shamefully tied up.

Ask any woman like that. You must think of revenge. Or it's weirder not to think about it.

Keith has done a lot of similar things to women before, but it was all properly followed up after.

But I had to leave it alone because I couldn't even do it with this ice spirit.

Even though I admitted defeat at that time and signed a contract, when I got home and calmed down, I might come to avenge my anger... I thought of that a lot.

But in the end, it's Keith I forgot because there's nothing there, but when I see him coming this way, my spine pops wondering if my thoughts were getting targeted.

Even though contract magic doesn't allow the magic of the ice and snow princess, if she gets stabbed in the stomach with an ice pillar or something, it's the end of a roll.

If you think about it, you were chocolate moving Keith's blind spot earlier. Maybe to kill him...

Scared by his thoughts, Keith distanced himself from the Lori Spirit when he released his shirt collar.

Swallow the saliva so that it can be handled whenever an attack is coming that is causing tension to the body. Then the ice and snow lady, who stood on the floor, approached Keith.

Coming!? and the ice and snow princess who grabbed Keith's hand to prepare herself sat a bewildered man on that knee as she took him straight to bed.

I don't know why, but all of a sudden they're treating me like a seat. Confused by his lack of understanding of the meaning, Keith panicked at himself for the cold defense magic.

I almost got frostburn frostbite. Maybe that's what you're after!? I don't know what to think, but apparently not.

When Princess Lori Ice deposits her body like an ice sculpture with Keith, she lets her legs hang around the room, invites books and magic objects with her mind, and she reads them and tries to move them.

Whatever that looks like, she's the first girl to come visit her relatives' house who's relaxing on her lap.

(... what is this situation)

Keith the boulder won't be able to keep up with the situation either.

I try to ask what I'm doing with my confused head, but I don't understand the Spirit language, so I quickly decide I can't explain it.

So I had to deduce, and Keith thought a lot as he stared at the Lori Spirit riding on his knees.

The reason I came here, if that's not to kill Keith... is that simply because I wanted to see you? To someone who did such a terrible thing?

What do you think for yourself, but that act was terrible. There was something about Aisha and the danger to her life and she was excited, so she was running wild, but it was terrible.

Normal girls shouldn't want to meet someone like that. But it's not just a girl on Keith's lap right now, it's the top spirits of the ice.

A mysterious life form far beyond man and close to the realm of the earliest gods. I can't measure that idea, but I can analogize it.

For example, the ancient Warcraft who were supposedly defeated and served the hero until his death as a summoner.

And the spirits who manifested themselves as a form of martial arts and hoped that they would be used by the samurai.

It is close to them that Keith is putting on his knees.

Once overthrown and thoroughly defeated, they recognize the power of their opponents, they will not hate to serve their opponents for the rest of their lives. They are high-ranking beings with different forms of thought than ordinary creatures.

So, I mean, is that... really acknowledging Keith as the person he should serve and even thinking he's loving...?

(... are you serious?

Keith, who can't really be sure because he's usually someone he can't communicate with, took a few deep breaths and thought about it, then I thought I'd give it a try.

What Keith thinks of as a trial is

"Hey, hey... you know"


Keith glanced back and kissed the ice princess. That's not a light kiss like she just did. It's a lot of deep kisses.

A kiss where my tongue sticks up my throat and I lick my lollipop inside my little cunt. It has to be quite relevant to accept something like this.

I could get my tongue bitten off...... moving my tongue with such fear and just a little fright,

"Cup, Cup, Cup, Cup, Cup, Cup, Cup... Cup"

The ice spirits moved their tongues from themselves, too, with a whispering voice.

(Nice guy!! This is a good-looking guy. Aah!!

Keith, who exclaimed with his heart, drained his saliva through the ice and snow princess. When thirty men's drooling saliva enters the chamber, Princess Spirit tries her best to swallow it with a frown root.

Normally, Keith, whose tongue becomes frostbite, becomes more resistant to ice thanks to contract magic, and who is fine with layering defensive magic, does so.

Magikis to a girl the size of only half of herself riding on her lap. Even if that girl is many times more alive than Keith, the criminal smell is amazing.

Keith finally let her lips go and warmed her own tongue with her breath when Princess Spirit kissed her so hard that she shivered.

The ice and snow princess who was sent hot saliva by that Keith complains that she was about to melt with her moist face.

Too cute. Keith came beastly in those transparent eyes. It's not Keith with such a good-looking daughter on her lap and not crazy.

When I hold him up and push him down to the bed, just in case, I put an ice resistant defense on the bed itself, and then cover him and kiss him.

The ice and snow princess has been showing her forehead since she was an adult, so she kisses that forehead continuously. Tickling. Doing so, Keith let go of his body and placed his finger on Princess Ice's lips.

When it conveys a cold, soft feeling, it is sucked in all the time and shaved by the little tongue. Keith erected his penis to the feeling of finger fella.

I want to shave some hot penis candy on these lips quickly and melt them around my mouth, if you say so.

"Ah... hey, uh... name, there's no... right?

During sex, Keith loves to call names. Ask the Ice Snow Duchess if she has a name.

