Lie naked on the bathmat and rub every inch of your body on the naked Keith as well.

Aisha was full of embarrassment, comfort and, after all, a voice for joy.

Keith's fingers gushing over his brown skin and stroking him to love him along the way.

Even my back and shoulders felt full, but I couldn't do that anymore if that was my butt or my thighs.

Keith probably knows that too, but he never loosens his hand movement and keeps Aisha's body relaxed.

If this was just when we had this relationship, I'd say, "Stop it!!" and how much Aisha would have screamed.

Aisha got a little scared when she wondered how much she had been turned into this man in less than a year.

Only a little regret smoked in the back of my chest when I thought I would never be able to return to the noble knight I swore to that father again.

But the thought of saying this is fine is more overwhelming.

This is how Keith adores me and eventually gives birth to his child.

Something I never thought about before I met him now accounts for more than half of Aisha's heart.

I was surprised when I had a boulder that even thought I could quit the knight if it was for that dream, but now I accepted that it was me.

It was Aisha who thinks it was because she became a woman, but it was a bad woman who made it clear.

But he didn't even realize it, and vaguely thought he might get pregnant next year during ovulation.

I couldn't say "let me" like Berna, Aisha, but I've been thinking about it.

Imagine myself being planted with perfect seeds next year due to my usual habits, and Aisha got wet.

They want the seeds of a man whose womb is rubbing itself.

No, no, no, no. Don't think. You'll never get back to work!!

I tell myself in my heart, but Aisha raises a chopping voice after being rubbed all the time by the body that has come with sensitivity.

"Huh...... uhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

Then Keith's finger touches Omako as he glances round from his butt.

Keith keeps touching Aisha's Omako, who makes a fuzzy noise.

"Ah! Keith...... so no!! There...... not now!!

"Why not? It seems so elaborate here."

"Well, that's what I want Keith to touch... oh, no, I'm not... I have a mission after this. It was Keith who told me to work in the palace with you about the mission properly!!

I do remember saying that. Because all of a sudden I was hung up on my marriage story.

But Keith smiled with a face that seemed like he was thinking bad things.

"It's okay. By the end of the mission, I'll have you dusted properly."

"No!! Not... ugh!! Oh, there, if they do that...... no! You won't be able to return to your mission!! Idiot!! Hiaaaah!!

Let Aisha's leg, who leaned back to complain to Keith, look like a sleeping frog, rubbing her spread there with her lotion fingers.

Rub the yinvila loose, peel the clitoris foreskin and even handle up the contents.

Fast and luxurious finger movements delivered a lumbar irritation to Aisha from the entire Omako, but more than that,

"Ah, ha!! Oh, no, no, no, no! Oh, no, no, no, no! This way!! That's how my manko again...... oh man, you can't!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!

If you take it from Aisha, it just seems like the wind Keith is trying to make you groman around like that.

Berna will make sure you apply your special medicine to your buttocks, nipples and mango when you're done, to cure magic.

Yet Aisha has never been applied a single pill, no matter how much she was abused by Omakovira or Clitoris.

Absolutely Keith is Aisha, who can only assume that he is following his own more obscene and weird form.

"Stupid!...... Hmmm!! Mm-hmm!! Silly!! Billa, Billa, I'm gonna snap!! Clitoris, I wouldn't do that. Oh!! Hiaaaaa!!

Keith rubbed his groin hard with his index finger as he spreads his obscenely groining pubic vila in the brown, inadvertently putting his groin in a third erection today to the appearance of Aisha he feels jumping his hips.

Rubbing his urethra through his vaginal mouth, Aisha screamed and backed away.

"Ho, ho, ho!! Oh, uh-oh!! Kisu, ah, no!!

Every time you exhale, your beautiful abdomen moves to ripple, and its softness and tight beauty invite the beast.

But Keith didn't touch his penis at all and continued to blame Aisha alone.

Slowly bury him as he puts his finger against his vaginal mouth and vibrates as he begins to twirl the meat.

Because of the tightness, I was used to polar penises, so I totally stopped resisting intruders. I was wandering into trout with Aisha's vaginal fitting.

