"Deathwing, Green Eye Extreme Dragon, bring out your true strength!"

Qin Mu's eyes are tough, this Yipeltar he must take!

Deathwing and the Blue-Eyed Dragon began to use all their strength to frantically attack Ipertar.

But the life force that Ipertal had just absorbed had strengthened him a lot, and his defense and attack power were almost unlimited!

This made Deathwing and the Green Eye Extreme Dragon a little helpless, and could only keep dodging his attacks.

Deathwing dodged Ipertar's attack while secretly looking for a breakthrough, although Ipertar's attack was very strong, but he still had no trick!

This trick is amazingly powerful, as long as it is issued, it will definitely seriously injure him or defeat him in one fell swoop! But the consumption of this trick is also very large, once used, it is very likely to fall into a coma.

Deathwing constantly dodged Ipertar's attack, but Ipertar's speed was too fast, and he had to dodge first, not daring to easily counterattack.

At this time, the green-eyed Extreme Dragon let out a roar, and then opened its blood basin and tore towards Ipertar.


The mouth of the green-eyed dragon collided with Ipertar's head, and two huge shock waves spread out in all directions.

The green-eyed Extreme Dragon shook and almost fell.

Deathwing quickly reached out to grab it, lest it fall and fall to the ground, and then it would be trouble.


At this time, Deathwing let out a roar. His wings first wrapped him tightly, and then with a flash of blood-red light, the wings unfolded, and countless flame feathers instantly cut through the sky and flew straight towards Ipertar.

At this time, the green-eyed Extreme Dragon also reacted, and he also used a skill! Jets of white light followed and struck Ipertar along with the plumes of flame.

"Bang! Bang! "

The flame feathers collided with the jet of white light and attacked Ipertar in unison!

Two powerful attacks exploded instantly, forming a huge shock wave that shattered the nearby trees and turned them into debris.

Although Ipertar took these two moves abruptly, the powerful shockwave also took away a large amount of Ipertar's health points. This makes his health less and less.

Ipertar watched his life value decrease little by little, and he couldn't help but be angry in his heart: "Damn! I want you to know how good I am! "

Ipertar spread his wings, his body quickly raised, and he pounced on the Deathwing and the Green-Eyed Polar Dragon.

He wants to kill them both.

Ipertar's speed was extremely fast, and he pounced on the back of Deathwing and the Green-Eyed Extreme Dragon in the blink of an eye, and then prepared to use one of the best moves, the Dark Aura of Evil!

He was ready to strike a fatal blow and end the battle once and for all.

But at this moment, the body of the Death Wing actually disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the green-eyed Extreme Dragon present!


Ipertar was stunned, he didn't react at all, but the Deathwing had disappeared from his sight.


Yipeltarton felt bad, but just then, a straight line of flame came from behind him and hit him right in the chest.

It was the molten flame unleashed by the Deathwing!


Ipertar was hit, fell directly from the air, and directly smashed a bottomless pit on the ground!

A pained expression appeared on his face as the molten flame hit his chest, penetrating his body and piercing a bloody hole through his chest.

The green-eyed Extreme Dragon immediately added a few more rays of white light towards the big pit!

Never let Ipertar get up again!

At this time, only thick smoke came out of the big pit, and there was no movement.

Deathwing forcibly stabilized his figure, and just now he let the green-eyed Extreme Dragon cooperate to attract the attention of Ipertar, and he used the magic move Instantaneous to launch an attack, which knocked Ipeltar down.

Although Death Wing, which consumed a huge amount of energy, was not unconscious, he was also extremely weak now, and I was afraid that it would take a while to replenish the energy consumed.

After waiting for several minutes, there was no movement in the pit where Ipertal fell, and everyone began to make a sound.

"Ipertar... Is it dead? "

Some people proposed to go to the big pit to check it out, but everyone had seen the horror of Ipertar, and they did not dare to act rashly.

Qin Mu took a step at this time and walked towards the big pit step by step.

"King Qin! You have to be careful! Beware of Ipertar playing dead! "

The people at the scene and the people in the live broadcast room lifted their hearts together, and the closer Qin Mu was to the big pit, the higher their hearts were.

Walking to the edge of the big pit, Qin Mu stopped.

He didn't find anything unusual, but the pit was full of smoke, making him unable to see the situation in the pit.

Qin Mu beckoned towards the Green Eyed Extreme Dragon.

The green-eyed Extreme Dragon immediately noticed, and opened its big mouth to blow away the smoke in the pit.

The smoke cleared, and Ipertar, who should have been in the pit, actually disappeared!

Instead, an egg that was sleeping and covered with thorns appeared!

"Ipertar has once again changed back to his primitive sleeping form! We are safe! "

When the leader of the Elf Alliance saw this scene, he immediately shouted with joy.

"We're safe! Long live the dragon! Long live King Qin! "

Everyone began to cheer, and the rebirth after the disaster made everyone's faces look heartfelt joy and joy.

Fortunately, Qin Mu appeared in the gorgeous competition today, otherwise, none of the people here would have been spared from being wiped out by Ipertar!

Maybe by then the entire Carlos region will be taken away by Ipertal!

Qin Mu is their lifesaver! The savior of the Carlos region!

Everyone was cheering for Qin Mu, but Qin Mu, as the party concerned, was focused on the egg in the big pit.

Ipertal was not wiped out, but turned into a sleeping egg.

This means that the threat is not completely removed!

If Ipertar wakes up again, they will be in crisis again!

Qin Mu thought of a way to avoid this situation.

That is... Pay Ipertar!

After all, it was his two dragons who defeated Ipertar, so you can try to subdue it!

Qin Mu took out a high-grade spirit ball from his body.

When everyone saw this scene, they all understood what Qin Mu wanted to do.

But Ipertar is so powerful, can he really be subdued?

As Qin Mu threw out the high-level spirit ball, everyone's hearts were lifted again.

After the Spirit Ball touched the egg, a light mist immediately appeared and surrounded the egg, and then sucked it in.

Everyone held their breath!

Next, everyone gasped!

The Poké Ball shook!

Everyone's heart is going to jump to the mouth of the throat!

After shaking for about five seconds, the Poké Ball calmed down again.

"Cheng... It worked? "

The Poké Ball shakes again!

Some people are so nervous that they forget to breathe and turn their faces red!

After a while, the Poké Ball calmed down again.

Just as everyone was about to take a deep breath, the Poké Ball shook violently again, this time stronger than the previous two times!

Some people closed their eyes in fear! They did not dare to look at the result!

But then a deafening shout broke out!

The Poké Ball lit up with a green light that was successfully subdued!

Qin Mu succeeded!

He successfully subdued Ipertar, the god of death!

At this moment, Qin Mu is the god in people's minds!


With a golden ring, Hoopa takes in everything that just happened at the Magnificent Competition.

Looking at this human who put the Pokeball containing Ipertar into his pocket, a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of Hupa's mouth...

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