"Hold on..."

The demon reacted as he waved his tail to the voice of his blushing and murmuring husband.

Warm spring sunshine enters the room and the smell of fresh greenery flows through the open windows.

The cat, who was sleeping slightly in the air at noon, which was too pleasant, asked Keith.

"What? What's the matter with you?

Keith, who was asked, was sitting in his chair looking one pair of pants and one shirt at a time.

In his hand was held the vigor purified from the pee collected from the litter the night before this.

I was about to repack the vial, and then I realized the warmth of spring and I leaked my voice.

When asked Keith turned to Lou,

"... what makes spring so energetic? Is there even a clam in the human species?

"I say that every year, but I don't know!!

Lou put a thoughtful scratch into the stupid arguments that are heard every year.

"In the first place, you are so sad in the spring, summer, autumn, winter!! Spring doesn't matter!! That's stupid!!

And this also speaks a predetermined word every year.

But with the cheer of spring, Keith squeaked "Well," and stared out.

Sawasawa and the trees rocking in the wind were really refreshing, and there was a pervert with a toddler dragon pee in his hand as he took the wind.

As the smart cat put it, perverts would be perverse regardless of spring and summer.

Keith, who had been boggling for a while, finally started the task of putting it back in the vial, gouged the first bottle he had just finished.

As soon as I finish drinking, the area around my groin gets warmer. This is gonna make me work hard this evening.

Shall we make it Arsi around today, or shall we crawl into Leonora at night? No, no, you're also an ant to say Nia on King's Road.

A voice came into my head when I was doing the bottling work thinking about the worst things.

Keith, who accidentally stopped her hand, looks like she doesn't like Don as she returns it to that voice.

Lou also looked so evil that he turned his tail upside down, Keith hurried up and started getting dressed and ready to go out.

"Where are you going?

"Kind of. Don't forget to lock your door because you're not leaving today."


Lou, who replies, fell asleep again as it would be a woman relationship anyway.

Keith, dressed in his usual black clothes, mumbled "just in case," and took another bottle of vigor when he was ready.

Keith jumped out into the hallway nauseously, having become vigorously binned to the point where his nose was about to bleed.

It was in front of a fountain commonly used as a meeting place that Keith arrived at while skipping like that.

As Keith glances over, a fleshy, well-bodied mature elf sits on the bench looking over the schedule book. It was Roana. The person to whom I spoke earlier was Roana.

Keith, approaching, came up with a prank just before and spoke with a joke as he sat down beside him.

"Are you meeting me? Won't you get numbed if you like?

Roana looked up surprised at the sudden joke, but soon found out it was Keith,

"No more weird jokes. You surprise me."

I say it in an angry breeze after I wreck my schedule book. But the fact of the matter is that I found myself enjoying it in the atmosphere.

So Keith accidentally kissed Roana by smiling himself too, never mind.

Roana looked around in surprise when her lips touched her lips, but there are so many couples around here that nothing else stood out.

But all of a sudden, Lutu turns 300. He blames his face bright red and whispers reprimand for being a child widow who seems highly irritated.

"Hey, what are you doing!!... in this place... silly"

I'm totally gonna lean over and be shy. Keith says "I'm sorry" to Roana, and then...

"I haven't seen you in a long time, so I really wanted to kiss you. Last time I said goodbye, it was sudden."

"Oh... yeah, yeah..."

When I met her before, Roana was throwing Keith out of the room where she was staying so that she could hurry up because of something with Erne.

Besides, he said, "Get out of here!" and even treated him like a disturber. Remember that and Roana looks sorry.

"Never mind. So it's a substitute kiss...... oh, but it would be perfect if you gave it to me from Roana"

To Keith, who laughs, Roana says, "Huh?" She gave a slightly bewildered look, but when she looked around alternately with Keith's face smiling without saying anything, she looked at me and kissed me.

I immediately let go of my face after I did, and stared at Keith with an eye that seemed to resent me just a little bit,

"... what are you making me do, already?"

He had a cute look to say that like he was obstinate, and Keith began to swirl his energy for two energizers into his groin.

This is ten shots today. Don't look good! and ignoring his opponent and thinking bad for his health, Keith quickly tried to bring Roana into the inn.

But that's where Roana said,

"You know, so I need to talk to you."

"Heh? Talk to me?

I thought it might be sudden, but he shut up and sat back. Keith decided to ask Roana for advice.

"Uh, actually... it's tonight, can you take care of my place to stay?

"... Yes?

Roana began explaining to Keith, who asked back in a dumb voice without knowing what it meant.