"Aisha's Omako, it's so much easier to get in ~. Two fingers won't make me resistant anymore."

Scratch your vagina carefully by spreading your middle and medication fingers slightly into the mood.

"I wonder if this is going to be Yuriyul Manko soon."

That is not the case because it is tight and the meatloaf is neat, but I say it deliberately and unwillingly.

Aisha then shook her neck in disgust with a crying face.

"It's because of Kisu. Ooh!! Oh, so much for being so full of me!!! If it gets loose, it's Keith's fault! Damn Keith's...... Awwwww!!!

On the way Aisha complained, Keith folded his fingers and touched out the steeple.

Touch and rub slowly where the eyesha at your fingertips will rise in an instant.

Aisha, who can blame her vagina for being different kindness than her penis, says, "Ho! Ho!!" He twisted his hips and gasped.

He seemed to be telling Keith that his body was about to squirt.

I'll stroke the cli with my other hand while I do my vaginal blame with a gentle and polite finger that's not what I just did. Cute.

I knew Aisha, who loved being gentle, turned to herself in tears at the movement of her hand.

"I think I can get some dust, Aisha! Almost there!! Look, there's the dust!! Here!!

Aisha said to the blamewording, "Ugh!!" He ate his teeth off and stopped enduring them at the top of his senses.

If you let your senses free against pleasure, your vagina will be gibberish as soon as possible!! and trembled lightly with tightness, adding more love liquid.

"Gu!!! Ugh, uhh!! Uh-oh!! Ki, ki-suuuuuuuuu!!! Oh, oh! Mm-hmm!

(a) Keith, who was gently moving his fingers in his vagina until he cut them off, pulled out his fingers after Aisha relaxed and licked the love liquid that wetted his hands.

Satisfied with the deliciousness, he laughed at Aisha, who breathed roughly,

"Sa, the massage is over. Good luck with your assignment!!

I sound like I'm keeping my penis erect.

Aisha, who sees her erection penis with moist eyes, swallows her spit and inquires.

"... what are you going to do? Oh no... keep it quiet"

"Oh, never mind. Aisha has a mission. I'm concentrating on you!

Aisha stared at her penis in silence, then woke up and put Keith to sleep on the bathmat the other way up.

"... it's my last flirt of the year... after this, with no one... don't play with Berna... I'm Keith and Sulu's last woman of the year"

When I say that, I pick my penis with my fingers, raise my hips, and stick it inside me.

I knew this was going to happen because of Aisha's personality. Keith looks happy as her vagina exhales into the feeling of tightening her penis.

Shimmer in Aisha Nomanko this year...... I get emotional when I think about it and stick my hips up hard.

"Hih!! Higi no!! Oh, ahhhhhhhh! Ki, ki-shu, silly ah!! All of a sudden...... I don't know!! Ahhhhh!!

Keith still doesn't stop hitting and keeps pushing up into Gungan and Aisha.

(a) Just scratched and poked up her vagina with a fatter penis than two fingers, Icharab favorite Aisha's body falls over Keith to its intensity.

"Bye!! Buddha!! You're so sweet!! Let's go!! Yay!! Ngi, uhhhh!!

Keith wants to praise himself for being so often corrupted by the sweet dialogue that he has completely entered the hall.

So at the end of the day, I knew we should not fail in our efforts to maintain this state.

Keith kisses his ear again and again as he holds Aisha, who gasps close to screaming and stabs her deeply.

"Aisha...... me, this was the happiest year I've ever lived"

"Ho... Huh?

"Because... I met one of those destined to say Aisha, and this is what happened... Aisha, I love you. Stay with me the whole time."

To say that it was combined as a bodyguard, Aisha, who had not noticed in the current dialogue, trotted his manko into words like a proposal, drooling his mouth both above and below.

"Ah, ah... Ki-shu, ah, ah"

At the end of the day, I thought this would work better. Keith instantly changed his position from riding to normal, and zuzzled at Delemanco! and kissed him as he poked in.

I love Icharab. I'm 53 years old. This is all I'll be 54 next year. I'll already make a heart in my eyes completely.

