Tianxi had a very strong intuition, and Qin Mu in front of her was the person she was looking for!

As the princess elf of the diamond mining country, Tianxi has been guarding the diamond mining country since he took over the mission of guarding the kingdom from the previous princess two years ago.

The diamond-mining countries live entirely on the energy emitted by sacred diamonds, but...

The sacred diamond in Tianxi's hand was made by the princess elf of the previous session, but the princess elf of the previous session is no longer there, and this sacred diamond has been supplying energy to the diamond mining country for more than ten years, and is about to lose its power!

If the next Divine Diamond cannot be created, those small broken diamonds that rely on the Divine Diamond to survive will be destroyed with the disappearance of the Divine Diamond's energy!

At that time, the diamond-mining countries will cease to exist!

Now Tianhi is the only elf in a diamond-mining country capable of producing sacred diamonds.

But she has not yet acquired the ability to make divine diamonds....

She didn't want the kingdom to be destroyed in her hands like this, and the diamond mining country was in danger at the moment!

So she must have enough energy to create new sacred diamonds. She learned in the annals of the kingdom that the "goblin atmosphere" can give her such energy!

To this end, she has been looking for a powerful elf worshiper who wants to successfully evolve to obtain a fairy atmosphere.

Only by gaining the goblin aura can she level up and gain the energy to craft sacred diamonds! At that time, the diamond-mining countries can live under the protection of sacred diamonds!

At this moment, Tianxi felt that the person she was looking for was right in front of her!

Just as she fell into the hands of the hateful Flame Team and was almost about to be taken away by them, two dragons appeared to stop the Flame Team.

Then Tianxi witnessed the battle of dragons with his own eyes and saw the terrifying strength of the two dragons!

After being shocked and amazed, she immediately thought that to be able to have such a powerful two dragons, she must be a very powerful trainer!

And this person in front of her is the owner of these two dragons!

Princess Tianxi felt that if she followed this person, she would definitely be able to evolve!

At that time, the diamond mining country will be saved!

In order to survive, the Flame Team handed over the Princess Tianxi to the sacred diamond.

Qin Mu took the special capture net containing Princess Tianxi and the sacred diamond.

At this moment, a black mist flashing with green light appeared out of thin air.

Everyone felt that there was a powerful aura of divine beasts in this black mist!

Then a magnetic male voice came out of this black fog.

Vladali, the leader of the Flame Team, clapped his hands and smiled and said, "Qin Mu, you really impress me, it's really getting more and more interesting. "

It turned out that the leader of the Flame Team did not really come, but transmitted.

And that black fog flashing with green light made everyone wonder what it was.

"It's the core of Carlos' patron beast Kigeld!"

Qianli and Daktor on the side recognized what the black fog with flickering green light was, and the two said in unison.

Hearing the words of the two of them, everyone's faces changed!

The Flame Team actually captured the core of Carlos' Guardian Beast!

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Vladari smiled with satisfaction.

The reason why he came to this show is to let the world know that the Flame Team also has divine beasts!

Then, the people wrapped in the Flash Team and Team Rocket with a black mist flashing green light instantly disappeared on Dragon Island!

Qin Mu did not make a move on this.

Even if the leader of the Flame Team did not make a move, he had already promised the Flame Team that they would spare their lives as long as they handed over Princess Tianxi and the Divine Diamond.

And at this moment, Princess Tianxi and the sacred diamond are in his hand.

The leader of the Elven Alliance saw that the Flame Team had actually captured the core of Carlos' guardian beast Kigeld, and his face became deep.

With the Flame Team of Divine Beasts, it is another big threat to the Elf Alliance!

Several other forces are also aware of this problem.

The Flame Team with the Divine Beast must be more rampant, and then it may not be the four major forces of Carlos, but will become the five major forces!


Qin Mu untied the special capture net made by the Flame Team, released the trapped Princess Tianxi, and returned the sacred diamond to her.

Unexpectedly, after getting the divine diamond, Tianxi, who was rescued, did not want to leave, and a pair of bright eyes kept staring at Qin Mu.

"You are safe now and can return to your diamond-mining country."

Qin Mu saw that Princess Tianxi was too cute, and couldn't help but reach out and touch her little head.

Tianxi hugged Qin Mu's arm and let Qin Mu shake it, but he didn't let go.

Tianxi looked at Qin Mu with straight eyes, as if to tell him: "I have decided on you!" "

Karuni on the side and the four heavenly kings laughed when they saw this.

"Pavilion Chief Qin is really an attractive person, even the elves rely on you!"

Karuni teased Qin Mu.


In the face of Karuni's ridicule, Qin Mu did not care, elves are different from humans, and Tianxi's action must have her reasons.

When Qianli and Daktor saw this scene, they began to regret that they had not been able to rescue Tianxi at that time.

Otherwise, they will be the ones who let Princess Tianxi rely on!

You know, Tianxi is a genie who can make diamonds!

Whoever owns Tianxi is equivalent to owning endless diamonds!

With endless diamonds, there is endless money!

Moreover, the sacred diamonds in the hands of Princess Tianxi not only have great value, but also contain mysterious power!

This is also why the Flames snatched Princess Tianxi.

Qianli and Daktor both regretted that they couldn't make a move, and they were jealous that Qin Mu had fallen into the benefits again!

Why did all the good things go to him alone!

Qin Mu saw that Tianxi was holding herself and not letting go, and knew that she had identified herself.

Thinking that this guy can make diamonds, if he really keeps Tianxi, then there will be no need to worry about the funds of the Dragon Department Hall in the future!

Thinking of this, Qin Mu decided to take Tian Xi in and picked her up.

"Okay, since you must follow me, then do as you wish."

When Tianxi heard what Qin Mu said, he laughed happily, and the beautiful elf wings stirred up with excitement.

Qin Mu had another elf like this, and the others looked envious and jealous.

But they were just thinking about it in their hearts, after all, it was Qin Mu who saved Princess Tianxi and saved her kingdom, and Tianxi would choose Qin Mu, which is reasonable.

And the elves are very intelligent and know how to recognize the strongest person as the master.

Because she had previously evaded the pursuit of the Flame Team, Princess Tianxi exhausted the energy of her whole body, and Qin Mu put Tianxi into the Spirit Ball, allowing her to rest in it to replenish her energy.

Then Qin Mu looked up in the crowd.

After discovering that there was no Ma Li figure among these people, Qin Mu immediately ordered the two dragons in the sky.

"Green-eyed White Dragon, Deathwing, go find the whereabouts of Ma Li!"

After Qin Mu finished speaking, he added in a meaningful tone: "Be sure to make sure she is not injured!" "

After receiving Qin Mu's order, the blue-eyed white dragon and the wings of death immediately flew to the depths of Dragon Island.

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