As a matter of fact, Roana didn't come to Saimrad this time because of a business meeting at the store.

Roana came to Seimrad this time to guide new hires.

The employee is Roana's old acquaintance's daughter, and she really asked her parents to go to the city and work.

As a parent, he told me that he was worried about doing his only daughter in a city he didn't even know was safe from Seimrad.

In the end, however, it broke and I admitted to doing my daughter to the city. Instead, I asked Roana to work at a store I knew.

As Roana, I was just wondering if it was time to increase my manpower by one more person, so I agreed, and she went out of her way to pick him up.

"Look, the first time you're going to the city alone on an airship, there's expectations, but there's a lot of anxiety, right? So... and your parents are more comfortable doing that."

It is the usual roana full of so much kindness. But here's one miscalculation.

If I wanted to come pick you up and board the airship with you, how could I not get a ticket to that airship for your daughter?

Roana bought round-trip, but the flight from Seimrad to the city where Roana lived was full.

I can't help it, so if you look for an empty flight, they won't be here till tomorrow morning. I dared not take my seat and Roana's share was switched to that flight tomorrow.

But then we have to make sure we have a place to stay until tomorrow morning.

I wish your daughter was at her parents' house, but Roana didn't have to. If she tried to get an inn, every inn would be full and empty.

That's why Roana was the last person to rely on Keith, who got in serious trouble.

Keith, who heard all about the circumstances,

"Were there so many airships and inns?

"For a long time this past season, Seimrad has a lot of travelers because plants are beautiful in the spring. But I don't know if this much has happened since I started exporting demonic spirit stones."

"Really... but then you can have that new hire stay in your house or something... oh, no, I'm glad you relied on me. As an opinion."

Roana looked a little troubled when she heard that.

"I was also told to do that, but I wanted to make you spend a farewell night in the corner with your family alone... and it was my responsibility not to tell you to keep your airship tickets."

Keith freaked out his groin as he was moved by Roana, who was gentle everywhere after all.

I wanted to quickly insert it into this gentle, loving woman's womb and rub up her loving vagina.

Apparently, the brain miso started to ferment in a good way due to too much vigor.

Keith uttered words as he gripped Roana's hand, staring at her face and nodding.

"I'm really glad you relied on me, not the king or queen. Ok. I took care of Roana for the night!!

"Yeah... Oh, thank you. But, Keith."

"Ok! Shall we go then?!

"Oh, hey! Listen to me, Keith!! Please, hey!!

Keith, whose runoff had already begun, moved using metastatic magic as he pulled Roana's hand into the shade of the tree.

After the sound of the wind saying Shh, there were no more of them on the spot.


Keith brought Roana here not in his own room... but in one of the most commonly used aristocratic mansions.

It was fine in my own room, but I thought it was dangerous because Nia and Nightingale have been carrying out night raids lately.

The only thing left of it was this room, and that's where we brought Roana.

To Roana, who is looking over the room for the first time, to explain this place,

"... Hmm... so you bring girls into this place a lot."

and makes a really sharp point, so my body almost reacted giggly.

While hiding that, I laughed with a face that just spit "no" at me.

"No way. I use it when I want to be alone. See, the palace room doesn't give you a break, does it? So."

If that's all you can snore and gouge to sleep in a room where your heart doesn't rest, you must be able to sleep permanently in a room where your heart rests.

Roana turned her jittery gaze toward the room and Keith, not trusting her at all with a lying grin and excuse.

(What a room like this... it's not a private room to do something crazy. Bring me to a place like this)

Once an ex-wife and a widow with many years of experience living with men, she quickly realizes that it is the so-called "fuck room" with the accessories and conditioning in the room.

Simple sofas, indirect lighting, etc. on a bed that obviously presupposes sleeping in large numbers. And most importantly, the smell left traces of the room being used only for sex.

I'm sure he's enjoying bringing his escort knight's daughter to this room. I'm sorry to hear that.

(... good old and jealous... like an idiot)

I sighed and put my stuff down. I turned back to Keith, who had been rinsing my mouth.

"Then I'll let you stay the night. Hey, you can use a bath, right?

As soon as she said that, Roana was hugged and kissed by Keith. It conveys the taste of the medicine for brace care.

"Huh, huh, huh... Peek, huh, huh, huh! Come on, stop hitting me... hey, chu."

Roana, tasting the intense tangle of her tongue without being able to even get bored, almost inadvertently gives herself up, but she shrugs her mind that she shouldn't.

So when the kiss was over, his saliva threaded his tongue into his mouth, and he sipped his sagging and spit before staring at Keith.