"Oh! Kishi, Nju, Chupu, Rju, Nju, Chupu!! Phew, ki-shew!! He's here!! All the time - all the time!! All the time!! Nho ho ho!!

Happiness increases sensitivity and easily changes any blame to pleasure.

Aisha hugs Keith and kisses him repeatedly as he starts to scream no more and only have a sweet gasp on the piston that goes fierce.

Keith, who is already more than himself for Aisha maneuvering, pistons for ejaculation to a female knight whose mind and body are sweetening to Derek.

Cancer and hips at the deluged and persistently tangled Omako meat, rubbing it up and stimulating the cries at the same time.

Aisha, who has forgotten everything about her assignment after this and is a female, continues to love and feel Keith tight and vaginally tight.

The geese neck scratches the prickly vagina, and the turtle head keeps poking.

Keith unwittingly goosebumped on his spine after seeing a fallen elf on Aisha's face gasping happily, releasing the groin itch as it felt.

"Ah Aisha!! Aisha!! I am!! Last inside of the year!! Last of the year!! This is the last time, Aisha!! Give that to Aisha...... Ugh!! Whew!!

Today alone, Keith's dirty male juice is released into the womb of the fourth woman already.

Dubby! Dubby!! Bibi, Bibi!! - Every time I bounce, I jump out of the bell mouth with the salmon liquid.

It is sent out to the dele vagina. Aisha's Omako is happy to receive it and let the vagina rot.

"... I'm hiccups, are you? Damn it..."

Keith nodded and kissed Aisha, asking to be sure, "Yes" with a sweaty face.

Aisha smiled and accepted the kiss, entangling her arms and legs with Keith. The kiss lasted as long as ten minutes as it held.


Flirting off Aisha back on duty, Keith lays down in bed.

It was a year that seemed like a good one to the end.

Nia, Roana, Berna, Arsi, and Aisha in a row since last night.

I've been back to the country and I'm not here now, but Leonora has a nightcap.

"Seven in a year... Ahhh, I wonder if I'll get more next year... I won't have a body."

Keith, with a very happy look to say so, fell asleep remembering the flavor of each woman with a downward grin.

Prayer to the Holy Tree takes place at New Year's Eve not only on the altar, but also in each household, but Keith is a human species, so it's as if it doesn't matter.

The human species also have a custom of celebrating New Year's Eve, but Keith didn't seem to care what he said.

When I was just in the Sorcery Order, I could eat a celebratory dish, and if it was New Year's Eve while wandering, I could just eat rice everywhere.

That's about New Year's for Keith, and I didn't dare to put my face on the elf species prayer ground.

So Lou leaves, too. One in the room that won't come back, and in half a day the four of them close their eyelids saying they're tired.

I heard fireworks in the distance while I was sleeping, and I woke up just a little bit when you were over the age, but fell asleep again.

That's how Keith woke up completely feeling the weight over his chest about two hours after New Year's Eve when he was sleeping googly.

For a moment I tried to yell at Lou for coming on harassment, but no matter how the shadow on that chest sees it, it's not a cat.

"Ah... princess?

Keith immediately realized that she was Nia in her bedtime clothes.

Nia has a face that says she has done it on Keith.

Whatever you look at it, it feels like the failure of metastatic magic has made it untimely over Keith.

Maybe he flew away thinking about Keith without imagining Keith's room the moment he flew.

"Oh, sorry!! Oh, um... I don't"

"... what's going on at this hour? Can't you sleep?

Keith asked gently, without anger. Then Nia looked relieved even though she wasn't angry,

"Me... I wanted to see the sunrise with Master Keith... I thought you might be asleep..."

"Hiso?... Oh, is it the first sunrise? Yeah, I don't mind. Uh, in this room?

Well, Keith wondered if he'd seen the sunrise in this room, but Nia was glad to have her permission.

"Oh, you know what! There is a place in the palace where the sunrise looks so beautiful!! Why don't you go there!?

When I say that with my face shining, I stare at Keith with sparkling eyes.

Keith nodded bitterly, "Yay!!" He was taken to the place by Nia, who dried over his chest.

