Chapter 0078 – Crazy Gurado!!!

If that’s the case, then the problem that Gurado can’t fly will probably pass after a while.

But at this time, Gaioka posted the song to the comment area, so this time, the comment area can be regarded as lively.

“Shake! O great god! I actually wrote the song so quickly! ”

“Who is so not afraid of death? Dare to choreograph Gurado? ”

“Shhh! It turned out to be Gaioka? Then no wonder. ”

“Didn’t you expect that Gaioka also understands music, and the divine beasts are so powerful?”

At first, the crowd was still shocked by the author’s courage.

But when they noticed that it was no one else who came out with the song, it was Gaioka, and they immediately reacted.

The reason why the other party dares to send out this song is that he has sufficient confidence

And after having Gaioka take the lead, they discussed the topic more and more unscrupulously…

Gurado, who was originally only slightly depressed by them like this, has begun to gradually go crazy.

After all, only Gaioka had mocked it before, even if it mocked it even more.

But after so many years, it has long been accustomed to Gaioka’s mockery, so this is not painful for it at all.

But in the face of ridicule from so many people at the same time, it is completely different.

Those were two very different experiences.

And most importantly, Gaioka taunted it, it can still go to Gaioka to fight, but what about these people?

Let’s not talk about whether you can find someone, even if you find it, what can you do? It can’t be just because of this kind of thing, it kills, right?

Gurado was angry, but he really couldn’t do this kind of thing.

But with the fragility of human beings, it is very depressing that it can have an accident if it is not careful.

Although in the eyes of others, Gurado can’t fly or anything, it’s just a joke.

But the elf doctors began to seriously study this problem.

“Why can’t Gurado fly? This is indeed a bit strange. ”

And once it comes to this kind of problem, it is naturally Dr. Ohki.

After all, once it comes to elves, especially divine beasts, Dr. Ohki’s curiosity immediately comes up, and he can’t bear it at all.

“Is it because it has no wings?”

When Dr. Sakuragi heard this, he immediately voiced his guess.

It’s just that he just said this, and he was immediately denied.

“For ordinary elves, it may indeed have wings to fly, but for these divine beasts, this is obviously not the case.”

And the person who contradicted him was none other than Dr. Kugi.

“That’s right, whether it’s Palukia and Diya Luca, or Liekong and Gaioka, and the two unknown elves, they all have no wings, but they can still fly, so the reason is definitely not because of the wings.”

Dr. Uchiki also agreed with Dr. Kugi’s words.

And he directly gave several examples that people cannot refute it.

“Actually, I think even if they have wings, those divine beasts seem to have never been used, right?”

“You see, whether it’s Chiefrem or Ratia, or Ladias and Ladias, their wings seem to be ornamented, or are they meant to look good?”

“Only the weaker divine beasts of the Lightning Bird really need wings when flying.”

Although he agreed with their words, Dr. Kukui also offered a different point of view…

“Is it because of the strength?”

“Although Gurado’s strength should be at the same level as them, it is called the god of the earth, the incarnation of the earth, is it because of the characteristics of strength, so it cannot fly?”

After thinking about it, Dr. Ohki also thought of this possibility.

After all, the earth or something, the first reaction to people is thick and heavy.

He had never heard of a place where the earth could fly.

“But as the incarnation of the sea, Gaioka, the god of the sea, can fly?”

Although Dr. Uchiki also thinks that Dr. Ohki has a point, it seems that this does not seem to explain why Gaioka can fly.

After all, in this world, there can’t always be a sea flying in the sky, right?

“Gaioka’s problem actually makes sense, as long as it is treated not as an ocean, but as water…”

“And whether it’s rain or hail, it all falls from the sky.”

But at this time, Dr. Hiroshi Yesugi put forward a different view than Dr. Uchiki.

After all, the god of the sea, the incarnation of the sea, is only imposed on Gurado by humans.

As for what kind of god it is and what kind of laws it holds, it is unknown.


Inhuman City.

“Hey? Can’t even fly? ”

“This is really weird!”

September was surprised to see that Gurado couldn’t fly.

Because in her opinion, as long as it is a slightly more powerful existence, it should be able to fly, right?

After all, among the people around her, Erlang God, Ao Lie, Nezha, Xiao Qiu, needless to say, even the sky can fly!

The only one that can’t fly… It seems that it is only her, and her scrap brother?

However, they are indeed much weaker than others, after all, they are just little foxes who have only been cultivating for hundreds of years, and they cannot be compared with others.

“It’s a little weird.”

When Xiao Yu heard this, she couldn’t help but nod.

She also did not expect that Gurado, who seemed so powerful, was stumped by the problem of flying, which was really a little unexpected.

Then she thought that it seemed that when many divine beasts appeared at the beginning, only Gurado came out.

Sure enough, it’s miserable.

But why does she just want to laugh?

Hokage World, Iwahide Village.

“Hmph~ The flying problem that the gods of the earth have not solved was actually solved by me, it seems that I am indeed a genius.”

When he saw that Gurado couldn’t fly, Onoki was proud.

Although you Gurado is indeed very strong, yes, even their entire Yanyin Village, and even the five major powers combined are not necessarily your opponents.

But so what? You can’t fly! And I can!

The more Onoki thought about it, the more proud he became…

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