Chapter 78 The Egg of the Gili Egg!!

Natsuki and Konah walked around inside and looked at the murals inside, which roughly said that a certain tribe worshipped a certain elf as a god.

And also offered a sacrifice, and the sacrifice was an elf egg, as for what kind of elf egg no one knows, and the elf worshiped by the tribe does not know what elf.

Because part of the mural has been destroyed, there is no follow-up, it is as if someone is not talking halfway through speaking, and the Riddler gets out of the elven world!

And when this relic was found, the elf eggs were not found.

Maybe the elf egg hatched long ago, and then ran away on its own, or it may be broken for some reason and disappeared into this world.

After all, when they found this ruin, the scholars of the elven world had speculated that there had been an attack here, not recently, but also a long time ago.

It’s quite a long time ago.

“Hey! This mural is the same as not watching it, the story has a beginning and no end, it’s so annoying! ”

Konah complained.

Konah likes to listen to stories and watch stories, but he doesn’t like stories that have no ending.

What kind of elf the elf that was worshipped was, and what kind of elf egg the egg was, Konah had no way of knowing.

Now Konah seems to be scratched by a cat’s paw, scratching his heart and cheeks.

Hearing this, Xia Shu spread his hands and said, “I don’t like this either, but this mural has been destroyed, and we have no way to know the story behind!” ”

He hates the Riddler, and although the Riddler doesn’t mean it, he still hates it.


“If I know who destroyed the ruins, I must beat him all over the ground to find his teeth!”

Xia Shu joked: “Maybe you can only do it by traveling to ancient times.” ”

I don’t know how many years this relic has existed, and the mural was not recently destroyed, so Kosho’s idea must have been lost in advance.


Just as Konah was about to say something, her stomach suddenly growled, and at this time, her stomach growled, and even the bold and atmospheric Konah was a little embarrassed.

Xia Shu smiled and said, “Let’s go out!” ”

“It’s time for dinner too.”


Natsuki and Konah then left the ruins, but by the time they left, it was already dark outside.

However, they are not going to return to the elven center in the Golden City, because they are going to live in the forest tonight, and then prepare for special training tomorrow morning.

Because Kona didn’t want to lose the Dojo battle in the Gold City.

Kona’s goal is to win the Quartz Conference, and wouldn’t it be humiliating to lose here.

Xia Shu and Konah casually found a clearing in the forest to camp, this place is still a little far from the Golden City, so there are no trainers camping here, it is very quiet.

However, there are still a lot of wild elves around, and at night it is still time for them to come out to feed.

“Eevee, Gili Egg, Kodora, Leaping Fish, come out!”

“Sister Maze Lip, Dumb Beast, Big Tongue Shell, Eevee, come out!”

Xia Shu and Konah both called out the elves in their own Pokeball at the same time.

In the wild, you don’t need to stay in the Poké Ball all the time, you can properly let them come out and let the wind go.

But when the gili egg came out, the other elves gathered around.

Because the former small dot has now evolved into a large one and has become more rounded, these elves are very curious.

The gili egg was surrounded by other elves, and there was no discomfort, but very happy.

“Konah, you get the tent, I’ll cook!”

Natsuki began to take out the cooking tools from his backpack.

His backpack had everything in it, including fresh ingredients.

The space backpack is like a refrigerator, and it can be stored for a long time without worrying about food spoilage.

The space backpack is really a good invention!

At this time, the auspicious egg came over, and he still held two white eggs in his hand.

These two white eggs are not elf eggs, but eggs from auspicious eggs.

This kind of elf will lay several eggs in a day, this egg is the egg in their arms, it is said to be very delicious and very nutritious, after meeting the injured elf, the gili egg will share its eggs with other elves.

However, there were no eggs in the Xiaofu egg period, but Xiaofu egg would find a round stone and then carry it into his arms as his own egg.

But now Gili eggs are no longer needed.

Xia Shu looked at the two eggs in the hands of the auspicious egg and asked, “Is it really possible?” Gili eggs? ”

Natsuki understands what auspicious eggs mean, which is to let them share these eggs.


Gili Egg smiled and nodded.

Hearing this, Xia Shu took the two eggs in the hands of the auspicious egg: “Then we are welcome.” ”

Konah on the side said: “I heard that gili eggs are very delicious, I have never eaten them before. ”

Most of the gili eggs are in the hands of the Joey family, so it is difficult for outsiders to eat the gili eggs.

“We’ll be able to eat it later!”

“Thanks a lot for the eggs!”

Then, Natsuki began to boil water.

High-end ingredients often choose the most simple way of cooking.

The eggs of the auspicious egg need to be boiled, too much seasoning, but will ruin its taste.

Xia Shu knew so well because he had eaten the eggs of the auspicious eggs, and when he was in the elf center of Hualan City, he had eaten the eggs of Miss Joy’s gili eggs, and the taste was so delicious.

Xia Shu no longer knew what words to use, and only ate it to know the taste.

Suck it!

Cona on the side was already a little impatient.

After a while, the water boiled, the egg had begun to boil, and soon the aroma burst out from the egg.

Just by tasting these tastes, everyone couldn’t help but swallow their saliva.

At this time, there were many wild elves around, and their eyes were glued to the eggs in the pot.

But with the auspicious egg and their deterrence, these wild elves did not dare to come over at all.


Xia Shu quickly fished out the eggs of the auspicious eggs, and then peeled the shells.

Xia Shu and Kona ate half of it, and the other elves ate the remaining one and a half and couldn’t cry elves!

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