Chapter 0060 – Dog Hao Immortal Heavenly Unreasonable! The Black History of Reggie Ace!!!

Although Reggie Ace has lost, the video does not end there.

Because…… Dog Hao actually took out a poké ball at an unknown time, and slowly walked towards Reggie Ace

After everyone saw this scene, they immediately understood that what Dog Hao was holding in his hand must be the Empty Spirit Ball!

And the reason why he took out the empty elf ball at this time was obviously to subdue Reggie!

[Look! Dog Hao wants to lose the ball again!!! 】

[Gan! This dog Hao is a real dog! It was obviously Reggie Ace who was defeated by others, and he actually wanted to snatch the elves!!!! 】

[Dog Hao is unreasonable!!!! 】

[Shouldn’t the real black history of Reggie Ace be subdued by Dog Hao? ] After everyone noticed Gou Hao’s move, they immediately started talking. At the same time, their hearts were lifted.

Originally, Gou Hao accepted a water lord, which was already very unacceptable to them, if they took another Reggie Ace now, they would be crazy…

“Don’t! Don’t come here! ”

And at this time, the most nervous is Reggias.

It originally thought that it had escaped, but it had obviously underestimated the shamelessness of Dog Hao before.

Even if it is completely Reggie Ace, which was completely defeated by others, what if it didn’t even release the pokemon?

He still intends to concede the ball!

Thinking of his dark future, Reggie Ace closed his eyes directly.

At the same time, it is constantly hypnotizing itself, as long as it does not see the picture of itself being subdued, then it is not subdued.

Although Reggie Ace was constantly hypnotizing himself, he eventually couldn’t help but open his eyes.

And the picture it saw also made it breathe a sigh of relief.

Because Gou Hao didn’t throw the Poké Ball in the end.

However, this is not to say that Gou Hao found out in his conscience, but because when he wanted to throw the Pokeball, he received a warning from A Jian’s eyes.

Jian’s goal is very clear, that is, to follow the trail of dreams.

Although it sounds similar to Gou Hao, the two are actually completely different

Because A Jian will not take the elves casually in order to catch up with the dreamy slogan, and will not see the good elves, so he will directly accept them.

Even, his elves are less than six so far, which can be said to be completely different people from dog Hao

And it is precisely because of this that Jian, when he thinks that Reggie Ace is helpful in exploring the origin of the elf, not only does he not plan to accept it, but he also will not let Gou Hao accept it.

“I just saw him helping Dog Hao, and I thought he was also a helper, but I didn’t expect that in the end, he stopped Dog Hao from taking Reggie Ace.”

“Although this person looks cold, he is actually very kind.”

“Yes, if it weren’t for him, Reggie Ace would have suffered.”

“That boy with Pikachu doesn’t know how to learn more, not only his elf was robbed by the dog, but also constantly aided in the abuse, a person can be stupid to this extent, but also obey him!”

After everyone saw this scene, they also changed their impression of A Jian.

In fact, if you think about it, there is nothing wrong with Jian’s previous approach.

He obviously has only known Dog Hao for a short time, so after seeing Dog Hao being attacked by Reggias, he will take the initiative to fight off Regiace.

This is actually a very normal thing.

After seeing this scene, Reggie Ace even took note of Ajian’s favor

Although it doesn’t know what the other party means by exploring the origin of the elf, if there is anything it can help with, it will not refuse.

But then again, it was obviously a sword that defeated it, why should it thank the other party?

It always felt like something wasn’t quite right.

“That guy is so abominable! Stopped me from taking the elves! ”

“Hmph! I remember this hatred, and I must make him look good in the future! ”

Unlike Reggie Ace, at this time, Gou Hao completely hated A Jian, because A Jian dared to prevent him from subduing the elf, this kind of thing, he absolutely could not forgive the other party.

Unless the other party is willing to give it to him, he definitely wants to make the other party look good

And let them know that he Xiaohao is not easy to mess with!

However, although Gou Hao was saying cruel words, his appearance at this time was extremely unbearable.

Although he escaped from the pursuit of the flock of fierce finches, as a price, he was not only injured, but also the clothes on his body became tattered.

So the place he was going to at this time was nothing else, it was the hospital.

After seeing that the new video had been played, some trainers continued to discuss the battle between Reggie Ace and the Martial Arts Bear Division in the comment section.

And the most striking of them was naturally the words spoken by those dojo trainers, as well as the Heavenly King and the champion.

“I feel that Reggie Ace was restrained too seriously by the Martial Arts Bear Master, and it is actually a normal thing to be knocked out by a blow in such a situation.”

“Unless it is a huge strength advantage, it is difficult for Reggie Ace to win, but judging from the content in the video, Reggie Ace is not as good as the Martial Arts Bear Master in terms of strength.”

It was none other than Ichito Shu Patrol, a dojo trainer of the Martial Fighting Dojo Hall.

And the type of pokemon he specializes in is also a fighting department.

Although the Martial Arts Bear Master is an elf of the fighting department and the evil system, it can be seen at their level that the fighting system is the main attribute of the Martial Arts Bear Master.

And evil is only its secondary attribute.

While this does not affect the skill’s damage bonus, it does affect the skill’s ability to learn.

Moreover, the martial arts bear master’s overly fierce fighting style is obviously not suitable for those trainers who are mainly evil elves.

Therefore, compared to them, these trainers who specialize in martial arts elves should pay more attention to the martial arts bear master…

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