To the place Nia took Keith by metastatic magic.

Keith glanced at the dusty smell of the place even though he was metamagically intoxicated when it came on.

Nia is also coughing up "keho-ho". I had no choice but to cast a magic wand and physically extinguish the dust in an instant.

Then I found out that the place was some kind of storage.

Broken chairs, desks, torn paintings, books, etc. placed all over the room are piled up in chaos.

"This is my secret place! In the place my late aunt taught me..."

Nia, who looked nostalgic, looked just a little sad in her memories.

"Are you going to tell me such an important place?

Nia shut up for a moment to Keith's inquiry, but raised her face and dyed her cheeks to Zhu.

"... your aunt told me to let you know when Nia has someone important..."

That is like saying to Keith that he is a loved one.

Did Nia suddenly embarrass herself with the confessional masochist words she said? Nia leans down with a strange voice, "Fukiyu".

Keith gently hugged Princess Elf like that,

"Thank you. It's a great honor. She's going to be happy and crying."

"Hey, don't cry... you won't be able to see the sunrise, will you?

Of course, Nia knew it was a joke, so we both kissed Couscous laughing.

I insert my tongue into Princess Elf's chamber thinking that the first kiss of the New Year was Nia...

An intertwined tongue raises my temperature, but still this room was cold.

As his breath grew white, Keith called the blanket and tea set from the room with transfer magic.

Then apply the magic of raising the temperature to the room, brew the tea and sip it together in a blanket.

My grandmother always prepared these for me, and Nia totally forgot to be prepared to say so.

"I'm sorry," I apologize.

"Thank you for telling me where it's important"

and Keith told him not to worry and raised his temperature with tea.

Doing so also warmed up the room and relaxed and talked to Nia about tomorrow.

This morning, the ministers will greet the palace with their families.

It is ready to summon the ancient Spirit of tomorrow when it is finished.

It seems that Mashua and Mia were very happy after that, and they're talking about telling Keith to do the reward next time.

I get lumps in Nia's body for the reward, but still, last time it was Manticore's magic wand, and now I get a nasty grin at what it is.

Nia, who doesn't notice that face,

"But I'm still worried if I can do it right"

"It's okay, because that's all I practiced. Absolutely can!!

"Yes... right... yeah! Yes!! That's all I practiced!! It's OK!!

I want Keith to say what he wants me to say. Nia looks wholly happy.

That's how brave Keith's words are for Nia.

But with only one anxiety, Nia decided to look at it thoughtfully.

"Oh, you know, Master Keith"


"... well, I... I don't want to fail... so, uh... eh"

Mouthwatering Nia takes one deep breath before

"I want to keep it full of magic!! So if you don't like Master Keith, I want your penis medicine."

Princess, nice to meet you, Kita!! Keith leaped with a heartless look.

I didn't know the usual lies would show up in this way as a princess's first favorite.

(I knew it was because my daily routine was good... God is blessing me)

Keith, who was going to spend the day feeling clean about today, quickly lets his dirty heart show off.

I have a lying smelly grin and let Nia sit on my own leg with a gentle hug wrapped around my blanket with me.

Keith and Nia, hugging each other in the form of face-to-face seats, felt their heartbeat as they warmed their bodies to their core at each other's body temperature.

"I really respect the fact that the princess is a hard-worker."

"Oh, no..."

"Okay. I don't care what happens to this Keith, my penis for the princess!!

"Um, not so much!! Drinking with your mouth and being able to stay in your stomach is fine."

Ejaculate twice... how far is this princess a bitch!!

Keith gained more strength to cuddle as he rubbed his mummy up penis against Nia in his pants.

"No, try putting it in your stomach three times thoughtfully today and in your butt three times!!

"Hi-ha, hi-ha!! If you put such medicine in it, I'll break it!!

To his surprise Nia. Keith smiled gently and said, "It's okay!" and speak up.

"For tomorrow!! A princess would look great! I can take your medicine!! Hurry up if you decide so...... YAY!!


In an important place my grandmother taught me, Nia began to be offended by the inferior species, as usual.

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