Chapter 0101: The Elf Hunter Who Also Eats_!!!

Not only the water sycamore, but also the water jun feels that this gaioka is very dish.

I think it was also after consuming a lot of physical strength to purify the sewage, and it was caught by a few elf hunters.

And this Gaioka?

It’s just that he was poisoned a little, and he was caught by a few elf hunters using the power grid, which is really humiliating!

If it weren’t for the fact that the other Gaioka’s strength was a little too strong, and the water lord couldn’t afford to provoke, it would have taunted Gaioka with Gurado.

But it doesn’t have the strength of Gurado.

If it dares to taunt Gaioka with Gurado, the end can be imagined…

“Elf hunter?”

For the unfamiliar term elf hunter, Shuilian obviously did not understand, so she immediately looked at Ash.

“They are scoundrels who use force to catch elves and then sell them for money.”

And Xiao Zhi, who did not have amnesia, still had a lot of insight, and immediately answered her doubts.

“Since that’s the case, then I can’t forgive you guys!”

After learning that the group of people in front of him turned out to be a group of such bastard guys, Shuilian also picked up the fishing rod again for 860.


“Pika! Pickup! ”


After Shuilian’s words fell, the expressions of Ash, Pikachu, Eevee, and the Huayang Sea Lion all became serious.

“If Gaioka recovers, he’ll be able to deal with those scoundrels, right?”

At the same time as asking this sentence, Shuilian had also rolled up the fishing line and was ready to throw the rod again.

“Toad King, stop it!”

It’s just that such a scene is obviously what the bald elf hunter wants to see, so he immediately gave the order.

After receiving the order, the Toad King immediately rushed towards the water lotus.


But before it could get close to the water lotus, it was knocked out by Eevee, who was covered in white air currents.

However, the Toad King’s strength was obviously stronger than Eevee’s, and it immediately adjusted its shape after landing and fired purple energy bombs at the water lotus

But at the same time, the Flower Sea Lion also ejected a series of bubbles, collided with those energy bombs, and canceled each other out.


Taking advantage of the moment when the Toad King’s vision was obscured by the smoke raised by the explosion, Eevee, who was wrapped in white air currents, crashed towards it again.

And before it could react, it hit it directly on its stomach and knocked it out again…

“Sure enough, the strength of these elf hunters is completely incompetent!”

“Indeed, that toad king can’t even beat the elf of a little girl who hasn’t set off on a trip yet, it’s really a bit of a shame.”

“Cut, no matter how humiliating it is, can it still have Gaioka?”

“I hope you can say the same when Gaioka appears in front of you, and I wish you a good journey.”

Because Water Lotus didn’t even know what an elf hunter was, they naturally saw that Shui Lian was a rookie trainer.

And that toad king couldn’t even win the elf of the rookie trainer, but it was a little funny.

Even if they have long thought that these elf hunters are very dish, but you guys are a little too dish, right?

How did you catch pokemon before? Is it just those grids?


“Thank you, Nagisa, Flower Sea Lion.”

“Wait, Gaioka, I’ll come to your rescue now.”

After thanking her two elves, Shuilian took the fishing rod and slowly walked towards Gaioka.

“It seems that you really want to get in our way.”

“If you make us angry, it’s scary, you know?”

After seeing that the water lotus was not dead, the bald elf hunter immediately let out a roar.

After hearing this, two of his subordinates immediately surrounded Ash and Water Lotus with the blue toad.

However, as elf hunters, they only have blue toads, isn’t it too much?

“Everyone, come out!”

After a flash of white light, the four elves, Hot Meow, Mane Rock Werewolf, Mumu Whip, and Milutan appeared in front of Ash.

“Hot Meow, Mane Werewolf, Mumu Whip, Merutan, and Pikachu, we’re going to defeat those elven hunters.”

“Come on, hurry up and solve them!”

Seeing this, Ash also immediately opened his mouth and let them launch an attack on the elf hunters…

“Wow! Except for Pikachu, I don’t even know a single elf, am I helpless? ”

“It’s the same, I only know one Pikachu.”

“Those seem to be elves in the Alora region, and the place where it happened is probably really Alora.”

“No, although the three elves of Hot Meow, Mane Rock Werewolf, and Mumu Qiao are indeed elves in our Alora region, but the elf called Merutan, even if I grew up in the Alora region, I have never seen it, it is estimated that the boy was taken in elsewhere.”

When everyone saw the elf released by Ash, they couldn’t help but be stunned

Good guys, they don’t even know a single one!

And even if there are some people from the Alora region, or have been to the Alora area, they only recognize three of the elves, as for Merutan. They really don’t know this…

“Wow! I didn’t expect that I would be able to take in so many elves that I had never seen before, which is really amazing! ”

When Ash saw the hot meows appear, he looked at them with wide eyes and glowing eyes.

He wanted to take a good look at what these elves he would take in the future looked like.

After looking at all the elves, Ash immediately nodded with satisfaction.

It’s a pixie I have adopted, and I love each one.

If Xiao Xia knew his inner thoughts, Xiao Xia would definitely complain: Is there any pokemon you don’t like?

Whether it is Xiaoxia or Xiaogang, they have their own focus, but Xiaozhi. That’s exactly what the right elf will take.

At least Xiao Xia has never seen which elf Ash still doesn’t like.

And if she remembers correctly, Ash also took dozens of Kentairo in a frenzy, right?

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