[The Lady of Ice Falls] is the only name that indicates her existence in this world, not her own.

Even if it did exist in the first place, gods and demons should not teach lightly what is called a "name" that binds existence.

But I asked if it would be okay if I had delved this far... the ice snow princess shoved her shaved finger back with her tongue.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo"

"Ahhh... ahhh... seriously? Wow."

I can't judge at all. Even if it were done in the first place, it would not be possible to pronounce the language today in the vocal cords of the human species. Those are the words of the Spirit.

I was hoping that even human species could pronounce the name, but I still couldn't. Keith thought about it, because he couldn't help it.

"Oh, you know... you don't seem to be able to pronounce it... so can I put it on? Unique Calling Name"

Leaning her neck, Princess Lori Ice nodded slightly and cocklessly as she turned her ice eyes straight. I thought I got permission. Keith starts to think about his name in a ho.

"Eh... heh, so... Snow, no? No, no, no, no. Oh, you can't. So, uh... Um, yes, sorry."

I'll say it one after the other, but none of it seems to stick with a bad pin. Princess Ice whispers her mouth and shakes her neck to the left and right.

Keith, who has only ever thought of a cat's name, troubled himself with grandeur and worked hard enough to shrivel his erect penis.

"Uh, uh... So, snow, yuki, snowflakes, schnei... how about schnei?

Besides, the ice and snow princess smiled contentedly and woke herself up and hugged Keith.

"Oh well. Satisfied? Oh well... shne. Schnee, Schnee, and... yeah, Schnee. Let's do something naughty."

A hugging ice and snow princess - when she told Schne that, Keith pushed her back down again and put her lips all over that cold lollibody.

Keith made her take off the shirt she was wearing as she kissed and blamed Tutu for her head, cheeks, neck muscles, and cold Schne's body wherever she smoked.

I don't have breasts and I hardly have meat. My stomach is just a little bloated, but I have ribs floating on my flank.

A penis that was atrophied by a complete lollibody swells up all at once and keeps Keith from stopping.

Covered in Schne's body, he squashes against his icy skin and pounds his tongue on its cold sweetness.

"Yum, yum, this ice tastes better than any ice cream I've ever tasted! Nchu! Rauuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!

As I sucked and licked around on my little nipples without any haste, my little nipples got a bit bulky.

"Wow! Lori, my nipples are erect! It's so cute!! It's so cute!! Mm-hmm."

Schnee says, "CuyCuy! 'Cause I'm just whining. Keith reports her cute porn out loud for that matter.

shne to lower your whining voice if you're ashamed of the boulder, but your exhale gradually sweetens to the feeling of being sucked on that nipple. And

"Cummy! mu... mu, cum... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Hicu!! '

I started hearing voices that I was obviously feeling. Responding to it, the body disrupts MojiMoji and the moving bed sheet.

Keith crawled his tongue to taste Schne's entire body with ice candy, licking it from his chest to his stomach to his umbilicus as he tightened its tiny, stuffy body.

In fact, Schne's body is so sweet, it teaches Keith the mystery of the Spirit's flesh, which does not drain any of what is sweaty.

Keith keeps licking me without showing any reluctant bareback. Schnee keeps lowering her temperature as she quenches her little body.

Keith woke up and took off his clothes because that would be warm, remembering that when he felt it, his temperature would drop.

When you take off even your pants on your jacket, an erect penis appears to surprise Shune for a moment.

"Cu," Keith whispered to Shune, poking his penis out of the side.

"Shne ~. Can you pepper your penis? I was wondering if that hicky occidental, sweaty, steamy penis would make you feel good?

Clean it up and run to Nia's room and come back. Such a sweaty, steamy penis had a terrible, nasty odor.

When he told me to lick it and Schne looked innocent, he extended his tongue as it was and put his face closer together.

Keith concentrated his defensive magic on his penis, which seemed to shrivel in cold as his tiny, cold tongue fluttered.

Now that I'm feeling safe, I rub my tongue and open my mouth wide so that Schnei, who started to intensively lick the turtle head around, can keep her goose neck clean.

"Whoa, whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

It's like a hot meat stick soaking in ice water, but it still feels good to have Schnee's saliva tangled up that's not frozen at all.

Above all, the inner part of the schne is small and narrow, and the meat is very soft. So my tongue crawls around to my tortoise head, so the degree of pleasure is at its strongest level.

"Ro, Lorifera... I feel cold but Lorifera... oh, this, this... ooh!

Keith, shivering his spine, had goosebumps and zeroed the lead. Having swallowed the nectar that was zero from the more rigid and dense erection penis than usual in the coolness, Schnee's mouth swept away at its flavor.

The taste of hot, smelly and unsavory males melts hot inside the ice spirits who hate the heat above all else.

I have accepted that feeling, which I would normally not tolerate, as the pleasure that this Princess Spirit's body feels for the first time, having acknowledged Keith.

The genitals of hot males roasting their cheeks and tongues are now more loving than anything else, and Schne zeroed a cold, clear love liquid from Lori Manko, desperately continuing to lick that penis with an amazingly slutty female face.

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