Keith is obviously ready to fight a battle with his hands on Roana's cheek with his flourishing face and a kiss on his neck and clavicle.

to Keith like that. Roana exhaled at the tickle,

"Hey, hey, come on... hey, hey! Oh, I'm telling you, listen to me!

That's all they said. Keith finally stopped moving. Keith, who stopped moving and stared at Roana,

"Oh, that's a bath. Of course you can use it. Let's go in together."

"No, it's not!... Oh, you know... it's early tomorrow morning, I have time to book an airship, and when I get over there, I have to explain the store and where I live."

"... so?

"So, um... today, I want you to say that. I'm sorry."

None...... no sex. Pornographic restraining order. When it was activated from Roana's mouth, Keith looked at Roana like the world was over.

"Huh?... Ah, huh?... Huh?

"... sorry. I promised Keith that it would be Keith's wish, but this time... you know, I'm with Keith, too."

That's why Roana came to Saimrad this time and tried to make it a day trip.

If I meet Keith and keep shitting him until the next morning, it will definitely affect a lot of places.

If it's just about the store, you can ask the replacement to do it, but this time it's just a big job to take care of your daughter.

It is not acceptable to make mistakes instead. So Roana was only going to miss Keith this time.

The feeling didn't waver after I decided to stay, and I wasn't willing to get in touch with Keith when I decided to stay.

But the situation became a situation, and I could not help but rely on it, and as a result, we are in the room together this way, but that determination alone remains the same.

That's what he said earlier when he was brought here with metastatic magic.

I tried to tell Keith what happened when I said that, Roana, but...

"Damn...... I don't know!! That's not true!! I... I was smudging but no... higu, higu, hin!!

Roana sighed at Keith, who looked exquisitely disgusting and began to cry.

"I'm sorry. But you know what? Please, right? Because she's a good girl."

It strokes my head, but then Roana didn't realize that its tenderness would further stimulate Keith's groin.

Whatever it is, it's shitty. I want to hold Horned Roana to the rabbit today. Keith couldn't help but want to eat Roana now so he couldn't change his mind if he decided to eat a curry.

I haven't been able to change my penis since this elf mature woman contacted me.

I want to be licked with a mature woman's tongue, I want to screw it into a mature woman's hole, I want to make a mature woman crazy. I figured out a way Keith couldn't stop overflowing with that thought.

My hands are old enough to use things with Aisha, even if I use them now, I will just be in a bad mood.

Then I can't help it...... that leaves me a lump later. Because I used the blame from the gesture of touching my body last time.

When he figured out the means left to do so, Keith looked wet in tears and stared at Roana as if this was all he had.

"Hey, what? Huh?... What's wrong?

I bowed my head in front of Roana, confused, hands on the floor thoughtfully.

"Please!! One shot!! Just one shot so please let me fuck you!! Let me insert my penis into Roana's manko. No!!

Would you have done me such a terrible favor once?

But all Keith had left was this direct favor.

I wasn't left behind, but I feel like I already have a decent way of asking...

Roana looked bright red with trembling when the advice solidified,

"What are you saying out loud!! Silly!! Silly Keith!! I can't believe I'm grounded... I'm not stupid!!

"Don't be stupid!! There are moments when a man has to be stupid!! And that's now! Now is the time to rush through!! So please, just one shot! Just one shot. Let me release my male juice in this!! Please!!

On the perfect dungeon rubbing her head against the floor, Roana said with a slight hiccup, "Stop! Keep screaming."

But that's not the kind of inferior species that stops. This man, who had no shame or ears to make his penis feel better, just kept asking me to bow my head.

"It's a Sita!! It's Roana and Sita!! I really want Roana!! One shot I thought I would pity such a poor man!! One shot, please!! Onegaisimus!!"

Roana's eyebrows distorted into the letter (c) to her straightforward wishes everywhere.

There is no joy in the fact that the man you like is losing his grief so far.

"Hey, please stop, keep your head up!! Oh, I'm gonna be mad!!

"No, not today until you let me... I'm willing to raise this head today!!

"No more! That's not blackmail!!... Oh, I get it! Ok!!... yes, just once, not once...?

Roana bowed down in a grand sigh of "ha," allowing her child to have sex in a way that was like a broken mother when she was taken for granted a treat.

But his face smiled just a little happily at the fierce desire.

Keith, on the other hand, smiled with a full smile all over his face at the permission he finally got and said, "I did it. Aah!!," he jumped from the dugout to make a rise guts pose.

If you turn this man's passion for “sex” to the medical side of the business, he will surely eradicate some illness from this world.

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