“Is this the true destructive power of the divine beast?”

“Should I change my plans?”

At the same time, Nagato, located in the Land of Rain, couldn’t help but fall into deep thought after seeing the damage caused by the Three Holy Birds.

The reason why Nagato wants to collect tailed beasts can be said to be very simple, that is, to rely on force and deterrence to make the world peaceful.

The reason why he targeted the tailed beast, although it was not ruled out that someone was secretly exerting influence, was mainly because the tailed beast was the strongest weapon of war at that time.

But when he saw the picture of the battle of the three holy birds, he immediately had a different idea.

If you catch those three divine beasts… No, even if you just need to grab one of them, there is a good chance that his purpose will be achieved!

And although Nagato has not known until now, he has actually been used, and there is more than one person.

But he wasn’t really stupid either, so he clearly knew that the tailed beast plan had a great drawback.

That is, the further they get to the back, the greater their resistance will be.

Especially the Eight Tails and the Nine Tails, they are not only powerful in their own right, but also have two powerful ninja villages as their backing, and it is not so easy to catch them.

But the three holy birds are different, although they are extremely powerful in themselves, they do not seem to have other involvement.


“Divine beast, it’s really a wayward creature…”

“Did just a momentary anger cause such great damage?”

Looking at the damage caused by the three holy birds, Zhan Guo also rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

Immediately he remembered the three major generals, in some ways, the three major generals are actually quite similar to the three holy birds, especially the green pheasant and the red dog, their ability is too similar to the frozen bird and the flame bird, that is, the gap in strength is a little big.


Not only did he have such thoughts, but the two of them, the green pheasant and the red dog, obviously had similar ideas.

The first time they saw the three holy birds, they secretly compared them, and then they found… It seems that it is completely inferior to the other party.


The power displayed by the three holy birds naturally not only attracted the covetousness of some careerists in other worlds, but also attracted the attention of many evil organizations in the Pokémon world.

“Do the Three Holy Birds actually possess this level of power?”

“It seems that our future goal should not only be Gurado…”

When Chi Yansong said this, his gaze was firmly locked on the flame bird.

Obviously, the leader of the Fire Rock team has developed a lot of interest in the Flame Bird.

Because in his opinion, the flame bird and the Gurado have many similarities, and many of their research on Gurado should also be applied to the flame bird.

And most importantly, they have a competitor to the water fleet.

If they can capture a flame bird first, they can also use the power of the flame bird to suppress the water fleet, so that their subsequent plans can proceed more smoothly…

“Is this the power of the Three Holy Birds?”

“They look like they’re good choices too…”

At the same time, Shui Wutong, like Red Flame Pine, also had some ideas about the Three Sacred Birds.

However, his target will naturally not be the flame bird, but the frozen bird.

In his opinion, the frozen bird can be a substandard replacement for Gaioka.

Although they have never taken the initiative to look for the traces of frozen birds in the past, in the process of finding Gaioka’s whereabouts, they have actually obtained a lot of information about frozen birds.

So even if the water plane is temporary, the water fleet can immediately circle a few places where frozen birds may appear.

And he hasn’t forgotten that their water fleet and the Fire Rock team are their mortal rivals.

If they can catch a frozen bird, they can overwhelm the Fire Rock team and make future plans more smoothly.

Thinking of this, Shui Wutong immediately began to act.

It’s just that he obviously wouldn’t have thought that Red Flame Pine also had similar thoughts to him…

Not only the Fire Rock Team and the Water Fleet, but also the evil organizations such as the Plasma Team and the Flash Team also had some ideas about the Three Holy Birds.

But among the evil organizations, there are two evil organizations that are slightly different.

“Three holy birds? Interesting~”

One is the Galactic Team, and Akari not only targets the two elves of Diya Luca and Palukia, but also plans to do something to the Three Sacred Mushrooms.

Therefore, after seeing the power of the three holy birds, he directly listed these three divine beasts as his target.

What’s the point of just a divine beast?

He wants it all!

“Is this the true power of the Three Holy Birds?”

“The three holy beasts and the three holy pillars that don’t know their names… What kind of power does it have? ”

It’s just that although Akari is greedy, he is still no better than Sakaki after all.

Sakaki not only set his sights on the Three Saint Birds, but even the Three Saint Beasts and the Three Saint Pillars did not intend to let go.

And in this regard, the Rockets also have a unique advantage.

One is that their main target: Mewtwo, now that their whereabouts are unknown, they already need to find Mewtwo’s whereabouts in various places, so when they find the traces of sacred beasts such as the Three Sacred Birds, they can also take immediate action.

The second is that as the only evil organization that occupies two regions at the same time, Team Rocket’s strength is not only far superior to other evil organizations, but also has the most myths and legends circulating in their sphere of influence.

And most importantly… This video directly tells them that a three-holy bird will definitely haunt, and it is also the place where the three holy birds appear at the same time: Asia Island!

Although Asia is in the Orange Islands, it is also within the sight of Team Rockets.

It’s just that what Sakaki doesn’t know is that if he really dares to take action against the Three Sacred Birds of Asia Island, then the black cauldron on Team Rocket will be completely out of the way.

At that time, he will be greeted by a comprehensive encirclement and suppression by the Elven Alliance.


While the undercurrents are surging within various evil organizations, the video continues to play.

Just as the damage caused by the three holy birds was getting bigger and bigger, the huge sea spout that had appeared once before once again appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

And this time, this waterspout that penetrated the sky directly rushed into the very center of the battlefield!

When this huge waterspout repelled the Three Sacred Birds, it finally dissipated and revealed the huge elf that looked like a large silver bird in it.

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